Chapter 2: The Warlock’s Theft
But while there was celebration outside the palace, within it, all was not well.
Within the dimly lit halls, an unwelcome presence materialized through magic. The security systems didn’t detect magical entry, because no one believed anyone would consider that option. And this false sense of safety would prove disastrous.
The fireworks explosions masked the faint “poof” of a teleport spell near the kingdom’s treasure vault.
The individual had ghost white skin, though he was of the living. His hair was a deep silver gray and almost messy. And his eyes were scarlet, and glowing menacingly.
His long robe was completely black, with sinister designs in crimson and midnight blue. Underneath the robe were ultramarine boots, though very few would see them because of the long robe.
In this intruder’s hand was a staff that was urobilin tan, and in its four “claws” held a Venetian red orb.
“There it is!” the intruder softly whispered. “Within this vault is the stone tablet I seek! That tablet has written on it the Forbidden Ritual, which I, Erebus Tonadi, shall use to become the supreme god of this world!”
Erebus soon raised his staff toward the vault doors, and the Venetian red orb glowed a gentle glow. It was a slightly brighter hue of red, but still dim. The vault’s combination lock valves moved by themselves until the door slowly opened.
The vile fiend stepped in the vault. Piles and bags of gold were about. Gemstones of every color and cut also graced the room. But none of these treasures mattered to Erebus—he was after the stone tablet. In the middle of the vault was what the madman sought. A medium sized tablet, about a cubit in height and three-fourths of a cubit wide, lay atop a pedestal.
“At last!” chuckled Erebus. “It is mine!”
But soon, a passing human guard saw the vault open when it should not have been.
“Who’s in there?!” shouted the guard. He was dressed in a mix of Greek soldier garb and an outfit one might expect in a science fiction action movie. He was then aghast to see Erebus holding the stone tablet, and reached for his stunner.
“You are not authorized to have that stone tablet!” the guard shouted more. But no sooner did he sound the alarm than did Erebus use his teleportation spell to warp out!
The emperor, a human, soon arrived. His skin was a pink-peach, with auburn hair and teal eyes, and his suit was like a modern day royalty with a wreath-like crown made of gold.
“What has happened?!” said the emperor.
“Emperor Constantinus,” replied the guard, “someone with magical means has stolen the stone tablet with the Forbidden Ritual!”
As soon as those words left the guard’s lips and touched his ears, Emperor Constantinus’ face became pale.
“Only one fiend would want that ritual badly,” Emperor Constantinus said. “And that would be the evil warlock, Erebus Tonadi!”
“Erebus Tonadi?!” the guard said.
“Yes,” replied the emperor. “This fiend desires more than anything to make himself into a god, and the Forbidden Ritual is perhaps the one thing that would give such an evil man anything close to that power!”
“We must search for him!” said the guard.
“But where?” asked the emperor. “With his magic, he can appear at any place of his choosing!”
While the Emperor and his guard were conversing, the celebration outside had reached its end.
The people were getting up and preparing to leave for their homes to rest.
Delphinia and Valerius soon got up. The two walked arm in arm and proceeded to Delphinia’s home and healing place.
As the two were about to part for the night, Delphinia said, “Good night, Valerius. I hope we meet again soon.”
Valerius answered, “Sleep well, Delphinia.”
The two kissed one more time before parting ways for the night.
But after the two parted, a figured watched in the shadows.
“That maiden,” he said. “I will need her for the ritual. I’ll take her with me, but I must wait till the time is right for what I need from her.”
Delphinia was again barefoot as she sat near her mirror, preparing to rest for the night, when she heard the door swing wide open.
“Who’s there?!” Delphinia said with a gasp as she got up.
She gasped again in fright when she saw Erebus Tonadi in front of her. She didn’t know his name at the time, but she knew he was a threat. She quickly reached for her dagger, which had a blade of vanilla-colored meteorite glass, and a handle that was colored taupe, save for the goldenrod gem near the base of the blade.
But she would not get a chance to use her weapon, as an orb of magic fired from Erebus’ staff knocked the dagger out of her hand.
“Do not think you can resist me, maiden,” said Erebus. “You will now come with me, Erebus Tonadi. Your compliance is expected, as it is fruitless to resist!”
ToSAM Chapter 2
[u]Tower of Silver Artemis Mountain[/u], Chapter 2. See Chapter 1 for details.
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