Writing Arena SpotLight
- dty by testmacjun22ab
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- Strongest Creature on Earth? by zoombaz
- I wonder, what could be the strongest creature on our home planet.
- This is My Outlet by Knight Metawraith
- Not actually any kind of writing that really belongs here, but I didn't want to put it on my profile. It's far too sad and personal. So what better area for it that a public online art arena, right? :D
- My “Bigfoot” Experience by Mominatryx
- The title says it all… I experienced something, and I’ve been told it was a Sasquatch. Yes, in real life. This is a true story. It still scares me to think about.
- The Dream by Blackmongoose215
- A dream that I had one night that has scared me ever since, and whenever I close my eyes I see them disappear. But fear brings motivation and so I turned my dream into a story. Please excuse the grammar I'm not a literary major.
- Imagination by Athena_68
- The TRUE description of imagination according to my point of veiw.
- my story by cute miley64
- a very cool story about drake bell by me
- Anna by Carnal Cupcake
- I've been working on this for a while, I never planned on sharing it, but I decided I really wanted to anyway. EDIT: xD I put this under non fiction... I hadn't meant to though! oops... my UBER fault...
- The Demon Children by Xx-iShadowCat-xX
- Alexadner and Michelle are two demon children. Two months ago there parents split up and now their mom is dating this new guy.The atuomaticly hate him mostly because his human.Later on they learn to accept him.
- true love by 3rd son of sparda
- ................... a depressing story about true love. and it would come to a supprise that the people im talking about... are my real girlfriend and I.
- Recces Mayhem Entry 2 by Kizume-Chan
- Entry 2: A Feathery Mess! Mari,Nazaret,and Robert found a dead bird(or a dead bird's butt he he lol) on a tree.So what's up with that?
- Money is too important. by chinitaa
- A classroom essay I wrote about how "Money is too important a part of life." Rate and comment, please and thank you.
- Too long for the box. by Phoenix OrDinni
- Contemporary Art Is for the Pretentious. An essay about the origins of abstractness. It's the first draft. I can't open Word documents on my computer, so, I can't get the second. It sucks because this one isn't as good.
- Dear Boy by Oddery - Undead Hologram
- A letter to my future boyfriend/husband. Kind of silly. It was fun to write, though.
- My Essay by Ghost-Rider-Lives
- This is my essay that i did for school i also included the instruction given to write the essay so you wouldn't get confused :) thank you
- 2012 death by SlowSlap
- Many people belive the world will be gone in 2012, listen to some of the facts i got, heard on the news, looked up, AND heard about from my friend's gradma