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Grimm Wrath

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Blood Tears on Porcelain AKA Grimm Wrath

Want a commission done, pm me for information.

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People who Piss me off:

Grim201 - for telling me to change my name
Xinaru - hacking me once
Nate5471 - spamming my thread in 06
Nat is kewl - mule of the above
Jakuro Hatake - everything above and below
Jakuro14 - everything above and below
Jakuro Uchiha - everything above and below
(the above three are the same person)
Panda_miyabi - for being a jerk
Evil sock in a box -ignoring me
Elisabell angel-Enaraged ---Kidding babe!
Kane_Candy101 - stealing art and generally being rude
Pandie Pie - never giving me credit
Taylor likes Pie - told me she'd do some art for me and then ignored me.
Kane149 - talking s**t to my little brother
xXInfectious_curseXx - or something like that, girl I met

People I love:
Grimm Envy
Angorez Daemora << muh luva xD
Hot Fudge Muffin
Mister Mundane << muh SECRET luva... shh!
Elisabell angel-Enaraged -- there ya go <3
Kaze Dread
Empyreal Wolf
Elfly Lady
nikko q
Night Mistress Miyu

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Total Value: 638,100 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Gray Body Dye
#FF0000 Complex Shirt
Faun Legs

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My dysfunctional Morrowind Character, It.
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