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goo goo dolls baby!


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AniArtist's avatar

Last Login: 10/21/2014 9:22 am

Registered: 08/19/2005

Gender: Female

Birthday: 02/26

Occupation: canvas painter/ signe painter/ designer

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yum_puddi yum_strawberry I draws arts for you? yum_strawberry yum_puddi


weeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! ^^

oh and i has sliiiiiiight obsession with this cute little animal with wierd oposable thumbs....tis Pandas ^_^
idk why

oh yeah, almost forgot....I'm a pretty good artist...not to toot my own horn...but i can draws you some Avi art if you want. Pm me and let me know!<3

I'm trying to work on my own manga...but I have so many idea's they flood my mind! D: great stories of love and romance, quarky ideas and fearsome battles, but i just never have enough time to draw them all's quite heart breaking really. but I'm consider a very super secret task that'll be absolutely amazing....I'll tell when the time comes >.<
but yeah, I'm pretty dorky. I love anime and manga, all those books about witches and vampires a ghosts and and and ect ect...... O.O ....I like to read books like that, they fuel my imagination like hairspray to an open flame.
I hope to someday complete my first manga....some day U_U *sigh*

OY! leaves mez a messege

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Beastie Bin Report | 03/01/2012 4:34 pm
Beastie Bin
Hello dearie~
Cups0fTea Report | 12/25/2011 5:14 pm
Thank You For Buying
Cups0fTea Report | 12/25/2011 5:13 pm
Thank You For Buying
-- Peach Tofu -- Report | 09/01/2011 12:29 pm
-- Peach Tofu --
Thank you for buying! And I love your profile!!! I LOVE PANDAS!!
TheUnknownKayla Report | 06/23/2011 9:32 am
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Thank you for buying! heart

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Meconopsis Mustache Report | 06/23/2011 1:02 am
Meconopsis Mustache
thank you for buying!
o u o
jonnamaii Report | 04/22/2011 8:48 pm
thanks for the purchase! 3nodding
btw, cute profile! panda 4laugh
Rowky Report | 09/03/2010 8:26 am
I KNOW!!! > w < Thank you~~~~
KonNee-san Report | 08/29/2010 7:18 pm
Thanks for the buy! whee
Kami of Dreams Report | 08/07/2010 11:14 pm
Kami of Dreams
Thanks for buying I do avi art
KyrosDevil XIII
Fetish Fish



You are your own super hero

...but some people have sidekicks.