What You want to know
Hello friends, I'd like to begin by thanking you for coming onto my page I greatly appreciate the fact that you took the time out of your busy lives to say hello to me or just to even check out my profile. I'm new to the entire Gaia thing so if you'd like to help me out that would be nice of you. I'm not looking for much with this character. I just want one certain look maybe a bit more as more items release. However, I don't have a job so buying things is kind of hard when your low on cash. Anyway I'll post what I want to look like or at least the objects which I want for my avatar.For my regular wear I'd like to have it look like this or at least something close to it...

Total Value: 2,310 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Jenny's Innocent Open-Toe Shoes
White Flow Prom Dress
This is what I'd like to look like when I am just hanging out near a pool...

Total Value: 3,290 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Gorgeous Green Criss Cross Swim Top
Gorgeous Green Criss Cross Swim Bottom
Swimming Goldfish
I might change a bit because I want a different look, if that happens I apologize.
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that's sweet; hanging with your dad on camp grounds singing Beatles songs toasting marshmallows listening to coyotes and crickets with the moon unseen against the cloudless sky holding each other warm.....sorry, a bit too chatty here
i live in the tropics, so i probably wont be hearing any coyotes soon ^_^