Viewing The Angry Hippie's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hello! In hyperbolic heaping of happenstance, I have hastened to hound my haggard friends with a heinous helping of hilarity. I am a healthy and happy histrionic who is held as a *********, huggable Humanist. Honest and heartfelt to my huggable helpmates, I have held myself to holistic standards to honorably highlight hues of myself. Hip and hearty, hokey and hostile, I hectically harass horrible harlequins whom habitually hand harmful hacks to my cohorts. Hellishly huffy and horrendously hopeful, I hazard to say I have hurt your head hurling words so let me simply add that it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me Heather.

Greetings and salutations beautiful people!

If you are stumbling across my page, you've probably met me on some thread in Barton Town and were so impressed by my quick wit and dictionary-like language skills that you simply had to see what kind of person I was! See that? That there was sarcasm.

Ahh, what all is there to say? I was on Gaia before it was cool...and then I took an arrow to the knee. HA! But on a more sane note, I've been here for way too long, and yet I still find myself coming back. smile Good job Gaia, keep it up. Go team.

Personal stuff you say? Well, I'm a fairly boring individual offline; I do that college thing, play some video games, and cosplay all over the place. I am a Nintendo girl, born and raised, though lately I've been trying my hand at some mainstream FPS's like CoDII. I like Dr. Pepper more than any soft drink, I plan on voting libertarian in the next round of elections, and I'm a Neo-Transcendentalist. Yes, I'm sure some of you were wondering, I DID in fact make that top part myself. It took about 5 thesaurus tabs and all of my vocabulary knowledge to come up with all of those words!

I like books, for serious, and I enjoy anime and manga of various sorts. I graduated with the state required minimum in Texas and now I go to UNT in Denton. I eventually plan on graduating with a Major in Communication Studies and a minor in Marketing. Not really sure what I want to do with my life after college, but I like talking so hopefully my degree combined with my big mouth will get me somewhere like public relations or human resources.

If you're interested in the whole cosplay thing, I'm actually in a really awesome group that can be found here > or you can check out my deviantART which is here > !
I guess that's about all there is on that matter, if you have any further questions or feel the inane need to get to know me better, shoot me a PM and I'll either answer you back or delete you for being a total creeper. Ciao!


Viewing 12 of 55 friends


The Angry Hippie's Random Journal of Randomness

What random thing has crossed my mind today...




Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Lost In Rainbows

Report | 12/19/2012 9:45 am

Lost In Rainbows

you stink.... also

Report | 10/06/2012 8:58 pm


Can you draw manga pages? If yes, are you interested in earning Gaia gold for drawing manga pages?
The Lord of Sass

Report | 05/03/2012 9:01 am

The Lord of Sass

I poke thee!

Report | 04/18/2011 7:09 pm


Bunnies?! Yesh :3 Teh bunnies! heart heart heart heart heart heart heart

Report | 04/18/2011 5:34 pm


Your purchase was greatly appreciated! =)

Report | 01/03/2011 10:23 pm


Would you sell me the celestial array for 120k
Fishman the Absolute

Report | 10/05/2010 10:24 pm

Fishman the Absolute

Goddamnit I was hoping you wouldn't notice this.

I'm only here because some friends of mine are making me farm gold for them asking me to hang with them. Nothing more. I'm long done with most of this junk. neutral
Lost In Rainbows

Report | 06/28/2010 3:01 am

Lost In Rainbows

ur comment didnt rhyme!
Lost In Rainbows

Report | 06/17/2010 6:46 pm

Lost In Rainbows

good things come with pears
Lost In Rainbows

Report | 04/05/2010 1:01 am

Lost In Rainbows

its all about about bad timing... i saw ches 45 min highway drive at a mainevent. Any idea he was out that far?
should be your new video

