What's there to know...?
My name's Kimmy (aka `~Miyako~`, Miya, Ko and so on and so on), and I'm back on Gaia after a two in a half year absence.
Yay me! -insert dancing, fireworks, and a bunch of confetti here-
Because it's been so long, like way long, obviously my old Rp's and threads have disappeared *tear*So now I'm looking for new ones, obviously! So send a pm if you're looking for a literate female character. Or a few at any rate, I got quite the collection up my sleeve.
To those of you that knew me, if you’re still around, and if you still remember me..
I’d like to say I’m very much the same as I was those three years ago. For those of you who don’t know me…
Like I said, my name's Kimmy or Kimberly, either or, doesn't matter to me.
I’ve graduated from school, and at twenty-four years of age, find myself still as crazy and as hyper as ever.
All the while married and a mom to boot!
I have difficulty making decisions and I'm constantly looking for input or I‘ll keep changing my mind over and over again.
Once I've decided something though, like actually have decided, I'm done and that’s how the world will go down.
I'm also pretty easy-going, making me someone who is easy to meet people and chat away. But if I'm in a bad mood and you push my buttons, it takes all of one second for me to build up the rage to rip your head off.
Anywhoo, I’m done talking about myself now.
Time to go and do something that’s active - like wander around the house cleaning!
Toodle de doo doo doodlez!

wanting to leave love...
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