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RevelousMorningStoner's avatar

Registered: 12/20/2008

Birthday: 01/13

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So it's like this: I came, I saw, I kicked some a** (or got my a** kicked, I don't remember). Along the way there've been ups and downs, good friends and those I'd like to forget. At the end of the day I'm just me. I can't say you'll like me or not. You might...And that's kinda cool. I tend to keep to myself and am not as out going as I may seem in person. I tend to spend most of my time with my hands in dirt, running, a glass of straight whiskey, or with music. Music is nice. As loud as possible, at all times. I usually have it on 24/7; when I'm on the phone, showering, brushing my teeth or staring at the wall. Because you know, staring at the wall is fun s**t. I love the arts, photography, architecture, Politics (U.S. and World), business strategy, and well stuff... . I like to think and talk....But not at the same time. I usually use humor to my advantage (sometimes as a defense and other times just for fun) and tend to be objective when dealing with people. I usually end up giving them the benefit of the doubt. For those of you not interested in the above .... ....I'm trying to think of something clever to say and it just isn't working....Well, pull me aside anyway. I'm something. And yes, I am absolutely full of myself. sweatdrop

jam without the jelly


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Purplesnoopy Report | 05/18/2012 9:44 pm
I'm not sure if i ever replied to this... someone came up with a horoscope based on the stars you could see in Fishing. Your sign's based on a number figured from your joining date.
4NAL PR1NC3 Report | 09/28/2009 9:38 pm
Ty so much for your donation ^^
AlmightyBlueCrayon Report | 09/11/2009 3:01 pm
Yeah, I bet she does. xD

All's well, I suppose. So, how long ago did you move down to Texas?
AlmightyBlueCrayon Report | 09/11/2009 2:45 pm
You named your female dog, Chuck? Poor dog. xD
AlmightyBlueCrayon Report | 09/11/2009 2:30 pm
How goes it?
AlmightyBlueCrayon Report | 09/11/2009 10:40 am
Hello! *wave*
Replay Button Report | 09/08/2009 10:25 am
Replay Button
hi i love ur aquarium
Miss Magnum Opus Report | 09/02/2009 10:51 pm
Miss Magnum Opus
yeah i was thinking the same thing, my internet is being dumb and its beddy-by time lol... off to shower and sleep biggrin

nice to meet you wifey lol ^.^

have a nice night!
Miss Magnum Opus Report | 09/02/2009 10:47 pm
Miss Magnum Opus
oh! nice! you must be in... colorado? lol somewhere in the middle of the country .. hehe i think?
Miss Magnum Opus Report | 09/02/2009 10:40 pm
Miss Magnum Opus
lol its 10:39pm right now. i cant sleep..
you should look up the band Private Line, you might like them. the song 1-800-out-of-nowhere is their most popular song i think lol ^.^ anything on their 21st Century Pirates album is AMAZING biggrin


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I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.[/color:d0d9eea83f][/align:d0d9eea83f]


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