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Queen Mother of the West

Queen Mother of the West's avatar

Registered: 11/18/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/15


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Well, good denizens of Gaia, it certainly has been a while. For those of you who don't know, I'm Demitra. I haven't been active for a few years now, but I'm going to give this thing another go, by God!

I'm currently in college working on my BS in Music Education with a focus on choral directing and classical vocal performance. I also enjoy drawing, writing, reading, and roleplaying yup yup. My dA is novascottch, so go look me up smile

♦Daydreaming... or just spacing out. A good mixture of both, I guess.

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User ImagePeople who know how to speak and type correctly bt refse 2 do it rite or use complt sentanses>
^^^^^ that was actually incredibly difficult for me xD

Ah! I finally have a Dream Avatar that I like enough to stick with. Meaning I actually know exactly what I want instead of saying "Oh, well that looks neat" and throwing random stuff I like togther.

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Total Value: 705,995 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
À la Fondue
Victoribelle Bastille Black Lace Fan
Orange And Yellow Bar Earrings
Heavenly Awesome
Mizuchi's Jewel 4th Gen
String Ensemble
Red Green Dragon Torso Tattoo
Red Green Dragon Bottom Tattoo
Sea Slug Flower
Black Peony Sweet Qipao
Ornate Yellow Blossom Hairpin
Gold Ornamental Chopsticks

So close! I just need three more items! But they make for a total of about 550k. I think I'm gonna be sick O_o


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Fornever Yours...

Just random stuff. Poems, rants, art. Who knows? No, really, who knows, because I certainly don't :/


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BloodMoonPrincess Report | 02/18/2012 4:45 pm
cool avi lol
AstroFemme Report | 11/02/2010 2:04 pm
Hey sis, hope you had a fun Halloween. I just wanted to let you know if you ever come to California, my house is always open to you.
EtchedSpirit Report | 02/04/2010 1:35 pm
Ha ha. Nice.
EtchedSpirit Report | 02/04/2010 1:09 pm
oAo So cool! You got an autograph! and yes....I love RED OwO I've been listening to them ever since they came out with their first album 8D
EtchedSpirit Report | 01/29/2010 10:39 am
Christiaro Report | 01/21/2010 6:30 pm
Chorus events are so much fun for meeting new people! I went on one last November with a group from my school and we have all sorts of inside jokes from it that we remind each other of to bring smiles. And the music you get to learn with a new director and see how fail yours actually is, quite the great experience. Not to mention all the kids from around the area you meet and sing and work with, there are a ton of talented people out there, though I shouldn't be surprised.
On Hulu I watch Heroes on a regular basis, and I watched this show called Spaced for awhile on there too, it's a British comedy with that guy who is in Shaun of the dead, quite good, but that was awhile ago. Hulu is great!... when you have free time. And I'm sorry to hear you had a big project over your weekend, at least you had some fun with the choir thing, eh?
Christiaro Report | 01/16/2010 5:35 pm
Yeah, everyone finds somebody they really enjoy being around eventually, it's something nice when it finally happens, things in the world just start to click into place. But I can see why it would be difficult to do such in a small town, with time you'll be in college where there'll be plenty of guys out there for you to have your pick to find the best one in the sea. Also, Glee is on Fox on Wednesdays I think, but I watch it on because I don't have time to watch tv when things come on, I always have to wait until weekends to have some free time to do such. But it's a neat little show, something fun to watch and compare to actual high school life. Even though you dislike the horrid teacher at your school at least you guys did well even without his help, I wish I could say the same for my school, I doubt we'll get past districts for our contests, but such is life. And you're doing something fun in your theatre class, that's great! Always lovely to hear when someone is performing in something that they absolutely adore. The winter musical this year is Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat at my school, and it's not the best musical but it's a ton of fun to be in because of the people who are in it. So I guess you're probably having a jolly good time in your class having fun with friends and your quadrangles and being a part of something that you truly enjoy.
Christiaro Report | 01/10/2010 2:31 pm
I, too, have been growing up through my senior year. I finally decided that I was going to go out and be part of many clubs and changing my school for the better. Part of this meant that I'd finally grow out and find someone to spend much of my time with which meant abandoning many of my online things that I did, which is completely fine. She's great, I spend so much time talking with her and such, I'm glad I decided to try to grow up this year. I've also found that people like me more when I'm being more outgoing and kind and not hiding in my shell, it's a good feeling, but you already know that. I'm in the musical again this year, and I have a speaking role for once, which makes me quite pleased. I got a few leadership roles earlier in the year in band and our glee club which was nice, it gave me a chance to expand my horizons and talk to people, and to show my abilities. Chinese is still pretty difficult this year, but it isn't too bad, we're not working at such a rapid pace as last year, but I might just be finally getting into the swing of learning the language which is a definite plus. This year is also very science filled with me, as half of every day of this year being devoted to science courses, all with the same teacher too. Also, it's not that great knowing exactly what you want to do, it can cause some dread knowing exactly who you're up against and what you're going to learn creating a nice staggering amounts of fear for the future. So, did you get into the Glee craze? I gotta ask because it's my new favorite show this year.
Christiaro Report | 01/09/2010 7:49 pm
Well, presently I'm pretty much in between the University of Cincinnati and the Ohio State University as both have strong engineering programs and would like to give me some money in the realm of scholarships. Also they're a bit close to home so I can see some people that I know from time to time as well as both having quite a few of my friends, which would be nice. At the present I'm going to go through the process to figure out which is more feasible to go to for four to six years before heading off into the next stage of life. Either one would be a good choice for me I think but I won't really know until the time comes which will be the final one. So, are you enjoying your senior year, is it everything you had hoped it would be?
Christiaro Report | 01/09/2010 6:03 pm
I'm quite well, quite well, how have you been? Do you know where you're going for College and such? It's a big decision this time of year...


Mean people are a lot less scary after you
poke them in the eye : D


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