_Hey_Whats up people. i'm so bored that i have nothing to do. My friends and i are talking but i mean there is only so much to talk about with people you know. I know you know what I'm talking about.
Well if you wanna talk to me I'm all ears maybe not but i do have two. lol
lame joke its ok.
If you don't like me call 1-800-upyours i'm sure they won't like you either lol have fun lol bye
My friends kitty i luv him he is sooo cute

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1. If you can never find that perfect backround/layout try these sites : www.gaiacentral.com , www.skem9.com
2. It also helps to profile browse,look at other people's profiles to help get an Ideia for your own. ^_^
3. Try to stick with a theme. (i.e. Music,picture,etc...)
4. When creating your profile try expressing yourself. Show who you really are. It's also a great way to meet new people ^_^