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TiasRain's avatar

Gender: Female

Birthday: 09/12


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Hey! I'm Katie, I'm a person, just like you. I love my friends, have a love/hate relationship with my dad and my brother. I love to sing and ride horses. I'm an insane tree hugging cowgirl. I run track too, but i'm not too great... yet. I have two different personalities, I can be really hyper or really thoughtful and deep. I am a walking jigsaw puzzle, good luck : )


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My Life Read it and Snore

Uh.... my journal, the rest is just common sense.


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da_poisonous Report | 10/02/2010 12:26 pm
thanks for purchasing! :]
Music of Insanity Report | 09/12/2009 3:22 pm
Music of Insanity
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you!
Happy birthday dear Katie,
Happy birthday to you!!
AtomicSlurpeeGiggleStomps Report | 06/03/2009 8:56 pm
whats up?
Lady Loco Report | 05/30/2009 7:58 am
Lady Loco
hayy girlfrannnn! lol. my cousin sent me an IM like that. speaking of IM, LOG ON! plz....
Music of Insanity Report | 05/24/2009 12:53 pm
Music of Insanity
yeah, i want school to be over, too. my school system sucks! not only do we have to go to school tomorrow (make-up for a snow day), but we also start exams this week! WE HAVE TWO WHOLE WEEKS OF EXAMS! gonk But the good part of that is that we get out early, we get to go home at the time when we usually have lunch! Half-days always make it at least a BIT more bearable... my mom will still have to work whole days, so I'll probably just have my own private movie-fest!
Music of Insanity Report | 05/24/2009 12:31 pm
Music of Insanity
hehe my avi has been having a hair crisis lately, and as soon as it ended, the Prom came up, so I had to change it AGAIN! sweatdrop
[with over-emphasised pronunciation:] So what is up homie? Anything cracking in the hood?
Music of Insanity Report | 05/24/2009 12:27 pm
Music of Insanity
Hi! (Like my hair? xd )
Are you gonna do the Gaia prom? If so, do you have your avi together yet?? (Sorry but i just LOVE seeing everyone's prom avis!)
Also, how are you today?! I'm doing pretty well myself, i get to dogsit this adorable little sheltie at my house all week!
Lady Loco Report | 05/15/2009 5:11 pm
Lady Loco
Lady Loco Report | 05/15/2009 5:08 pm
Lady Loco
i noticed. my dad and i are going out for italiano! (my mom is on the rag and not wanting to move.)
Lady Loco Report | 05/15/2009 5:00 pm
Lady Loco
emily from my foods class is crazy.


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