its about me,my dreams,stuff happening, my life,
Heyy ppl sup? I luv to make friends so if u wanna b my friend add me!!! bye bye ciao
I'm 13yrs old and i love to have fun! my fave chocolate is snickers! and the grls nxt to me r 2 of my bffs they r the bst~~~~!!
LoVe mE oR HaTe mE I PrOmIsE iT WoN't BrEaK mE! Wherever you are, wherever you be you'll always be more than just a memory!
I luv to hang out wid my friends n to go to the beach n cinemas! my faveorite colors r blue,green,orange, and black.i hav gr8 bffs n gr8 friends who r there for me till the end~ i hav 3 bros n 1 sis. my fave numbers r 7 and 12! i like to play soccer,play the flute,paint,sing and dance i luv luv luv to joke around n hav fun n make ppl smile~ i luv animals i hope to get a dog n name it snickers! lol ummm my faveorite ice cream is hmm umm all kinds lol! im not a girly girl im a tom boi. Ppl just call me lily or maj i will like to no bout u so inforom me! he he well i hav weird dreams an ok life (Not the best lol).But so far im so good. I don't hav a bf n im straight. my eyes r an icy blue color wid tan skin n blue hair ( yes i dyed my hair lol) wid a lil black in it. yes im crazy i luv to act weird n I am who i am ur apporval isn't needed (just to let sum ppl no if they wanna insult me or anythin) well i hope u like my profile n we bcom friends! BYeeee! ttyl
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ur like me now biggrin