Welcome to my profile

Total Value: 9,907,019 Gold
After Exclusions: 5,200,000 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Djinn Baharat
Devilish Dancer
Halloween 2k12 Medium Vampire Potion
Warden of Hell
SDPlus #337 Lachessis the Snake Spirit
Golden Fleece
Charismatic Dancer
Nihon Shoki
Reve Rouille

Follower of Jack (Eyes)
The Gourmet (Hidden Face)
Ravenwood Manor 2nd Gen. (Decaying Into Dust)
High Priestess of Night (Veiled Diadem)
Antipathy 2nd Gen. (Prisoner's Body)
HoC: Gray Mage (Sleeves)
Twisting Dusk (Forked Tongue)
Antique Shop: Alchemized (Clock Lantern)

Halloween 2k12 Light Vampire Potion
Erlking Ears Type Vampire
Custom Cut (Model's Long Hair)
Vampire Sound (pants)
Metal's Last Hope
Malice Punk (Ripped Jumper)
Beat Gear
Scott Pilgrim: Roxie Richter (Fishnets and Spikes)
Adventure Time Style (marceline rage)
Heartbreaker (Love Guitar (Back Mount))
Firewolf Pup

Human F Potion
Queen of Death (Regal Hair)
Little Lucie (Silk Bloomers)
Heart VS Mind (Psyche's Butterfly Cloak)
Daydream Catcher (earrings)
In Silence I Kill
Zodiacal (Virgo Rose Dress)
Rose Mechanic
Rosa Decora (Right Arm Tattoo)
Rosa Decora (Chest Tattoo)
Rosa Decora (Thigh Tattoo)
Silkrose Stroll
Wendy's Love (Caring Eyes)
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Me? Eh... idk... keep my car running and maybe make progress on figuring out what I want to do with my life.
Aww there so cute! cat_4laugh
You throw a big party?