Viewing DuanexthexGrunny's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


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My name issa Duane

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User Image Imma Grunny, Imma kyoots, 'nuff said der User Image
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My peoples talks, is not so good.... but I can still talks people talks!
I ish a Canadian grunny, albertan, like da wolverine x-man persons.
I like to eats.... eats da butter fly-flies, and da dwagon fly-flies and those beetleses.. and the pizzas and sushis too.
I like dat pwetty lady who sing goods, her name Tarja, and dat other pwetty lady who sing goods too, her name Amy Lee, they both pwetty ladies who sing goods!
I likes mah darkling... she makes he happy grunny. So I be her happy grunny. We good fwends.
I Likes da inks.... I likes da flowahs.... an I likes da trashs. You not likes dem, you gives dem to mees, and I likes you.

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Viewing 1 of 1 comments.

aqua la dragon

Report | 08/06/2008 5:40 pm

aqua la dragon

awesome picture of the grunny!


Imma Grunny, Imma Kyoots, 'Nuff said
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