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I am a VAMPIRE!!!!!
Take my Twilight books and I will cheerfully kill you.

Bella and Edward Forever!!!

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for ME???!!!! how nice!!!!!

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kimrrae grimmalkin Report | 09/01/2009 3:24 pm
kimrrae grimmalkin
haha ty. and lol. im good at remembering useless facts.
kimrrae grimmalkin Report | 09/01/2009 3:21 pm
kimrrae grimmalkin
lol will be asleep then. maybe send me a pm though? i will answer it when i come back online in the morning.
kimrrae grimmalkin Report | 09/01/2009 3:18 pm
kimrrae grimmalkin
ummmm. i think its the one after dunno thought. could be wrong. ummmmm daughters of darkness or something. the one where ash falls in love with a human called mary-lynette and theres a werewolf in it too. what are the sisters names again? ummmm jade, kestrel and ....forgotten the other one lol. think it might be rowan XD
kimrrae grimmalkin Report | 09/01/2009 3:11 pm
kimrrae grimmalkin
lol is np. and her name is poppy.
i remembered because there is alot of names of flowers in them books because of the whole nightworld black flower symbols.
kimrrae grimmalkin Report | 09/01/2009 3:02 pm
kimrrae grimmalkin
awsome. which one is your favourite?
kimrrae grimmalkin Report | 09/01/2009 2:56 pm
kimrrae grimmalkin
which ones have you read?
kimrrae grimmalkin Report | 09/01/2009 2:50 pm
kimrrae grimmalkin
same. -_-
its not as good as i thought it would be.
the other books are amazing though.
i prefer the night world books to the twilight ones though.
although the twilight film is amazing. i love the music on it.
kimrrae grimmalkin Report | 09/01/2009 2:44 pm
kimrrae grimmalkin
thanx for buying. love the profile. twilight rules! read book number 5?
kyleDJ018 Report | 08/03/2008 6:27 pm
kyleDJ018 Report | 07/29/2008 9:11 pm
try this send this comment to at least 10 people. then press f5 and u will get 10,000 gold

I punish

I punish's avatar

Last Login: 03/08/2010 9:24 pm

Gender: Female

Location: my own world

Occupation: best friend

I get hurt and get revenge...

I LOVE VAMPIRES!!!!!! If you dont know that about me, you dont know me very well. I am reading the Twilight series over and over again and am counting down the days until the fourth one comes out in August.The movie will also be Awsome although they are going to ruin it. The books are ALWAYS better but whatever.....
I am always willing to help and can usually listen really well.My friends all say that I'm really sweet and nice and can make anyone smile or laugh if they are down but I'm not sure I believe them.
Anyway.....I love fun and have a quiet but spunky personality.I'm always doing something with my friends.Um.... thats pretty much me!!!!!!


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im going to rite watever pops to my head



love is...

love is an adventure to explore.
love is a house with an open door.
love is eyes to see new things.
love is mystery with what it brings.
love is the music instruments play.
love is the power to turn night into day.
love is beauty we are meant to see.
love is belief in what we can't see.
love is the kindness you see in a friend.
love is a glory that will never end.

DEATH to those who betray me!

Take what you can.....Give nothing back!!!