My very first official RP with Ani-Chan!! heart blaugh (She helped me with Sasori's evilness though... THANKS ANI!! heart ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mana-Oni-Chan NeNe- Nyah-Chan Deidara- Oni-Chan Sasori- Nyah-Chan Itachi- Oni-Chan Kisame- Nyah-Chan
Setting- Our story starts with Mana and her best friend Nene in a town where they are tracking their targets.
NeNe: That’s the b*****d that took our money. Mana: Well let’s go in there and kill that freakin’ b*****d. So here’s the plan… We go in there and- Hey! NeNe? Where did you go? NeNe: `puts hands on hips` I’m over here. What’s wrong with your eyesight?? Mana: You know what’s wrong you stupid headed jerk. NeNe: E-heh-heh `eyes are ^^` Mana: Let’s just go get out money back. Now go in there and return in ten seconds flat. Don’t make me wait. NeNe: E-heh-heh :3 Mana: why are you waiting?! NeNe: Because I can. ~Pulls down eyelid and sticks out tounge. She disappears in a flicker of wind and reappears instantly~ Mana: Good. Now let’s go actually kill him. ~Sighs~ NeNe: After we find out who’s watching us ~turns around with hands on hips and a glare that could burn skin~ Deidara: Sasori-danna they knew we were watching us, un. Sasori: dammit… Mana: Are they stupid? Or just incredibly stupid? NeNe: Both!! X3 Deidara: I’m not stupid! And neither is Sasori-danna, un! Sasori: ~glares~ Mana: God. You guys are dense. Anyways let’s go NeNe. They won’t bother us. At least not now. NeNe: ~Pulls invisible string and the house blew up, in result, a man flew out~ Mana: ~Throws 4 throwing stars at the man and they stab his heart but don’t kill him instantly.~ Looks like you missed some of the money NeNe. ~Walks over to the man who is lying on the ground~ NeNe: I did? ~walks over~ aww, Mana, you threw some and didn’t make an instant kill. How could you? Painful deaths must hurt!! Mana: Hand over the money and I might not kill you. Man: It’s in my pocket! Mana: ~Get’s the money~ Thank you! ~Stabs him in the heart with a shuriken which kills him~ Deidara: Wow…. NeNe: Shoulda’ killed ‘im earlier. I could’ve but you know I can’t. Mana: ~turns to Sasori and Deidara.~ Now what do we owe the pleasure of these two Akatsuki members? Hmmm? Sasori: We only came to retrieve some of the money that that man stole from us. He was our target too. Now that he’s dead, we would like our money back. ~holds out hand~ Mana: Sorry but if you want it you have to take it. ~Puts money in a pouch hanging down from her neck and ending at her chest. She starts to smirk~ Sasori: That’s unfair play. ~glares~ We’re no perverts. Mana: That’s the point. Now if you don’t try to get this is about 1 minute we will be leaving. NeNe: They probably aren’t like Orochimaru. ~puts hand over heart and winces at a memory~ Mana: ~Whacks NeNe over the head.~ We leave the past behind us. 40 more seconds boys. Deidara: I’ll do it! NeNe: ~ puts hand over mouth with sleeve~ Sasori: Oh no you won’t. ~whacks his retarded partner~ Mana: Well we’ll be leaving! Next time don’t be shy. You are all perverts from that Uchiha Itachi to You Sasori of the red sand. NeNe: ~mouth gaping~ are you saying that you want them to— Mana: No! I’m saying that they act like a bunch of girls who don’t like to touch others goods. NeNe: ~crosses arms over chest and pouts~ Well I wouldn’t want to have my goods touched!! Deidara: They fight like two sisters… NeNe: ~ flickers over to Deidara and pulls his hair then flickers back to her position an instant later~ Deidara: ~looks back but no one is there~ Sasori-danna their messing with my head, un! Sasori: Not like it would affect you or your “brain” Mana: ~laughs a bit~ Her too. Anyways I wasn’t really going to keep the money. Here! ~Tosses the bag to Sasori~ We don’t need it anyways. NeNe: Hey, that was my new shirt money!! Sasori: That must have been an expensive shirt. Whatever, thanks, I’ll be sure to buy a nice new brain for Deidara. Anyways, if I see you again, I’ll be sure to pay you back. Mana: That’s kind of you. Well we shall see you soon then. ~Starts pulling NeNe away.~ NeNe: Buh-Bye! :3 ~flickers away from Mana and pulls deidara’s hair again just to flicker back into Mana’s grasp~ Deidara: See! She is messing with my head~ {but she is kinda cute} Sasori: dang, she’s so .. so.. EVIL!! Deidara: Well so are we… Sasori: SHADDUP!! Deidara: Yes Sasori-danna. Un. Sasori: don’t interrupt my concentration of thought. Mana: Could you two talk any LOUDER!!!!? NeNe: I CAN!!!! X3 Mana: Was I talking to you? No.. NeNe: I thought you were…. Hey, who are those guys who have been hiding in the bushes over there and thinking that they weren’t being noticed?? Deidara: Why are Itachi and Kisame here, un? NeNe: ~flickers over to Itachi and Kisame and ends up standing on their heads~ Whoops, a little too presice… Itachi: ~Cuts to the chase.~ Our leader told us to retrieve you two. He said you would make fine Akatsuki member. NeNe: ~bends head over while still standing on their heads~ Really?~ :3 Itachi: ~sighs~ Unfortunately yes. NeNe: Cool!! ~jumps up and down on their heads in joy, … or maybe revenge~ Mana: I knew it. Anyways let’s hurry up. It’s getting late and I’m tired. Itachi: Fine. ~knocks NeNe off of his head and starts walking away.~ Deidara: ~follows him~ Mana: ~sighs and follows~ NeNe: cool, are we being kidnapped??!! Kisame: NO!! Sasori: I regret this. A lot. Mana: I do too… NeNe: I DON’T!! X3 Deidara: Hey NeNe! Want to Fly, un?! Mana: Oh great…She’s going to be screaming bloody murder by the time this day has ended. Sasori: ~whispers~ why? Is she mentally retarded or something?? Mana: Well she is mentally retarded but she is also afraid of heights. Deidara: Come on! It’ll be fun! NeNe: ~has been standing behind Mana~ What did you say? ~glares with the evil eye that makes people pass out. I’m not joking.~ Deidara: ~Grabs NeNe by the wrist and hauls her up onto a bird.~ NeNe: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! ~ trembles and shrinks into little ball. By the way, she yelled so loud that the people from down the street woke up and wondered if they had missed a disco party or somethin’~ Mana: Great…We better run…Now…Oh and do you mind holding this for me, puppet master? ~Holds out a leather pouch with weapons in it~ Sasori: Why does it jingle and why do I have to hold it?? Mana: Because there are bells in it and I don’t want to hold it. Itachi: Would you two hurry up?! Deidara’s practically at the base by now. ~zooms in on NeNe and Deidara~ NeNe: ~is holding tight onto Deidara and trying to not look down~ Deidara: I never knew you liked me that much from just one meeting. NeNe: ~backs off a little bit from Deidara~ You are just as bad as him!! Deidara: Who? NeNe: Who cares, what I’m saying is that you’re STUPID and PERVERTED. Deidara: You don’t have to be so mean! NeNe: ~gives the evil eye~ Deidara: ~cowers a bit~ ~goes back to the other 4~ Mana: Where are we going again? I’m tired and bored and want to eat something…something like fish… Kisame: ~gulp~ Mana: Not huge finsh like you, sharkey. Itachi: ~sighs~ We are almost there. I swear if you weren’t so much like an eagle you wouldn’t be so hungry for fish. Mana: ~glares at him~ Kisame: I don’t know what you’re talking about and don’t want to know. Sasori: You never listen anyways, you always mess up everything, really. Mana: I can tell. Is this it? ~comes to a hole in a rock wall.~ Kisame: It’s got a hot spring ~does a smirk and looks at Mana~ Sasori: ~jabs little shuriken into Kisame~ Kisame: ~falls~ OMG! IT’S GOT POISON!! Sasori: Wimp. NeNe: ~stands there with O_O eyes and messed up hair~ … HE TRIED TO KILL ME!! HE DID NO JOKE!! HE TRIED TO KILL ME ! KILL ME, KILL ME, KILL ME!!!!!!! Mana: SHUT THE HECK UP!!!!! Deidara: I didn’t try to kill her,un…. NeNe: SAVE ME GRANDPA!!!! Mana: -.- My god she’s stupid… Itachi: Just get in the freaking cave. NeNe: ~passes out~ How could you, grandpa..?? ~falls on Deidara~ Deidara: She passed out…un. Sasori: How likely, we should have ditched her, but then I figured Mana wouldn’t come, turns out, it’s the exact opposite. Mana: Why would you even care if I came or not? Sasori: I have my sources. Don’t act like nobody else but you and NeNe know. Mana:Whatever. I have no clue what you are talking about. Sasori: ~leans over and whispers in ear~ what about your…. Mark?? Mana: ~stutters~ T-Than where is it? Sasori: …. Mana: I knew it. You know nothing about me. Sasori: I know more than you think. {heh, stupid people who want money will say anything} Mana: Than tell me a bit about myself. I have all night, Sasori. Sasori: Would you like me to shout it out loud eh?? NeNe: ~screams in sleep~ It’s a demon!! AAUUGGHH!! Mana: ~kicks NeNe~ And no don’t shout anything. Anyways I’m taking her to the damn hotsprings. ~drags NeNe off to the hotsprings~ NeNe: ~says in sleep~ Why thank you grandpa, I would like some tea. Mana: My god…Shut up already! Deidara: they’re weird, un. Sasori: They might be the ultimate bait. Deidara: For what? Sasori: You’ll see soon enough Deidara-chan. Deidara: I’m not a girl! Sasori: Oh, you’re not? ~rolls eyes sarcastically~ ~With Mana and NeNe~ Mana: you can stop faking now NeNe. NeNe: Yeah, that was fun, except you know I actually do tend to pass out often. Sorry I faked, I just didn’t feel like talking to total strangers ~sinks in the spring and makes bubbles by blowing air through her mouth~ Deidara: We brought you girls clean towels. ~Stops and stares at Mana’s bite mark at her heart.~ ((Ok, their wearing a towel under the water, I mean, if the guys are giving them towels and, well, it's a household full of guys...)) NeNe: ~jumps up and points a suspecting finger at Deidara and Sasori ~ YOU…. ~looks at her own mark~ oh god… ~falls back onto a rock on the side, half out of the water~ Sasori: ~smirks~ I knew it. Deidara: Knew what, un? Mana: You little brat! How did you find out anyways? Sasori: One, I’m 20 years older than you. 2, I have my sources. Mana: ~slides down~ Sources of what sort? NeNe: ~Still passed out (not faking) and yells~ Mana, I told you you couldn’t control your power as your demon!! >_< ~falls completely out of water on the rock~ Mana: Can I kill myself now? Sasori: ~smirking~ {bullseye} No, your’e my tool of the akatasuki group now. Mana: Your tool? What makes me your tool? Sasori: I know much more than you think, I have great wisdom, I know the aura of a demon when I sense one. Mana: ~winces~ Well this demon is not yours to control. ~get’s out of hot spring and walks away while grabbing a dry towel from Deidara’s hand and pushes past Sasori madly.~((She has a towel people!)) Sasori: …she’d be perfect while destroying a town, all you have to do is evoke the evil spirit out, but with what… ??? ~With Mana~ Mana: God! Who the hell does he think he is?((she is fully dressed now and in a forest)) ~zooms in to see Sasori and Deidara looking at each other confused, then leaving poor passed out NeNe~ NeNe: guh…. Orochimaru you PERVERT!! ~falls back again, farther on the land~ Sasori: ~turns back and motions for Deidara to stay~ Wait, what?? ~walks over towards NeNe~ Deidara: What do they have to do with Orochimaru, un? Sasori: Dunno’. ~With Mana~ Mana: ~whispers~ Is someone watching me? Kisame: ~hiding behind a bush~ heh heh… Sasori: ~walks out to find Mana and finds himself stepping on Kisame~ What the – Kisame, get a life. Kisame: Well, I see you got one all right, followin’ your lover girl, Sasori: ~blushes a little, not noticeable though~ She is nothing close to a lover, she is a tool Kisame you peeping tom. Mana: …Would you two just leave me alone?! Sasori: We can’t until we find your weakness. Mana: And why is that? Sasori: ~looks at the place where her mark would’ve been~ I have my reasons. ~goes back to NeNe and Deidara ~ Deidara: ~looks at NeNe confused~ NeNe: ~disappears using her powers while she is passed out. Don’t ask me why, ‘cause I don’t know.~ ~goes back to Sasori, Kisame and Mana, everyone is quiet~ NeNe: ~Appears out of nowhere on the forest floor still passed out with 0_0 eyes~ Mana: N-NeNe? ~steps infront of her~ NeNe: ~eyes are crossed coming into vision~ … ? ~sits up quick and covers self~ Mana: NeNe god your so stupid sometimes. ~puts her jacket over her best friend.~ NeNe: …. ~looks down and blushes~ sorry. Sasori: ~Sensing the worry in Mana’s voice~ You’re easy to tell. You shouldn’t talk tough if you are easy to figure out. ~he walks away with his hand waving~ Thank you NeNe, Mana. ~glances back and smirks waving Kisame back~ Mana: Sasori you b*****d! Come back and explain yourself!! ~Sasori and Kisame leave, plotting mysteriously~ Mana: ~says to her friend: We have to get away from here NeNe. NeNe: I need my clothes first… right?? >_< I’m going to find them! ~she flickers away before Mana could argue about it~ ~zooms in on Sasori and Deidara ~ Deidara: why are we taking her clothes again? NeNe: ~twitch twitch, she stands only in her towel and Mana’s jacket~ You’re taking them? ~She said, close to tears.~ Deidara: uhhhhhh…Sasori-danna she’s here,un. Sasori: perfect. NeNe: ~backs up~ wait… what? Sasori: ~walks towards NeNe~ NeNe: ~backing up more~ No! Mana!! My CLOTHES!! I WANT THEM BACK!!NOW! ~her eyes were literally flaming by now~ Deidara: Sasori-danna? What are you doing? Your not going to hurt her are you, un? Sasori: Can’t you see? She’s the key! To the whole thing!! NeNe: ~glaring~ key? What key? I don’t see no freakin’ ridges!! Deidara: Sasori-danna! You can’t mean that she’s what keeps Mana’s demon inside of her,un… Sasori: Can’t believe you actually figured that out. ~throws a biscuit (why does he have a biscuit? ) that hits Deidara’s head~ Deidara: Ohh a biscuit! ~runs after it but falls and trips over the clothes he was holding~ Sasori: {how are we going to kidnap the transporting devil?}’ Deidara: Hey Sasor-danna! Let’s go flying when we leave! NeNe: ~starts to flicker a little bit.~ Sasori: ~throws strings at NeNe~ NeNe: ~flickers, but strings yank her back, leaving her sprawled on the floor in pain~ Sasori: Hah, you’re not that tough are you? ~tugs the strings~ NeNe: ~inches forward with the tug a little bit~ augh… Deidara: ~Walks over to NeNe and moves a bit of her hair.~ Uhhh…Sasori-danna sh-she... Sasori: Hurry up and tell me! Deidara: She has ears, un! Sasori: what? Ears? Duh, tug at your own who cares? Deidara: Not human ears! Animals ears, un! Sasori: What a freak. The kind of ears ? We might be able to track where she came from. Deidara: Sure… Sasori: You don’t know do you? Deidara: Uh….They are orange with black stripes…so…un. Sasori: ~slaps his own face with his hand~ tiger then I take it? Deidara: Yeah! A tiger, un! Sasori: ~walks over to NeNe and grabs her by the neck, taking a look at the tiger ears~ NeNe: ugh… Mana: ~runs in panting and stops when she see’s Sasori with NeNe~ NeNe! Sasori I swear if you hurt her in any way I’ll kill you! Sasori: oh will you? ~yanks strings~ Come on Deidara, lets fly. Quick too. NeNe; ~eyes wide~ Mana… (she doesn’t have much strength so… yeah) Deidara: Yes sir! ~creates a big bird~ Mana: NENE!!!! ~Deidara and Sasori with NeNe on the strings, fly away quickly pushing NeNe on the bird and flying off~ Mana: Dammit!!! Damn it all to the burning inferno’s of Hell!!! Sasori: ~Hears Mana~ …. ~he looks down to the ground and then to the black night sky and all of the stars above and wonders why he has mixed emotions about his actions. Would his plan work? He though nervously.~ Deidara: ~He looks at his partner.~Is something wrong Sasori-danna,un? Sasori: ~snaps out of his trance and rubs his head a little~ no, just… tired, we need to go to where Itachi and Kisame are, I haven’t seen them lately, I wonder where they are. Deidara: ~shrugges~Anyways what are we going to do about NeNe,un? Sasori: ~getting annoyed by questions that were unnecessary,~ I don’t know, WHO CARES??!! Deidara: … Sasori: Nice answer. Anyways, do we have any way to contact Kisame or Itachi?? Deidara: Not really. Sasori: … then we’re pretty much screwed. So what now? You think Mana would be running so we can return to the base now. Deidara: Maybe, un. You probably want her to still be at the base, don’t you? Sasori: ~getting mad and smacking Deidara over the head~ No you loser, we want her out of the base. ~he said, blushing a little, but Deidara didn’t notice~ Deidara: Yes Sasori-danna. ~To Mana~ Mana: I’m Sick and tired of freakin’ running!!!!!!SLOW DOWN YOU BASTARDLY DEVILS!!!!!! ~back to Sasori~ Sasori: We have to make it back to the base, I think it’s open. Deidara: Right! ~makes the bird go back towards the base~ Sasori: Make sure you fly high, Mana might see us. {I wish she would see us.} Deidara: OK! ~makes the birds go high until they get back to the base.~ ~at the base~ Sasori: tomorrow we are leaving for the village of the sound. We’ll go back to blow it up, and get that annoying Orochimaru out of our way… NeNe: ~whispering~ He’s perverted… just like you evil people. Sasori: What did you say? NeNe: I can tell when people like you check Mana out, Sasori. Sasori: What?! {is it really that obvious?!?!} NeNe: ~falls asleep.~ Deidara: I knew it Sasori-danna, un! You love Mana!!! Sasori: If you want to keep your head I suggest you stop right now. {she’s hot!!} Deidara: Yes Sasori-danna! {I just hope we don’t have to hurt NeNe-chan} Sasori: Deidara wake the stupid girl and make sure she get’s dressed. Deidara: ~blushes~ Yes sir. ~nudges NeNe.~ Wake up! NeNe: uh.. ? Deidara: Come on, you need to get dressed sleepy head, un. NeNe: ok… ~falls back asleep~ Sasori: You can’t do anything right! Deidara: I try, un! Sasori: You try but you suck at it. Deidara: {how am I going to do this, un?}Uhh..Sasori-danna do we have a spare blanket? Sasori: ~smacks his head with his palm~ I don’t want to ask why you need a blanket. Deidara: Do we have one, un? Sasori: Sure, let me go get one ~sarcastically, walks out of room~ ~filler~ ~Deidara is perverted right now, please leave a message after the beep~Un!~Beep!!~ ~end of filler~ Mana: God..They..Go..Too..Fast..~pants while sitting on a rock by the hot spring~ Sasori: ~comes out to get a blanket or whatever out there~ … {wow, she … came all that way??} ~trying to glare a little bit~ Mana… Mana: You know what? I hate your guts very, very, very, very, very much right now. Sasori: It’s unfortunate that I don’t have any for you to hate… ~looks down~ Mana: what do you mean…Nevermind I don’t want to know. Where’s NeNe?! Sasori: ~smirking~ She’ll be fine, if you come with us to the sound village. If you don’t well, I’ll turn her into a puppet. Mana: the sound village? But…Orochimaru’s there. Sasori: ~overflowing with curiousness~ your point being? {I wonder what happened…} Mana: He’s… Sasori: What did he do to you? ~he asked inquisitively ~ Mana: He bit me. What else? It’s just not right for your sensei to do that! Sasori: ~sitting down on another rock~ I see. Mana: and you don’t give a crap do you? Sasori: Well, it might be useful to know later. Mana: Fine. Be that way. ~Stands up and walks towards where she thinks Deidara and NeNe are~ Sasori: ~stands up~ you might not want to do that… Mana: ~Stops and looks at Sasori horrified.~ What is he doing to her? Sasori: Gimme’ a sec and uh, I’ll explain. ~runs and gets a blanket. Runs past Mana and throws a blanket without Mana seeing whats inside, for that matter, he doesn’t even look inside himself.~ Deidara: Thank you! ~Takes two pins and puts them on the blanket making them into a tube like thing. Then he blows two holes in it for arms and shakes NeNe awake.~ NeNe: ehh… ? Deidara: hurry and put this on! NOW, un! NeNe: HOLY CRAP WHAT’ S GOING ON?! Actually, on second thought, I don’t want to know. Deidara: good. Now get dressed. ~coveres eyes…er eye~ ~with Mana and Sasori~ Mana: God I’m exhausted. ~trips over a rock that she somehow didn’t notice since it was big enough to make her trip and starts to fall~ Sasori: ~standing, he naturally catches her, not expecting it, he falls a little. He looks down and it ends up their lips met for a split second before it seemed that they both fell into the hot spring.~ Mana: ~closes her eyes against Sasori’s grip before realizing she has been cut off from her air supply due to the water.~ Sasori: ~Swims both of them up to the rocks and sighs. He managed to save her and was wondering if she knew that they had practically kissed.~ Mana: Thanks for catching me Sasori. ~She didn’t realize what had happened~ Sasori: No problem… Mana: ~sighs~ Now off to go find NeNe and Deidara…I guess. Sasori: ok… I guess {I hope he… er … didn’t do anything wrong} ~to Deidara!~ Deidara: See! It’s just as good as your old clothing, un! NeNe: You’re right!! :3 Deidara: I’m a good fashion designer, un! NeNe: Well, I wouldn’t say that much but uh…. It’s ok. X3 Deidara: Good! Now let’s go see what Sasori and Mana are doing!!! ~to Mana and Sasori~ Mana: ~Is wringing out the bottom of her shirt~ God I hate water now. Sasori: … ~wrings out cloak~ {dang, she looks so hot right now.} Mana: Why are you staring at me like that? Sasori: Huh? Staring at you like what? Mana: Like..You know..Like your in love or something. Sasori: ~~ I can’t be in love, I feel no emotions. Deidara: Rightttt…un. [Mana: Where did you come from! Sasori: Where did you come from!]-Simultaneously said. Deidara: ~Smirks and walks over to Sasori.~ Mana guess what! Mana: what? Deidara: Sasori really loves you, un! ~pushes the two together so that their lips meet fully.~ Sasori: ~eyes wide~ (sure, his eyes look wide, but he’s really enjoying that kiss.X33) Mana: ~Eyes are also wide~ (And she might not show it but she wants this moment to last forever!) (Nyah-Chan: that’s cheesy!!) (Oni-Chan: so what? Enjoy the classics man!!) Deidara: See NeNe? They love each other! NeNe: a-heh-heh! X3 Sasori: ~kiss naturally ends. Eyes are closed. Twich twitch~ Deidara, you become the next American ….puppet slave!! Deidara: AHHHH!!!!!! NeNe: He said AMERICA!! That’s horrible! I would scream too… ~thinks~ Mana: Sasori…Would you help me with something? ~evil look in her eyes~ Sasori: Sure. ~eyes glint~ Mana: ~Pushes NeNe towards Deidara.~ ~Nyah-Chan: HOLD IT!~ ~Oni-Chan: what?~ ~Nyah-Chan: That’s cheesy too!~ ~Oni-Chan: Grin and bear it, buddy!~ ~Nyah-Chan: You’re not any of my buddies.~ ~Oni-Chan: You’re evil.~ ~Nyah-Chan: I know.~ Sasori: ~pushes Deidara towards NeNe~ Mana: ~Makes them kiss and holds them there~ NeNe: ~>_< I can’t breathe! She makes clear by waving around her arms~ Deidara: ~Also can’t breathe but deals with it~ Sasori: ~smirks and sighs~ aah, revenge is sweet. Mana: ~Let’s them go right before they both pass out.~ I know… ~DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN-DAAAAAAAA!!~ THE END.
 This is a Gaia Ne'Ne' Profile: Red Mandarin Dress Short Blond Hair With Pigtails Necklace of invisible string with two bells atached Sorry, she doesn't wear the traditional shoes for Naruto... She is super fast and has super senses... but to make up for that... she's super ditsy... ((please imagine it without the roses, it was the only way to get her eye color...)) She also uses the invisible string like Tamari... but who says she uses it wisely??
Abstractic · Sun May 06, 2007 @ 06:11am · 0 Comments |