A big change. Daniel, I think you're having an effect on me. >.<'' And it's good I suppose. o.o I looked in the mirror this evening, Hadn't done my hair today or put on any makeup, And I actually thought I looked good. o.o'' And then I tried on some dresspants that never looked very good on me, And I was like 'ooo these look really good'. o.o''''' This is sooooo weird. What's wrong with my mind?!?!!!!! D= Maybe it's the sugar. Yeah, That's it. It's the jelly beans! sweatdrop Someone please fix my brain.
Oh, And LMAO!!! xD I found this older picture of myself, Like when I first put the blue in my hair and got my new glasses, And I tried doing this 'sexy librarian' look. xD Made me laugh so hard tonight.
 rofl Oh god, I must have been uber hyper then too.
Well, I must be off. It's almost 3am now. xD THANK YOU ROB FOR HELPING ME TONIGHT! x3 Bye all and take care. heart Love you Daniel heart
Kiarrii · Mon Apr 16, 2007 @ 09:57am · 3 Comments |