Your name: Rakura Lynn
Your dragon’s name:Crevan Braeden
Your human’s name:Ashlynn O'Conner
Dragon’s gender:male
Type: complex
Color/Pattern: your choice
Dragon Eye color: your choice
Additional Info:Crevan Braeden, in Celtic means Fox From The Dark Valley. this dragon from day one was an outcast, considering he was the youngest of all eggs in the clan and learned things on his own the hard way. Yes the clan would help and teach him the basics but he always thought out side the box and thought he was needed for something else. one day most of his clan was killed as eggs were stolen, this problem seems to grow even more so, Crevan only able to be trusted with the duty of hiding the eggs that have yet to be stolen during the scrimmage between man and dragon. He over thought the situation and placed the eggs in the most dangerous spot of all near cliffs and stood with them... Soon their was rocks falling and hit Crevan causing him to fall off the cliff. Crevan was barely conscience when falling and dug his talons into the cliffs only cause more rocks boulders to fall but it was effective slowing him down from his fall and landed not softly but enough to fully knock him out. It wasn't amazeing enough that his enemy planned for him to move they eggs where they were, but Crevan awoke with only scratches and cuts and maybe a tender spot on his side ... It seemed that they fighting subsided and Crevan slowly climbed up the walk way up the steep cliff slightly dazed and walked up to what was left of his kin. One of them looked directly at Crevan... "Crevan... what have you done?" Crevan was slightly confused as to what was going on and then walked past the one that asked the question and saw what she ment... There layed the eggs crack and crushed and one burried under a rock with a young ones head laying under it. Crevan glare fixed on that scene and he back up spite his injures... and didn't say anything to the other kin.... for he failed his job the only one he was trusted to do was to protect the future.... Crevan then as others started to whisper about him ...Crevan only grew to hate himself even more... one for being an outcast and two... the eggs. So he chose to leave his kin and wonder till he could find out what to do the rest of his life. For years Crevan wonder from one kin to the next and often watched for camps that would hold these dragon egg thieves. Then the time came again where he under estimated the enemy again... and ended up only escaping with major injuries and Crevan laid at the edge of the cliff bleeding and watch the sunrise as the image of that first let down he made for the future fixed in his mind and he softly said in pain. "This can't be it... I was cursed to live and fight again...but the future I was asked to protect keeps dieing." Then a females voice stern and strong but also gentle it was hard to believe echoed through Crevan's mind. "for a stray dragon ... your in a poor condition to be on your own. Come away from the edge so I know you won't fling me off as I treat your wounds." The young squire's name was Ashlynn O'Conner and she didn't fear Dragons in fact she was very open about her love for dragons so open that she even shared the thought that she believes her finance's soul is a dragon... and so dragons are like her brother just as next to the fox is her sisters. After that the Squire chose to fallow Crevan... knowing something more seemed connected ... that lead for both of them in the future. and some how knew she would have to leave her love... to help her brother, Crevan Braeden.
Roleplay: (y/n)