hello everyone, i am so i thought i would go to Tektek.org and mess around a little bit...xD hehe well anyways, i made myself from then and NOW!
 July 31st, 06 - when i joined i looked like this...EWW
 -a few days later - i miss this old hair style.. crying
 -this is like septemeber...i think.. emo
 -this is Halloween 2006-
 -this is AFTER halloween-
 -Christmas 2006, this is how i look now...-
 -towards the end of christmas-
 -this is january 16th '07-
 at the bigening of febuary-ish i think.
 febuary 20th - march 2007; area.
 April 08, 2007;
 May 16th, 2007.
 June 15th, 2007. 12:07 am, almost a month since last updating.
 August 15th, 2007. I've changed quite a bit! It is two months later!
  October, 07' - October 8th 2007
 November 15ish, 2007.
 December 6 2007, December 15 2007, December 25th 2007.
 January 16th 2008
 February 28th 2008
 March 17th 2008
 April 25th 2008 heart
 May 04 2008.
 June 10 2008
***More will be added according to the date***
bodyslam bailey · Mon Apr 09, 2007 @ 07:30am · 0 Comments |