Murderoring MySpace.
If they don't comply to my wishes they will die.
...ok, Tom will die...everyone on MySpace hates him anyway.
Tom sucks.
******** Tom.
I heard he was ***** >_>;
I had this UBER awesome bulletin posted saying what I'd do during a zombie outbreak/if I was a zombie and I went to do something and I DELETED it.
I mean, what happen to the "Do you wish to delete this?"?
What. The. ********.
And I can't view deleted bulletins.
Gaia does the same ******** thing.
God damnit if someone deletes something important on accident MAKE A "VEIW DELETED -insert name here-" GOD DAMNIT!
People are STUPID.
And I think I may be getting Gaia stalked.
Eh...I don't really mind though...
I'm only not minding because I'm RPing with the guy.
Details at 11.
...ok, PM me.
Any hooters.
...ok, if you do Gaiastalk me be the cool one and give me awesome items anynomously.
Emmz is aloud to Gaiastalk me though.
Cause she's hawt.
Maybe Lune, too.
And Tasha... She pwns heart
*looks at friendslist*
Maka too.
But if anyone else Gaia stalks me and doesn't give me awesome s**t I'll shove spiked dildos SO far up their a**. I'll report you.
Club idea:
Emo Peeps.
Yeah yeah yeah, so like, half the world hates Emos.
Suck it up and listen to me.
Get a nickname ((Cookie; Shaprie; 409; etc etc))((and make sure it makes sense with step two))
Add Emo infront of it.
And if you have a MySpace ((Which I seriously doubt because EVERYONE on Gaia seems to despise MySpace)) tell me your ******** MySpace so I can ******** add you and invite you to join the 'Emo Muffin Club'
Emo Muffin---Me
Emo Whore--Tarz
Emo f**--D
Emo Sini- Tasha
1. You don't have to be Emo.
2. If you are Emo deal with people over dueing it ((I will))
3. If you aren't apart of the club don't ******** diss on the nonexistant members.
4. You'll probably never see/talk to Emo Whore unless you add me and give her your email with her permission/you get a MySpace, add me, so I can give you her's.
If they don't comply to my wishes they will die.
...ok, Tom will die...everyone on MySpace hates him anyway.
Tom sucks.
******** Tom.
I heard he was ***** >_>;
I had this UBER awesome bulletin posted saying what I'd do during a zombie outbreak/if I was a zombie and I went to do something and I DELETED it.
I mean, what happen to the "Do you wish to delete this?"?
What. The. ********.
And I can't view deleted bulletins.
Gaia does the same ******** thing.
God damnit if someone deletes something important on accident MAKE A "VEIW DELETED -insert name here-" GOD DAMNIT!
People are STUPID.
And I think I may be getting Gaia stalked.
Eh...I don't really mind though...
I'm only not minding because I'm RPing with the guy.
Details at 11.
...ok, PM me.
Any hooters.
...ok, if you do Gaiastalk me be the cool one and give me awesome items anynomously.
Emmz is aloud to Gaiastalk me though.
Cause she's hawt.
Maybe Lune, too.
And Tasha... She pwns heart
*looks at friendslist*
Maka too.
But if anyone else Gaia stalks me and doesn't give me awesome s**t I'll shove spiked dildos SO far up their a**. I'll report you.
Club idea:
Emo Peeps.
Yeah yeah yeah, so like, half the world hates Emos.
Suck it up and listen to me.
Get a nickname ((Cookie; Shaprie; 409; etc etc))((and make sure it makes sense with step two))
Add Emo infront of it.
And if you have a MySpace ((Which I seriously doubt because EVERYONE on Gaia seems to despise MySpace)) tell me your ******** MySpace so I can ******** add you and invite you to join the 'Emo Muffin Club'
Emo Muffin---Me
Emo Whore--Tarz
Emo f**--D
Emo Sini- Tasha
1. You don't have to be Emo.
2. If you are Emo deal with people over dueing it ((I will))
3. If you aren't apart of the club don't ******** diss on the nonexistant members.
4. You'll probably never see/talk to Emo Whore unless you add me and give her your email with her permission/you get a MySpace, add me, so I can give you her's.