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I...like pie...?

Magical Marijuana Faerie
Community Member
Mmm, quite tasty your are<3
Close Your eyes and pretend I'm by your side.

Updates on life!

I feel guilty for a journal I posted.
I'm sick and I'm getting worse due to stress.
I've guilt tripped my mom for blaming me for loosing my phone which she lossed into getting me a new one ((because I'm a b***h like that))
I have 4 bitches.

They're in my profile, but I'll post them here:


D~ My girlyman crossdressing kitty Satanist flirtbuddy b***h.
Tasha~ My redhead sexy uke turned domentrix other flirtbuddy b***h.
Tarryn~ My weird crackhead Nazi b***h
Jai~ My sexy Gayhusband/loveslave b***h with a hot a**

Jai and Tarryn don't know they're my b***h yet.
They'll know soon.
Jai won't be on alot because he's hanging with Tory ((boyfriend)).

Oh, don't diss Tarryn and D. They're the nicest people you can meet.

I owe a guy in England dinner and he owes me cookies.
I also owe the guy in England a tackle if I see him.
...and I owe him a donut, which I bought...though, it wouldn't fit in the computer.

D could actually pass off as a girl ((even if he talked, he's that girly)) if he had a ribbon to cover his adam's apple.
I shall test this if I do see him.
And make him bake me cookies.
...and make him dinner.
And tackle him.
And glomp his boyfriend ((He's so cute >w< wink )

Also, when I see Jai.
He shall be my loveslave for Halloween.
We are going out as domentrix and loveslave for that Holiday.

I have to kidnap Poogleh so we can end world hunger.

I am going to take over the world with D and Nocturne ((His boyfriend))
I will be the one that keeps D from going killhappy and ripping all of your guy's heads off.

And he will be strangled by sasuage and eaten by a peice of steak.

Also, thanks to D,
I'm now in love with Red Dwarf ((English TV show))
So funneh.

MySpace is not gay.
MySpace does not have a gender nor sexual preferance.
You can call it stupid, but it's not gay.

And it's not full of ***** and murderors.

Ok, so I heard Tom was a *****, but he sucks anyway.
I wonder if Tom could get banned for sucking so hard...

I've also noticed something.
Alot of people on MySpace hate Gaia.
Alot of people on Gaia hate MySpace.

What. The. ********?

Also, I've been getting writers block alot lately.
If you notice I'm taking days to reply to your RP I either didn't get it or I have writers block.

Jus' tell me.

Favourite characters of mine *in order*


Rain is my newest out of them.
He is a unicorn turned human, or just a human depending on the RP.

Ok, gold HERE I COME!

Can you feel me, love? Can you see me, love?
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