my list of donaters
 Questing tickets
Royal Scepter Gold ----- Parisian Yellow Fan
^^ 10,003T/110,000T^^ ^^0/20,000T^^
Boots Shirt Skirt hat earrings pocket watch Stockings Ears
side quests yeti 600/23,000 coco Fairy wings V.V a failed quest 3 times in a row...idk why
items that i like 2 have fox ears fox tail shadow spirit Boi pandy pack
more shoes more bottoms more shirts
plzplzplz i needs tokens :3 if you donate anything tokens will do GREAT
TAAAA DAAAA~ thoese that donated <3
DoctorBandage ~not sure i think 2,300 tokens all together 150g <33333 Charici~ 1,000tokens 500g G-LOL Shirt<33333 Little Elfin Tears ~500 tokens 150g<333 Raggnaros ~ 75 tokens <33 E l o q u e n c e ~ G-LOL shirt (sold for gold :3) <333 JamesLegato ~ 600 tokens 500g <333 XAngelic_AngelX ~ 75 tokens <33 [.BleuBeauty.] ~ 123 Tickets <3333 Sola Asura ~ 455 Tokens <333 Eeek altirangel ~ 50 tokens <3333 EEEEKS TVSoccerGurl~ 139 tokens 1,000g 446 TICKETS! heart heart Jameslegato ~ fox mink? :3 THANK YOU!!!!!! bra_nutty ~500 tickets [ accidental stars ] ~ 1000 tokens 1000g THANKs :3 <333 natki~ kiki kitty ice tiara angelic bust 3 dark halos yeti nitemare boots(daaaang lol those are all old gifts giving 2 me)
What Millies donated_______________ 300g in millies donation side pot
E l o q u e n c e ~ jan 07 thank letter Medi ~ dark star Charici ~ 330 tickets (other things i just forgot) TVSoccerGurl ~ MoMo 200g natki ~ lunar cloak feb 07 letter Jameslegato ~ Pixie (i did use my money for that item that month) and soon 2 be fox ears for my brother Shaakati ~ 200g iceotter ~ like....7,000g? DoctorBandage ~ oh....2,000g? not sure>.> i should give him a gift Youkoona ghostjon XAngelic_AngelX[.BleuBeauty.] about 4,000 by now bra_nutty ~ 900g Paran0id ~ 300 tickets randomly gave nitemare boots prisoner's shackle's pilot's goggles
OKKKKay i would like you all 2 know some items i donated long ago and some gifts from others i have gottin long ago as well i just want 2 keep track if you are not on there and gave me a gift or i didn't put a gift down plz pm me if i gave you a gift and you are not down plz pm as well thank you i just have bad memory :3
Millie990 · Tue Mar 13, 2007 @ 11:09pm · 1 Comments |