I feel so sick, But I have class in less than two hours... *sigh* I just won't go to English, Since attendence doesn't matter. I'll just get notes from someone next week. Gah! I wanna throw up again! T^T I hate this so much... Guess this is what I get for staying up all night, But I couldn't sleep for many reasons, None of which I'm going to say here.
Note to self; Do not take hot bath when had no sleep...
Yeah, I almost fell asleep in the tub, But I got out before I actually did fall asleep. I really want to fall asleep right now, But I can't miss another class.. I can't go down another grade...
Okay, So here's the basic outline of my design CD so far..
 Basic design. I just needed to see roughly what it would look like, So I used a girl off of MySpace, But she was in my friend's friends list. >.<'' But it's not my final design, So all is good.
Greg's probably going home this weekend to take some things home, So I'll be home alone this weekend probably. Well, Not the whole time since I still have to get the pictures done with Kai.
Recorded myself last night, Singing of course. I had fun after a while. My best was with the song 'Stacy's Mom'. xD Love that song.
12:13... Bleh.... Do I really have to go? Well, I don't really have to go. Hell, I could just quit uni and either live off my parents or on the streets. No, Those are definately not options. I want to go, I have to go to do what I want in the future. I need this class. *sigh* Seems like I always get sick around this time of year. It sucks majorly. Not as much as usually having the flu on my birthday, And yes, It happens almost every years, Kinda like my body has a ritual or something... s**t...
*bangs head against a wall* I don't even know if I need my computer today or not. We might be going around the gallery, But I can't remember... Maybe it's still in my e-mail... Of course, Today might be where we show what we have done... Which for me is less than 1 out of 3 CDs, But that's because I don't have the pictures to work with yet. I have all my ideas sketched out, But none actually done.
Well, This is all for right now. I'll come home after class and sleep. I really need some sleep... OKay, Well, Goodbye to you all and take care.
Kiarrii · Tue Mar 06, 2007 @ 07:14pm · 1 Comments |