I need to vent. Appearantly my Mom cleaned my brother's room, thinking my brother would like it. He didn't, and they got into a fight. Mom had to leave to pick me up from quire (However you ******** spell it), and my brother went out for a walk. When he got back, mom and him had another fight and mom ended up in tears, and I was here to witness it. Now mom thinks she's a bad mom and everyone in the family hates her and all that s**t and I can't ******** realize what's so ******** important that they fight all the time! No one seems to think I realize what's going on, and just because I try to be optimistic that I never get mad at them fighting and they are the only ones who can get mad. Well you know what, I'm tired of them fighting and always at each others necks! They both need to ******** calm down and lay off each other. My mom always seems to think that my brother is some self-absorbed b*****d who doesn't care about anyone but himself, and my brother thinks my mom's an a**! They need ******** quite before I try to make them do it myself!!!!!!
dalia salvd · Wed Feb 14, 2007 @ 01:11am · 3 Comments |