Daniel, the protagonist. A apiring artist who enjoys a interesting rivalry with Kyoko. Hangs out with the basketball team out of genuine boredom.

Kyoko Fosters. Foster sister of Jamal. Kinda flaky BL artist. Also has narcissistic tendencies. Self-centered. Likes Star trek.

Jamal Fosters. A hopeless romantic who truly wants a soulmate out of life. Foster brother of Kyoko. Secretive at times. A little passive-agressive. Hoards a mild crush on Daniel. Doesn't get along very well with Kyoko.

Yoshiro Tsubu. A intellegent japanese young man with a humorous rivalry with Jamal. Hoards a mild crush on Kyoko. Mostly wears contacts instead of Glasses.

Shaggy, the shagster. :3 He is so freakishly tall and cute! ^w^ <333 Mute, for unknown reasons. o.0 Popular with the ladies.

Sky stonesmithson, the Intellegent obvious Objibwe guy. Snarky, strange and likes to make fun of everyone. Likes Dance dance revolution, cakes and pastries. His personal hero Is Freud.

Florencia Bibigul. The mysterious one. Thinks shaggy is very cute. ^_^ Frequently hangs out with daniel for the heck of it. Wants to be a nurse.
~Minor characters.

Anton coach, a subsitute coach for coachella, his mum. Suffers from low self esteem. Enjoys bollywood dancing. Secretly swings both ways.

Ms. Ian, the crossdressing teacher. Yoshiro refers to Him as Okama-sempai. Teaches math.

Mrs. obsidian, the old Objibwe teacher. Fairly intellectual. Teaches history.

Nurse Brailia, A deaf nurse doing her best to understand the student's needs. Wife of the principal. Likes glasses.