why do i even bother talking anymore?
why do i think anyone would listen?
why does it matter if i'm ok?
does any one truly care?
should i try to talk, just to have it thrown back in my face?
should i try to tell them, just to be thrown in a mental institution?
should i live, just to watch my life go down the drain?
should i stay strong, just to be beaten down?
should i cry, just to be yelled at?
would i be right to tell them?
would i be doing the right thing to talk?
would i be able to stay strong till no one can hurt me?
would i cry to let my feelings out that i have kept bottled in for so long?
is it possible for adults to understand?
is it possible for them to actually listen?
is it possible to be ok after what ive been through?
is it possible to live on?
why do i even bother with life any longer
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