Weeeeell, my day could've been worse mrgreen could've been better too. I get asked to go to DR, and then I promptly fail a wonderful adv. math quiz, making me late for religion. Ah, Lorentz...that class is silly. I finally made up my english ACT practice essay thingy! And next time she wants me to give out stuff, I'm handing it to Nicole. Because I am NOT EVER EVER EVER doing that again. I'm not getting my butt in trouble for things that may or may not be as they were intended. Toss. Though, due to me getting a little...upset...before the concert, I have gotten a little bit more info about what goes on. Much <3 to the coolest eigth grader ever! Teehee, despite the fact that I was quite upset by just about everything in those ten minutes, I've realized that there is a possibility that there's more going on than I thought. I'm gonna talk to 'Sea and get as much as I can from her. Seriously, it's my first thing to do on Monday. It doesn't matter what's going on, or what happens between then and now: I'm finding out exactly what has been said.
Well, that's all. Hopefully I won't be so much in the dark come Monday! Like I always say: I know what goes on around DHS. Stuff happens, stuff is said, I find out about it. ESPECIALLY when I'm at all implicated/involved/mentioned/etc.
And lucky me, I've befriended the one truly honest person in the band. People don't like her much, but at least she sees things better than other people.
And I might get to go to an MAO competition in January. Fun fun fun, with a bake sale sometime after to help defray the cost of the transportation and whatnot. I hope people will buy up! After all, it's a bake sale, and who wants to have to pay $40 just to go to BR for a math comp thing?
And this is my TekTek representing my thoughts during the concert: 
Obviously, it has nothing to do with Christmas. And my mind was wandering. At one point, it felt like some part of me was trying to...kind of leave me, to fly away to somewhere different. Power calls to power, draws it near. Explains it all.
"Oh by golly have a holly jolly Christmas, this year!"
nepie · Sat Dec 09, 2006 @ 04:25am · 0 Comments |