Haven't wrote in a long time huh?
Let see...
Alot has happened since I last shared my random thoughts...

First off I was a...freshman.

I know, I know. Your thinking "She was a freshman?!?"
Its the sad truth, even someone as cool as I was a freshie.
I have recently gotten into Harry Potter. Its mostly because I read a damn HP fanfic on quizilla.

It made me realise I loved Draco Malfoy heart .
(In case your wondering it was a Draco fanfic)
So I decided to read the books...I never was interested in reading them. I would just wait for the movies to come out.
And even though Draco isn't the main character in the HP series I still enjoy it. Draco has his little moments where he makes fun of someone and I can't help but smirk

I think I'm a Slytherin at heart, he-he.
-God knows I'm not brave. That eliminates Gryfindor.
-I don't seek knowledge. So there goes Ravenclaw.
-And hufflepuff? Don't make me laugh. Thats the leftover house.
But if you had asked me...oh about a 2 months ago about the HP series I would have pushed the topic aside, bored. Instead I would have talked your ear off about Vampires *grin*. Come on, what girl wouldn't want to meet a vampire? That would be a cool way to die too...Not that I want to die (I'm not emo). But if you know a vamp....I'm avaliable, ha ha.

The vampire thing all started when I read the book Twilight (then the sequel New Moon). Can you believe the author Stephenie Meyer never had written any other book. I bet she was thrilled to have such a big hit her first publication.

It'd be cool to be a writer.

*daydreams about a career in writing*
....BUT it would suck with all the deadlines. The company would tell me the next 10 chapters were due in blah blah months. I'd be like "Okay, plenty o-time.". Then I'd find myself the month of (aka the week of...) pulling all nighters

....on second thought, maybe I'm not ment to be a writer

I'm a procrastinater and proud

I think it's like 14 days...
or something like that...
Until Christmas break-er "Winter Break" for those who don't celebrate Christmas and all. Can't wait!!!
*does a happy dance to Alvin and the Chipmunks christmas song*

Community Member
us and pur awesome poswm procrastination ^_^
ofcourse ur not a writter...ur a GD!!!!!
we WILL create the bestestest POKEMON game EVA!!!!!!!!!
and be poor hobos sharing a dorm with each otha ^O^
but that's 'k......newaiz ur like talking about band practice to eric O_o