Aww...no more cows. I'm quite sad. Since I didn't get online except for Wendsday. I'm kinda upset that I couldn't get on Friday and Saturday. Instead I was at a choir thing at Loyola and so yea. And that event, sadly, made it so I'm not going to Neat n Sweet. The guy that I was gonna invite (well, my parents wanted me to invite him), he's got a girlfriend and I kinda like him, so it would be quite awkward for me. and besides, he knows some of my friends...oh, wait, sorry, I meant "the people I leech off of." Though, I must say, that little title really should be applied to the people I eat lunch with. I'm there because I'm never hanging around Amanda and Kim again. No one could be more uncaring, I swear. Friendly warning: beware of Kim. She's bossy, and she likes to gossip as much as Amanda about some people, incidentally, the same people. ie Erin, etc.
Yea, thought I'd mention that. But it's sorta silly of me, doing something nice (but possibly pointless) because I'm grateful for part of a dream last night, for an almost-smile that never actually happened. It was strange. I was taking biology again for some weird reason. I had Bagby. I was trying to remember some stuff she had said in class, when this girl asks me why I'm in biology again. Oddly, I couldn't remember. she left, but now I was trying to remember why the hell I was taking biology because I definitely remembered taking it before. Then, a little while later, she comes back. She says something, and randomly, I say "Now I rememeber why I'm in biology." Not that she really cares. Now, in all of this, I had forgotten what time it was. Apparently, it was lunch, and here I am sitting in this classroom trying to finish my notes. She asks if I want chips or something else taht's in her lunch bag. I say "No, I'm okay." She seemed slightly hurt by my lack of manners, so as she opened the door, I said "Thanks, _____," and kinda smiled. And she almost smiled back. Not quite a smile, but it was a close thing. Pathetic, really. I always say, "If just once more...." If only I could see Kyle just one more time. If only, if only...It's stupid. I didn't care enough about what I had until I threw it away. And so it goes.
Ever heard the song "Every Time We Touch"? Thanks to my carpool, I love the song. Odd, since I can't relate to it at all. And at the choir thing, the Loyola Chorale sang a song called "Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine." Very awesome song. A little creepy, but awesome. This one girl didn't look like she wanted to be there. She had a good voice. She didn't ever applaud for the high school choir. How rude. The Loyola choir wears all black, similar to what we've been doing with the white top and black bottom.

And that is what that girl looked like when she was holding her binder, waiting for one of the soloists to finish, except that she had nose and lip rings on. Bothered the heck out of me during the practice. And she was wearing that little ensemble all day. She and this other girl both wore their performance attire all day. But the other girl had blonde hair and a bandage around some of her fingers
There were 10 of us there: Paz, Brianna, Marianne, Allison, Rebecca, Stephanie, Claire, Beth, Elizabeth, and me. Hahaha, there's 3 Elizabeths in choir, but only one is Elizabeth. that just hit me. Anyway, we had fun. And now, funny story: After the concert, we were going to take a picture, but someone was missing. Castillo starts counting. "2, 4, 6, 8, 9...Paz!" rofl So Paz is the new 10. Therefore, 5+5=Paz and 2x5=Paz 4laugh
"ching-a-ring-a-ching-a-ring-a-ching-a-ring-a ring-ching-ching-ching-chaw!"
nepie · Sun Nov 05, 2006 @ 03:29pm · 0 Comments |