well every one continues to say i should start writting a story-er book -er some thing in my journal so this is gonna be the post i put it in.ok!i got my head in line now lets start this thing!...not that it will be verry good but...
ok sence it's gonna have a bit of a lovey-dovey twist in there i didn't want to use my friends. so instead i'm going to use me as the narrator and my name is Talon i'm also going to use buch of misolanious people!yay! Talon--->
 ok first of lets get theses people in line.
first we have tsumoko.*japanese name so pronounce it japanese!!* she is 14.she is verry much a loner in the start.she is shy,but i don't know how she might change as the story goes on so don't think shes gonna stay like that. she likes to draw.she can sing verry well but she will never get up the strangth to sing in front of people.if you had to place her in a dress area.she'd be some what punk-ish. tsumoko--->>

next up alex *female* she is 13 and VERRY out going! she doesn't take any BS from any one and is used to getting what she wants when she wants!so in this story *at first (if she even changes)*she is the spoiled rotten brat!and if you had to place her she'd be preppy...-ish. alex--->>
 next we have alice.*like in wonder land*...*lol* shes is 13 and is verry kind.she hangs out with alex because she is preppy....REALLY preppy.and she trys to keep alex in line.alice is always wearing dresses and they are ALWAYS poofy.*like the one alice is wearing in alice in wonder land* ecp she *hates* blue and never wears it,always pink for alice!
and hey,we gatta get some guys in this story too right?
so here they are!
first up vince. vince is 15.he is verry popular...epecially with the ladys and on current stance he has a bet going with one of his buddys that he can get Tsumoko to go out with him...but he's about to learn some thing...O.o.
next up is zack! he is 13 and verry energetic! verry into sports and looovvveeesss collecting sports cards!he hangs out where ever he wants...mainly cuz hes so irritating and can never find any friends. crying but he's still a verry happy guy! mrgreen
next up leo. leo is 14. he hates his dad.his mom is dead.he hates his older brother mike.he hates his NAME! he doesn't like any thing...that is....till tomarrow... twisted .... and if you wanna find out your just gonna have to stay tuned and find out.. 3nodding if you had to place his stlye he'd be gothic....in fact he only wears black...i have never seen him wearing another color....any who...he's a verry puzzling individual.and for some reason he keeps getting asked out!...and he always says no.he dosen't Want love.and wishes all them darn girls...(and one guy)...would just leave him alone!..well enough about him
next we have john. he's 13. he's a sweet guy.and is verry shy,tried to ask this girl out one time...but he stutterd and she left...poor john. crying ...he hangs around zack...or at least tries to.he can never keep up with th guy and zack dosen't even look like he knows he has a friend.......ahhh well keep at it john!
and last but surely not least! mike.*18* yes mike,leo's older brother.and he hates leo as much as leo hates him! he bullies all the little kids around.and as i'm sure you could already figure out.he's a jock.he takes great pride in having all the cheerleaders look at him.he's the star of the team and loves football!!he plays even when theres no up coming game for weeks!!!and he and his father play together.
well thats all the main people,there will be side char.s but they'll get in a bit at a time.so with the current standings there are 4 girls and 6 guys that you all know exist!! congrats!! i'm to bored to start the story now...so tune in later! mrgreen
ok frist shot is at my house...i guess...but i'm to bored to start writting now...so...yes...later xd
*STARTING NOW* I open my eyes and sit up in my bed,as i rub the "stuff" out of my eyes i start to smell food.it's eggs,and bacon..."ummmm...smells good" i say out loud to my self still sitting there.as i stand i feel dizzy,i know whats coming next,a short stop of breath and blurred vision untill the sudden pain.i've fainted from getting up to fast once again.as i stand from my place on the floor, i see my sibbling."hi"he says,as usal (he knows it irritates me,when he says it to)"we live in the same home"i say to him "you needn't say it every time you come in contact with me"."so?" he says."so it's stupid!" i exclaim.he laughs at this and leaves.i make my way through the hall way and into the kitchen."good morning sleepy head!" my mother says."hey" i reply."smells good,gonna share?" i say with a bit a of a laugh at the end."no" she says sarcasticly.we look at each other and laugh.then she hands me a plate with some food on it and i go into the living room with it.i place the food on the sofa and trun to walk to the tv,as i'm flipping through the channels i hear from behind me: "hey!turn it back i was watching that!".it was my brother,"no your not" i said to him."you know the rules,you can't have both!your on the cpu so you can't be watching the tv!".my mother over hears our argument and comes out to back me up."your sisters right danny,you know the rules"after saying such she returns to the kitchen.i look back at the tv smilling to myself,thinking 'hahaha loser,he's such a hog!'.as i fliped through the channels some thing catches my eye:"we now take you live to the seen (a reporter).we bring you to down town seattle where hero stands before me!so how does it feel to save three childern from a burnning building?"."it's ok i guess...nothing a sane person wouldn't of done after hearing their crys for help right?" i recognize this person almost as fast as i see them,it was leo.the quiet guy from my school.i gaze at him in complete 'aww'.i'm shocked and disturbed all at once."mom,mom!" i practicly scream. "what is it Talon?!"."look!look! it's leo!you know...that creepy guy i was telling you about the other day?..well he's on the news!"."what?really?let me see,turn it up".i trun the volume up tree more notches and stare at the tv."that was quite some move sonny!what ever in the world were you thinking pulling a stunt like that?"(the reporter)"well i was thinking,as you put it,that i was doing some thing worth while...but...i guess i was wrong"leo is sulking as usal,in my head i laugh at him for being so down on him self."well son that WAS worth while! you saved three lives!dosen't that count as some thing?"(reporter)"i guess so...well...i gatta go now....uhhh...later i guess...".Leo truns from the reporter and walks off in his frayed and ash coverd clothing....but wait!some thing is wrong...leo is stumbling.As he falls sheer horror streeks accross my face.i gasp,the reporter along with the childen's mother rush to his side,they call for help and he is rushed away to emberside hospital...DON,DON,DAAAA!!!!
well folks i hope you liked the first little bit.....if i made any typos please forgive me i was thinking this all up as i went along and might have screwd up a bit.also i was in brittish mode when i was writting this so keep that in mind while reading,it may help some of the odd wording make sence....and if i did mess up please comment it and i'll have it fixed right away.i aslo tryed to make it less difficult to read by making it bigger so you guys didn't have to squint.well yeah i know it was even hash on me to see when i was writting it....er typing....any how. ~~~~thats all for now ~~~~~~later ~~~~~~~~kuro_saku
ok here goes again!...hope i don't f**k this up... sweatdrop
i was in shock...my mother's face read loud and clear what she was gonna make me do.i would be forced to visit that emo guy at emberside....*sigh*....
the next day me and my mother went to the store to buy him a balloon and a get well card.i signed the card and we went to the hospital.when we arrived at his room he was asleep.as i looked around his room i could see the gifts from some of the girls at our school.obviously they were love letters (see'n as how most of them were pink and had red heart stickers on them).my mother had to go the the bathroom so i told her i'd wait there till she got back...but really i just wanted time to write Leo a messege in the card...i began writting as soon as i saw her go all the way down the hall way.i wasn't worried that she would return quickly,for we were on the 5th floor and the close-est bathroom was on the 3rd floor...kind of a bad way to make a hospital,but just the ammount of time i needed to write.i finished just moments before she came in."well i hope he gets well soon,that was a brave thing he did"she wispers to me."yeah" i say not even caring how loud i was."shh!" she says.i roll my eyes at her,and she pops me one on the head."owww!!" i exclaim."what was that for?!?!" i question her."mind your manners girl!" she replyed."ugg fine"i say.i put the card on the side table and place the balloon some what near it."lets go already" i say in a loud wisper."alright" my mom wispers back.i open the door and let my mother leave first...just as i'm closing the door,i see leo opening one of his eyes to see if we had left yet...he knows i saw him and tries to close his eye quickly as if i had been seeing things or some thing.i just shut the door and leave.
*switch view*
she saw me, i know,but yet,she leaves...why?...as i look around i see all the other cards and then...hers!i know it is for it isn't like all the others in the room and as i pick it up i grin to myself because i was right,it was hers.i open the card;it reads:
dear Leo,
i don't talk to you ever,and don't really take any intrest in you,it was my mothers idea to drag me down here to give you this.personaly,i think what you did was grand...but i really could care less,sorry.well see you around school Mr.hero. ------------------------Talon.
she is cold...brrr....did some one open the window or some thing?...but she....she's right...it wasn't that big a deal...oh crap...now that i've done this foolish thing....i'm....going to be........ eek ........followed around school and be asked out by every girl in sight!!!! gonk great...just great....i didn't ask for this kind-ness!!...*sigh*....well...maybe she'll let me hang with her...so i'm not so swarmed.no,no she won't...who am i kidding?!...she thinks i'm trash.*sigh*
*switch view*
well i hope that dumb@$$ doesn't go to over bored in all his glory......hahaha now that i'm thinking about it....he's probly going to be the most popular guy in school after what he pulled.hahaha and knowing him,he'll hate it....hahahaha surves him right.what a loser. rolleyes ."so talon,what do you think about that kid?...pretty good guy huh?".my mother questions."yeah,sure,great guy."i reaspond...but in my mind i'm thinking :what a show off."yeah he is nice isn't he?"she ask agaian.if i didn't know any better i'd say my mom had a crush on him...ewwww."yeah sure mom,he's great,can we change the subject now?or wait,better yet,lets just shut up" "pardon me young lady!where do you get off talking to me like that?!"she yells at me.*sigh*"can we just not talk about him any more?".i ask her."fine! i was just tying to make conversation!"."well,wrong conversation ma."my mother at this point is angry with me,but i don't care,i have better things to worry about,like passing my grade,and moving out!
well thats it for today people... ---later! ----------Kuro_saku.
Zomg! time to write!! yay!! so here goes nothing!! ^-^ blaugh
my mother at this point is driving on the wrong side of the road cuz she was to busy talking to me...and as sonn as i spit the words out of my mouth it happends.every thing goes dark...i can't see...pain...as i open my eyes i see a man with a white mask over his mouth and nose...i remember.i was...in a car crash.i can't move my legs... i reach my arm up and touch the man on the side of his face and ask: " what happend to me?". i can't see it,but i'm sure the man is a bit stuned that i'm even moving." she's alive!" he shouts to the driver.i can't only assume they are taking me to ember side.my only thought was : *i'm going to die,i'm going to die,i'm going to die*.over and over it rang in my head as i lost my self agian.i re-awoke in emberside with this time a nurse hovering about me...she pressed her cold fingers on my neck,at this point i can only assume i am indeed at ember side hospital." where is my mother?" i ask her.she looks troubled...and a look of a sort of terror crossed her face.it was then i felt a tear stream down my face."she didn't make it did she?"...the nurse shook her head.i then found my self pulling the nurse close to me and crying on her shoulder.she rubbed my back and said "every thing would be ok''.i replyed " no it won't,it' will never be the same!". i cryed my self to sleep. i woke once again only to find that my bed had been moved to a diffrent room.this room,i almost instantly knew where i was...Leo's room. i tryed to sit up but the pain was ripping at my legs.i winced."oh,so your awake?" a voice called to me from accross the room.my vision was still a tad blury.all i could make out was this black-haired blur...but then it hit me...it was Leo...*duh* i say to my self in my mind.he, being well enough got out of his bed, walked over to me."you shouldn't strain your self"."SHUT UP!..*cough,cough*" i was bearly able to spit out."sorry...i didn't mean to boss you around or any thing".he said."well it sure sounded like that to me!"to this he said nothing...but went back to his bed and rolled over facing the door so i couldn't see his face.my bed was placed at the far side of the rather large room.the room was drouned in silence.my eyes came to,and i could finaly look around.the room was still covered in gifts and flowers of every sort and i could see a few new ones."why am i in here with you?" i asked him.he cleared his throught but with out rolling back over to speak to me he stayed where he was and replyed : "when i heard you were in an accident....right after you left...from visiting with me...i...asked them if they would bring you down here".to this i was shocked.i didn't know the news would travel so fast."how did you find out?'' i asked."the nurses in the hall way were talking about it so i asked one of them to come in and tell me who it was...as it turned out you,and after i heard about your...mom...i...asked if they'd bring you up here".he said."oh...so...oh"i said then thought to my self :*oh..so..oh?! what the hell Talon pull it together! what the hell was all that?!ugg i bet he thinks i'm retarded now...-_-;;*."yeah well i can take a hint,you don't have to stay here if you don't want to"he said."oh, well i guess it's fine now...besides they can probly use that room i was staying in for some one who needs it more...besides... i guess it wouldn't be to bad having some one to talk to."i said "really?..cool...ok...so...what is there to talk about?"he asked."yes,REALLY..."i sort of laughed at this and he laughed as well..so it began...a new friend ship...not that there was an old one. i never really did have any friends...maily people that used me to pass their grade in school...but it's not like i didn't get some thing in return.for my knowledge i got books and cards and art.not much of any thing..but i never wanted much of any thing.we spent a while talking about my mother and his and how much we had in commen...about his brother and mine....about school and about some of the crazy chicks that gave him love notes,he read some of them aloud to me and we giggled about them.it was then i realized,he didn't like all the attention he was getting.in a way,i felt sorry for him.i truly felt sorry for him.and after we stoped laughing at one of the latters he told me some thing i wasn't expecting to hear...ever. he said : " well the doctors say i can leave when ever i want..and at first i was going to leave today after my favorite tv show was off...but now i'm thinking i'll stay untill you leave,so....you know...you arn't alone..." to this information i looked at him with my head tillted to the right side and i could berely see it but... eek ...he blushed... i was shocked....so i looked away and let him recontain himself.so there we stayed in ember side to two weeks.when i was finaly relesed to...my worst nightmere...my father.(he lived four blocks away from my old house).just before my father draged me out the door by my arm Leo shouted to me stating that he would come to my house every day before school so we could walk together.this made me happy i ...think.i tore myself away from my father and said "stop pulling me! it's hard enough to walk on these dumb crutches!".he look at me and i could see it in his eyes...it was coming...my face turned red from the place he hit me.Leo was there across the hall and ran over.he elbowed my father in the gut and helped me up.the nurses and doctors came rushing over next.four of the doctors held my father back from Leo and my self and he was cursing and kicking at us.he kicked Leo in the face and i did some thing i couldn't belive.i dropped my crutches ignoring the pain i stood up,stubling i walked over to him and slapped him accross the face.one nurse grabbed me and pulled me away before i could kick him "where it hurts most".my fathers face now matched my own red and puffy.Leo had a briuse on his chin from where my father had kicked him.the doctors say that if my father hadn't been pulled away at the precise moment that he kicked Leo,he would have broken his jaw.angery and in pain i fainted from all that happend.i found my self once agian on an emberside hospital bed. Leo standing over me with a bandge on his chin."hello" he said in a "i'm trying to act happy for you"voice."you don't have to hide your anger" i replyed.he started ranting and raving about my father cursing in every direction.i started to laugh at him."What?!" he asked in a demanding tone." join the club" i told him.at this we laughed.A nurse walked in and handed me a peice of paper,then left with her head hug low as if to say "i'm so sorry". it read:
we find your father unfit to be your gardian,there for,we are to place you in an adoption network untill we are able to find a sutible home.
Leo,saw the look of my face and asked "what?".i handed him the note,as i watched his eyes scan the paper i saw the them grow in size.he then got ,as far as i could tell,a mixture of emotions.not knowing what to do with him self he hung his head and placed his hands over his face.he then fell to his knees and started to cry. i felt puzzed not knowing what to do for him i just did what came to me first,i hugged him."why-why are you crying?" he sniffled, sat up,and wiped the tears from his eyes and said " i don't want you to live some where else,i want you to stay here..." he then mumbled some thing and i couldn't hear him."stay here...what? i couldn't hear you".i asked him.he turned bright red...and stood up,calmed him self down and said " i want you to stay here...with me".this...shocked me to the point that for once in my life,i felt my face grow warm.i was soooo blushing....it botherd me that he could see.so i burried my face in my arms.(at this point i'd been sitting up in my bed with my knees close to me and had,had my hands resting on them,there for now my head was also on my knees burried under my arms*if that gives a better image*)he just placed his hand on my head,as if to say,:it's ok, i get it.your trying not to like me. he took his hand off my head and walked toward the door to leave.and i did some thing i REALLY souldn't have done."WAIT!" i exclaimed.he stopped but didn't turn around."what?" he said as if he were in a deep depression."i-i-i have an idea"...i studdered."what?" he turned around as he was asking."well....what if they find a better home,and what if...it's really close to your place?"i asked."yeah right!fat chance!"he replyed."well got any nice old ladies near your place?"i asked"umm well there is mrs.white...she's ok i guess...but you don't wanna live with her,her house smells like cat poop!" we laughed at this.i stopped before he did...know the question i was about to ask,went beyond friendship."well what if i made a deal with your dad...that if he adopts me...i'll...i'll...clean the house!and do the laundry,and,and-"before i could finish "NO! i won't let you!"he yeld at me."but...why not?" i asked."beacause i said no! and that should be good enough a reason!"he yeld at me again..."but you said you had an extra room in your house"i said."thats beside the point! and what about your brother?"he asked. "my brother is a jerk...and he'll find a good home"i replyed."but still i can't let you do this...it...my father is just as bad as yours...and i fear what my brother might do to you..."he said with a pure look of sad memories."...but what other choise do i have?"i asked."i don't matter, you don't have to stay here because of me go some where nice...and peaceful..and where people will love you!"he screamed at me and started to run out the door,but he didn't get far before i said:"i'm not staying because you WANT me to,i'm staying here BECAUSE of you"....after i relized what i said...it was to late...he had heard me and stopped dead in his tracks.paralized he said nothing.i started shaking...i was freaking out...what had i done?! it wasn't supposed to happen like this...i was supposed to move away and forget he even exsited...but no,now i've gone and F*#@ed things up again.i looked down apon my hands,they were still shaking,i grabbed my knees and pulled them close to me and began crying...for no reason...though i guess after what just happend there WAS a reason.i couldn't hear any thing out side of my own crying...but then the Leo was sitting next to me on the bed.he put his left arm on my back and right arm around my legs and just held on as if his life depended on it.but i was to busy crying to realize he was doing any thing.to me,he was still on the ther side of the room standing there.
ok well time to leave you all at that dreaded clif hanger!!! bum,bum,BAAAAAA!! lmao -----later~ --------Kuro_saku~
Winksy · Tue Oct 17, 2006 @ 03:13pm · 18 Comments |