..i--i don't know..but for some reason i get the feeling that i'm in a fake relationship.i feel i'm being used as just a temporary replacement untill this guy can get back with his x-girlfriend.i can really see how kagome feels about inuyasha,in fact so much that it hurts. stare damn! why do i feel like this!... *starts cursing and is wayy to much *beeping* going on so we at the 'Raina's mind department' would instead like to take this moment of irrational cursing to bring you classical music *music starts to play*.......................cursing is still going on,please hold untill fearther note.............. k,done* ....oh well...maybe i'm just playing tricks on my self....i hope i'm wrong.
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~as usal,feeling blue....or perhaps purple? --------------------------but always confuuzzed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kuro_saku
Winksy · Mon Oct 09, 2006 @ 10:01am · 3 Comments |