We've come a long long way together, through the hard times and the good.
 This is as of today, October the sixth, 2006.
~Sir William Black...
I Have Owed You This Forever 1. I love how you just blurt out stuff that seems completely random but at the same time fits the situation perfectly. I also like how very much you remind me of gentler, simpler times and how often you have made me smile for no reason other then just being you. That and that peanut butter stuff you made for my birthday that one year. You were the one that brought the birthday candles. I never said thank you for that. I am sorry. 2. The song that reminds me the most of you (and which is Vapor's theme, is it not?) is that song on the CD you gave me back a lifetime ago 'I Wanta Be A Superhero'. It is YOU, my dear. The movie that reminds me of you is Blade Trinity. Ask Dragon why. 3. We have to get kicked out of a restaurant for rude and obnoxious behavior. Not enough to be arrested but enough to make a general nuisance of ourselves. That and play SCIII. I've not whipped your a** in a bit and I miss seeing that vein pop outta your forehead while we play. 4. Meow, b***h, meow! 5. My first and most clearest memory of you was the look of absolute hatred that you gave me when Dragon first introduced us to one another so long ago. I was taking away your best friend, taking away his attention from you. I remember thinking you loathed me and oddly enough, I liked you because of the fact you did not try to hide it. You earned my respect with your honesty. I don't think I ever told you that but I always wanted you to know. 6. "I don't know the key to success but the key to failure is trying to please everyone." 7. Something I have always honestly wondered about you...Star Wars or Ghostbusters? ninja Which choose do you, Young Padawack? 8. I only owe you a million. Happy two years on Gaia, dearheart. <3
To Show You I Am Paying Attention I. Your Middle Name: ninja II. Age: Somewhere less then 10 but more then 60. Or do you mean this body? III. Single or Taken: Is this a trick question? IV. Place of Birth: ...I don't know how to state it with Gaia's PG13 rule, but I could come up with a cute euphemism, you betcha. You know where babies come from. *Snrk* From a cabbage patch. I had horns, by the way. 3nodding VI. Favorite Color: ...Do we HAVE to ask? VII. Tattoos and/or Piercings: No tattoos, for the reason that I am a wuss about pain but...7 piercings now. With an urge to get more holes in my head. Then I will have an excuse for how I am! XD 1. Do we know each other outside of [Gaia]? Mwahahahahaha, been in the rum again, huh, pirate? XD 2. What's your philosophy on life? ....There is not enough room in here for me to even begin on that one. I guess I can bore the world with that one in another entry. 3. Would you have my back in a fight? Damn right I would. You let me know who needs their a** kicked around their ears and I am there for you, my friend. It will be on. To the break of dawn. 4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? gonk Oh lord, to know that one just look at the Horsemen's story. 5. What is your favorite memory of us? Mwahahaha, god...There are so many. Let's see...The nights at Corndog. Marvel. The movies. The late nights out at wherever we run ashore to get food and make mischief with the common humans. Playing SC. The D2 smack talks. All the road trips. The screaming and singing together. The hugs. Come on, the hugs are great. The Horsemen times; I know I already said Marvel, but...this time...was special. When it was us, it was us...You know? The time that you fell back and took the Marvel Table with you. The time you just yelled out, "OH, s**t, DADDY'S HOME!" The weekend that I turned 24 and all that entire time before it (I can not stress that enough). Basically it has all been magic, ja? 6. Would you give me a kiss? *Kissu* 7. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: xd Surely we have filled that file to its brink and beyond. xD You know too much. Perhaps I should pay you a visit with ninjas. ninja heart 8. Would you take care of me when I'm sick? Yes. And no more cheese for you, Mister Lactose Intolerance. 9. Would you drive across country with me? YES. ********. 10. What do you wear to sleep? Jammies. Which ones are entirely based upon the mood then. If I do not make it that far then whatever I wore to work. *FACE PLANTS INTO COUCH* Sometimes I even manage to at least get the shoes off. xD 11. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? Yesh. But I am bringing Pepi. Cause you need Pepi. I need Pepi. More for me that you like water or OJ. 12. If we were both single, would you go on a date with me if I asked you? Yes, but I know that you never would ask since I think I scare you. xD I can make Integra look like a teddy bear, can't I? 13. If we were going to spend an evening together - where would we go and what would we do? Hehehehehehe, this is a good one considering we have done so much. I say another long day of road trip, pestering whatever locals are about us, splurging on goodies and then commencing to play SC. I like that game. Can you tell? 14. If you were to cook me a dinner, what would you make? Whatever I cooked, would you REALLY eat it? xD 15. What do we have in common? <3 More then there is time to go into. Jedoch weit könnten wir wandern, nie denken, dass ich Sie, meinen lieben Freund vergesse. 16. What quality do you like best about me? Sense of humor, hands down. You make me laugh, and I always need that. Thank you. That and you can cook. 3nodding But the sense of humor is a WIN. 17. What quality do you think I like best about you? Candle. <3 LOOK AT THAT CUTE KITTY! That and my ebil characters. ninja Admit it, you LOVE the ebil characters. twisted heart 18. If we were on a road trip together and there were three seats left in the vehicle - who would go with us? heart You know this already. 19. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you? I just very much wanted to fill this out for you to show you I DO pay attention, more attention then it might seem. I figured today was a good day because of your two years on Gaia. ^.^ Loves yew, First Seal.
Tennyo_Oujo~ You will probably never see this, but then again there will be many that will probably never see this; you will probably not remember me, either, for it was so long ago, but you were the third person I ever added to my friend list. You were so sweet to me and I was so new; it was neat cause our avatars were so alike. xD But I have always remembered how nice you were to me. Thank you.
Jack_Vanguard~ I still have that banner and I still thank you. You were the fifth person I had as a friend on here and your kindness has never been forgotten though we do not talk as we used to. Thank you for the pweety banner and the nice talks.
I seriously can not wait for H2k6. I- WAIT A MINUTE. WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS, MISTER? evil_frog~ I still love your account name. xD It was so long ago, but I still remember you and the really early morning talks. I hope life is treating you good. Take care, sweetie.
Ahh, back in the days when I was...OK, so I was never really what you could call 'caught up'. >.< I really do try, though. >.< But this was back in the day when seven was NOTHING. XD
ShadowDragon2501~ Prescious Roy, Prescious Roy, making lots of fools outta girls and boys!
I ask yet again...CAN I KNOW NOW? gonk
And you know what? My heart is beating, meh hands are shaking but it is BOOM! HEADSHOT! BOOM! HEADSHOT! BOOM! Vanslaz~ Remember everything I have ever said. I mean it. To another two years, ja? Shadow and Light forever; my best RP buddy ever. I hope you know how dear of a friend you are to me.
The Lost-Angel~ Red is like my HOME, and you are my FAMILY; I love you guys, can never thank the powers that be enough for you guys. It has meant so much to me that you had faith in me and have waited for me and put up with everything and...BEEN THERE. I am at a loss of words to tell you how much everything you have done means to me. I love you. You are family to me. Red was the first guild that I had ever been invited to and that said a LOT to me, still after all this time I am stunned that you stuck by me and wanted me in there no matter what...Thank you, Lost. You allowed me to continue a story that was as vital to my being as food and water. I love what Red has become and I know it can only get better. I believe in you. No matter what else, know that. Thank you. Thank you for letting me in, for always having my back and...for believing in me. Asai Kaiyosho~ Where to being, where to begin? Well...OK, here are some things I have learned from Gaia.
You might win the internets, but that does not mean you can look at it all in a day.
It really IS serious business.
Vanny is always on when you are off. Vice versa.
If it is green with glowing red eyes, then chances are it wants to eat your brain. Unless you do not want to go to work the next day, don't let it.
...It is either eating your brain or humping your brain...Either way, it is a good reason to not have to go into work.
Yes, there are a million and one great guilds/RPs/threads to join, more great RPers then you have time to count, and NO YOU CAN NOT JOIN/ENLIST/PM THEM ALL.
It's time to log off when your avatar is blinking at you.
There were more, and are more, but for now I think that will do. What I am trying to say, I guess, is that no matter how much something means to you there is only one thing that can make it even better. That would be having someone great to share it with, someone that will laugh with you over all the little things and be happy for you when something great happens. Something to...share it all with. Like a story- it rattles about in your head but until someone else knows about it, then it is not really REAL.
I do not know if you remember our talk about the Velveteen Rabbit but...Thank you for making me real. Thank you. I will be forever grateful for you doing that for me, because only you could. Do I love you for it? Yes, I do. You have helped me to grow. Thank you.
Lord Vedel Minashigo~ It was a whole different world back then, wasn't it? It seems I have not spoken to you in forever and that makes me sad. I hope that life is taking good care of you; I also hope that you know you have never been forgotten by this one. I hope that you see this, but more importantly I hope that you are happy. Thank you for the sweet memories. I hope that things have worked out better for you then they were going. You were always so nice to me. *Huggles*
Well. The party was a blast until someone decided to water the table. Why people gotta go and pee on other people's furniture? arachnia~ Again, you will probably never see this but I hope that the good feelings I have for you will find you and that you will know that you are still cared for. I am sorry for how things happened and just for not being there for you more. I really dropped all the balls. I can never say I am sorry enough.
Cuuuuute. Remember that hair? I do! I liked it. xD But I like what you have now, too. But this was just cute. xD Be happy, my dear friend.
aryal_glorious~ Whatever it was, I am sorry. I truly am. It was a shame what happened. I am sorry.
I miss the little eek ! It was always so damn neat seeing it. Dlin~ In many a way my art addiction started with you, for it was you that drew me my very first avatar art and got me completely hooked. I had to have more and more and more and more and more...Thank you for that picture. It is so pretty. Just looking at it brings a smile to my face. Thank you. I will always treasure it.
tripledevils~ We have not talked in forever but I laughed so hard when I saw that you still have the same siggy as over a year ago. xD...And you've done great with your avatar. I remember what your goal was, even after all this time. 3nodding You made Word Games so damn fun.
Gore Whore~ You just kick a**. Seriously. I want that damn horror RP! ShaterdxlullabY~ You deserve the world and all the happiness that you can find. I wish you well on your path, and I am so proud to see how much you have grown. You are doing great, sweetie. Good luck with everything and all my happiness goes to you.
[Dragon]~ blaugh Where to begin with you? Now after nearly two years what I told you in that first PM makes sense to you, I am guessing. xD I told you I loved the name for a personal reason. I also still have everything you ever made me. Thank you. I can never say that enough. You are one of my dearest friends. Don't ever change and do not ever think less of yourself for whatever reason. You even have the Cuteness Queen's Fuzzy Royal Seal Of Approval, that you do. ^.^x Anathema Device~ It's been a complete ******** for you, too, all this time, huh? XD I bet you do not remember me but you wowed me then and you wow me still. It was so odd how much you reminded me of myself, and at the time you even lived in the same state as I do! xd I wish you the best of what this world has to offer, and I really hope that you are happy and are as blessed as one could be. You are a darling. Thank you for...just being you.
 Arisato~ I am sorry we have not spoken in so long. @.@ I know you have to think I am ignoring you or that I hate you or some such thing, but it is not true. I hope that you are doing good with everything and that things have gotten better for you. Good luck with life. Corbin Israfael~ I really hope that you are well and truly happy one day. I miss talking to you. It's been far too long. Pyrokinetic #13~ *Huggles* I think that real life took you away and I seriously hope that you are ok, wherever you are. Villain. <3 RedCrash~ Eeeee, RC! *Mad Huggles* heart Misses you muchly. I have no idea if you will see this, it looks like you are on Gaia even less then me, but I hope that even if you never see this you will have one wonderful, sterling day where everything is great in honor of how very much you have made me happy with your kind words. You are always in my heart for what you have said. You have always been so kind to me even though I have done nothing to deserve it. Thank you. htlove101~ heart *Huggles huggles huggles* heart How is one of the sweetest girls on Gaia? I miss talking to you. I am sorry that I have not been on more and that it has been so damn long. gonk I have fallen behind and fall more and more and more behind every day but my prayers have always been with you. I know you have had a hell of a time and I only hope that to make up for it you know only the best. heart Thank you for always making me smile and being so nice.
Orbis Erus~ Love the new account name and that profile simply is the best. I love it. You probably do not remember me anymore but you are simply a GREAT RPer and I am sorry we have fallen out of touch. It is all my fault and I am sorry.
Aeongera~ I went into your old art shop and poked about...I read that you have left Gaia and whether this is for good or not, I was sad. You will be very missed, my friend. I hope that life is good for you. Good luck in all you do and be safe.
Freakish Martyr~ You will never see this, I do not think. There is a small tragedy in that.
Lucky. heart Hyptosis~ You fed that art obsession with a very sweet picture of Flare that the look still tears at me...You captured her so well, her hurt and vulnerability. It is to this day the only time I have requested a picture of her that showed her with her emotional wounds laid open to the world. I remember what made me ask you to draw her that way and I thank you a million times over for capturing a very poignant, magical time in my life. A picture does speak, doesn't it? And yours spoke of her heart. Thank you.
I thought Jack was gonna eat my head. o.o LOOK AT HIM! HE IS HUGE! Kolyarut~ Another RPer that wows me and I feel blessed to know. I am sorry it has taken so long to get back to you...I know I owe you a post, and I am so sorry that it was so long ago that you will probably not even remember me.
Da da daaaaaah! It begins! XD I had to toss this in here. xD Look at the date. <3 Sepha~ Another person that will probably never see this but I have to say thank you for the great RP story and damnit, I want to continue it. >.< I am sorry that everything has been so damn...spazzy. I know you have been busy on your end, too, but I still feel bad that we have not spoken in so long.
 Kalt~ One of the best RPs I have ever had was the one with you; your character was genius and it was SO NICE to find another post-apocalyptic fan. I demand that we continue, good sir. As soon as you have the time, I am going to steal you back into that ruined world, for the character you have amazed me. I am sorry my last post sucked so. I still am afraid I killed the RP. >.<
Le Morte Noir~ Hehehehehehe, much love to you. heart Yukirashitoe~ You never cease to be amusing and to make me laugh. It's been too long; you probably no longer will remember me and I am sorry for that.

Deltethnia~ I miss you and I miss the guild so very much. gonk heart I am sure that all of you think I have abandoned you or forgotten you...I suck. crying I am so sorry, please know that I never meant to ignore any of you, I have simply...hit a wall. I am so sorry, to everyone, but please know I never meant to leave PJs for so long. I miss it in there. gonk suicune2001~ *Huggles* It is so funny how things started out and how they are now. I used to think that you hated me and I used to ask Lost over and over and over and over if I should leave Red just to make everyone happy, because I thought that I had...ruined something very good. And now you are family to me. I am blessed to have friends like you that put up with me and all of the crap that hovers about me like light hovers about Flare. You have been one of my closest friends for a long long long time now and I can never tell you what that means to me. Thank you. I would hug you for real if I could, simply for all the times you have been there for me and never even knew it. You rock. Thank you for being my friend even through everything...And just because I have to say it...Why were you nakie a few days ago, young lady? XD Your mother wants to know where your clothes were! xd heart wink heart
Dragyn_Master~ I hope that everything is working out for you. You are always in the midst of something and I am sorry we do not get to touch bases more often then we do. I never meant to have happen to Unreal what happened, but when the door to that world opens again, I hope to find you there.
First shot ever of my inventory, I was so new. xD
Erihar_Dragonclaw~ *Huggles up and snuggles the puppy* gonk heart I am so sorry. I know I have fallen behind and you always let me know that you miss me in the sweetest ways. I feel like I can never tell you enough that I miss you, too, and that I am sorry that I have not been able to get your PMs back to you. I am so sorry, sweetheart. Please forgive the Flare, she never forgot you, even for one moment, and misses you, too. gonk
TakureShimora~ I wanta continue the RP. gonk Thank you for being such a great RPer. I adore a good story, need it like air, and you know how to make a story good. Rhaze~ I saw it. It made my day. Thank you.
Culla~ You...you. You I miss. gonk I really hope that this finds you doing better then the last time we talked. You seem to have a ground zero effect about you and for that I am very sorry, for you have always been so nice to me, and forgiven the fact I have not been online more. That means more then I have words to express. I really hope that you are doing ok and that...life has not turned uglier. Be safe, be happy, and one day, damnit, we will hopefully continue the RP simply because you are an amazing RPer. And where is the number of tail pulls?
These were ALL the emotes there were when I joined Gaia. I think it is neat to see how many there are now compared to then.
Zathura~ gonk heart I miss talking to you, you have always been so nice to me even though I feel like an utter and complete pile of brownies over not being on more and being in PJs more. I feel like I let you all down. I am so sorry. gonk ThamiorHeadbuster~ RP. Now. xd We've only been planning this baby out for...what...nearly a year and a half now? It's time to start this baby walking and see what dark trails we find.
Piasharn~ You believed in me. I can not express what that means to me. I wish I could, but I am just not capable of finding the right words.

Kai~ Little brother, be careful, be happy, be safe. And if anyone is mean to you, let big sister know. xd I got those last few voice mails...I never knew if you got my text, but thank you. They were at the best time, thank you. Stereochrome~ I collect you. ninja heart And since there can only be one like you, I win. Cause you are great. I have a butterfly for you, too. 3nodding heart leviathan001~ Flare misses the guild and the...EVERYTHING. FLARE IS SORRY. crying gonk Ketchup and Turtles~ There are no words to thank you for this. This...wowed me, even got a reaction from someone that usually does not even quirk an eyebrow at such things. You brought my Flare to life in one of the most treasured peices of art I have ever gotten. Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou. heart
Ketchup and Turtles <3 Alexander Knight~ Another person that I feel as if I have let down and who I know I owe a post to. Please do not think I have abandoned you, please do not think I have been ignoring you; I actually have your post but have been trying to save a day to just spend on PMs alone. I am sorry it has taken so long. gonk I really hope I have not ruined our RP. >.<
Good news! It's an EGG! 3nodding
SazukeEX~ Damn the PM-eating monster. stressed I know you have been busy as well but your posts are brilliant. I hope that my last one was ok...or at the very least passable. xD I think it ate your reply, though. I am sorry we have not been in touch for so long. >.< Taranne~ Wherever you are now in life I hope that things are better now then they were so long ago. I never knew if you got my last PM but I meant every word of what I said. You have a gift. I hope that you are happy, for you very much deserve it.
WHAT? <3 I miss the Cloud. Miss it cause of you. Wagupocky~ Want to know something that just pleases me to no end for a reason that a few will MAYBE get, you being one of the best people I know that will get a kick out of this as I do?
Today is Mad Hatter's Day.
How damn cool is that? heart
Mad Hatter's Day is almost exactly half a year from April Fools' Day (and that has a deeper meaning to me as well0. Today is all about...well, turnabout: Today up is down and down is up. It is a lovely day where only a place like Wonderland could make sense, IF it did not before.
The date for it was chosen from the illustrations by John Tenniel- "In this style 10/6". I will stop the whole lecturing thing now but this just pleases me to no end that today of all days would be Mad Hatter's Day. I was going to change my avatar just for the occasion but I have no idea if I will have time before work, for I am rushing to get done with this now, but I was bursting to tell someone about today, and I know you are a fellow Alice fan. And that makes this one very happy. ^.^
"Sentence first, then the verdict!"
Judaeu~ You are another RPer that I miss. I am sorry if my last post was bad; I know it was not the best I have ever done and I figured I might have killed the RP. I am sorry if I did. I hope this finds you doing good. Lonely_Crow~ You, my dear, have damn good tastes in monsters.  Punks~ I hope that you are doing better now. Good luck in wherever the road takes you.
Kaelshazar~ I miss you so very much. >.< I am so sorry that I have not gotten your PMs back to you or been online more. I miss the RP, too. gonk Did it eat my post to you, cause I know you asked for me to resend it, and I did but was never sure if you got it. I know that you are busy as hell and that life is...Well, it is an adventure on your end. Be safe, ok? I hope that things are doing good with you. I really hope that you are liking what you are doing now. I am proud of you.
Deehe~ *Loves the Deehe but how can anyone NOT love the Deehe for he is, indeed, Deehe and that is all that needs to be said...other then maybe 'teeeeheee'* xd heart Formic~ Another bright and wonderful spirit I have been blessed to meet. You might never see this for I know that you are even now doing what you need to do, and I respect you more then I can tell you for that, but what little time our paths crossed was wonderful. I hope that you are doing good. I hope you find what you need. Be careful...and...thank you. I hope one day to speak to you again.
Lord_Kyoshiro~ I hope that you got my last PM. It seems like I have abandoned my PMs but I have just fallen behind. I am sorry. I really hope that you are ok and I have not fudged up the story. I hope I did not miss the chance to continue on with the story, because it is so interesting to me. Nanu Kaiyosho~ Someone else that loves the same anime as I do and that speaks Randomese! surprised heart
I have but one question to query forth with you, and that would be, how goes the cabinet with that glow stick? I heard the chicken is pretty irate today, so be wary if you decide to go onto Saturn anyway. It might rain.
Sabin Lionheart~ You probably forgot this one a long time and I am sorry for that, because back during that one Q&A thread you were the best thing about the rollback. They might have taken the gold but I met a great person. I like what I got instead. ^.^
.Meatatarian.~ I love the new name. xD Love love love it. XD wrath_ov_holyshadow~ Damian. heart You are missed here on Gaia, missed in Red, and missed by this one very much so. *Huggles* I hope that you are doing good, Joker, and I tip my hat to you. I hope that you will join us again soon, it is wickedly terrible without you.
Firefox_Flashpaws~ You are still about Gaia. heart That makes this one happy. Lock up your valuables and hide your daughters. xD Seraphina312~ I adore this. Thank you a million times over. It is one of my most beloved peices, the only art I have been able to have made of my little darling. It is very hard to find artists that will do kitties that are not some type of breedables. That just makes this all the more special to me. heart
Benassi~ You are great. xd I am sorry we have not been talking as much as we have. I bumped the thread...I will hopefully be able to talk to you about it soon. I hope it did not die. gonk I know damn well Poet hopes it did not. >.< Masochisticpet~ You have not been forgotten. I just really really really suck. gonk I am sorry. Seotinach~ Curiousity only stuns, not kills, some cats. At any rate, satisfaction will always bring kitty back. Blonde_Kagome~ You might not see this but if you do I hope that you are happy. I am sorry for the way things have...went/not went. I hope that you are doing ok, both of you, cause I do miss your sister. I hope you are both well.
Leviatas~ I am sorry. I know we have not been more in touch and it is my fault. I am trying to get my stuff together, though I have been saying that for...over a year now. I am trying to get back to...a semblance of what...used to be...I am just sorry. >.< I have really sucked at getting back to a stable point and I am sure you think I have been ignoring you, for time has been just incredibly rare for so long. I am seriously sorry. I know I have let so many down...I am sorry.
Poet~ I love your name, did I ever tell you that? Nice. I hope that this finds you doing good. I have missed talking to you, missed the thread like hell. I am sorry about not being on more.
I truly do not deserve all the sweet friends I have found here, but damn, am I happy to have found you all.
Farrence~ ninja Don't even think you are safe or forgotten by this RP addict. Watch out for a PM coming your way. ninja
On a more serious note, I hope that you are ok. I do read what you write in your journal and though I know we do not know one another all that well, I worried for you when I read that last entry. I am sorry that things are so hard on you, and I sincerally hope that you are doing better, should you ever run up on this.
DeadAccount06~ I told you to not tempt me and tell me I would not do it! HA HA!
*HugglesMADLY* >.< HORNS. <3 Jen Assura~ I know you might think you have been forgotten but I never have forgotten you; I hope that you are...able to find what you need to be happy. Good luck with life and I hope that you are ok. A D D I C T E D~ I am digging the new name, but you will always be a Fellow Flare to me. ^.^ heart Kyosuke Rargrue~ ninja heart What?~ You are. And that is more then enough.
Mirshann Eet~ I miss you and Gaia misses you but I miss you more, damnit. gonk heart I am so glad you joined Red! *Huggles* That makes this one very happy. 3nodding heart Welcome. ^.^ Sevi Rais~ *Huggles the Sevi* heart You are...WOW. How are you so...WOW? Thank you for always being so nice to me and for being Sevi. Cause Sevi is the best. heart And I fed Squishy. He is a cutie. ^.^ *Ten points for Sevi for always being so nice*
I knew Asai would be a bad influence on you, Vanny. xD Vincent_Vellstrome~ I am glad to know you; I have heard so much about you from Asai. And I don't believe half of it, so don't worry. xd wink heart blueturquoise~ You are always so sweet. Don't ever change. Thank you for being my friend. ^.^ MillieQOF~ It's been too damn long and I am sorry for that. I hope that you are doing good, and that you know you have not been forgotten. *Huggles* Dante_Sparda_817~ Dante. heart Yes. You win. Yes. Dante. Yes.

Kenkaru~ You knew I would not forget you. ^.^ I hope you did not, anyway...I am sorry that I have not been on more to talk and that it might seem like I have abandoned you, for I have not. I have not forgotten the guild either, I just...I told you it was madness about me. xD
Must remember to not do that around Aurora too much...AH HELL. >.<
nocturnal miyu~ You are sweet, has anyone ever said that to you before? heart I remember how nice you always were to me. I still have the picture that you did for me, too. Thank you. heart
Sazumi~ You made the very first avi edit I ever ordered- a damn kick a** Bad Kitty edit that is amazing. Thank you. I love it. I love how you did her jacket. heart It was forever and a day ago and I know you had a ton of customers but I never forget when someone does artsies for me. Thank you.
I have a few days on Gaia that really...were...priceless. The day that Lost made me V.C. of Red was one of them. I can never thank you enough, Lost. It means so much to me that you have that much trust in me. It is times like this that made me love the site so much and the people I meet here.
unsolvedenigma~ This. This was my very first couple pic that I commissioned for a certain Light Bringer and Shadow Lord. There are seriously no words for how much this means to me.
It's all that needs to be said.
Ciori~ You might never see this but thank you so very much for the picture. It is lovely. Thank you so very much; it is seriously...It takes my breath. You caught the very feeling I wanted, the mood and the way you posed them...It was perfect. Thank you for bringing two characters I adore alive for me in print.
chaoschibi~ For drawing me for free, giving my second peice of free art and making her so damn cute. Thank you. I still have it. It is so damn cute.

Lasreaine~ You make crayons sezzy.
Sezzy crayons.
Shikahn~ Thank you so so so so much. heart
I know you were always busy so the fact you gave this to me makes it even more special to me. I adore it. Thank you. I never forgot that you drew this for me. heart
O m o r o s e~ Yes. heart *Bows* Thank you. You...Look at this...
Lovely. heart (And, unless he got the email, I think this is the first time it has been seen by a certain Shadow Boy.) ^.^ heart Datherine_of_Dolphins~ I wish we had gotten to know one another more, for you were so sweet to me back during a time when kindness was exactly what was needed. Best wishes to you and good luck with life, I really hope that you are doing good. And should you ever see this, please know I thank you. You made me smile. Thank you.
lishuss~ I bet you were more of a Slappy person, who I loved myself, but I was always a sucker for Wakko. ALL. THE. WAY. XD Shocker there, I am sure. I want to join your guild but fear I will miss work saving every damn .gif I can. I am a recovering .gif addict and here you are tempting me so. gonk
Reddy~ You rock. heart You want sealeds anytime, you know where to find them. xD
~ heart ~
This is to all of you. I wanted to do something to say thank you to everyone, to let you all know how much you mean to me, how much all of what you have done has added up and made me so very happy...But there are not enough words. Not for me. Not enough and not enough GOOD ones that can express what all of every little thing that you guys did, every comment you left, every nice PM you dropped me, every time you remembered me...I can not tell you enough how much it has all meant to me. I love you all.
I have to praise you like I should.
RadiantFlare · Fri Oct 06, 2006 @ 07:17pm · 7 Comments |