
Personality: Arrogant, Insensitive, Merciless, and Shameless
Skills: Professional use of piercing weapons, Incredible ability to lead, and can impeccably analyze any situation.
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Race: Caucasian
Eye Color: Dark, almost pitch-black
Hair: White, frizzy, long | kept in a ponytail in most occasions
Body Build: Deceivingly muscular while being only medium size
Clothes: Casually Regal Tunic with casual trousers, oftentimes has a swept-hilt rapier at his side.
Description: Claude Faute, the most recent Guildmaster of Port Rap's most prominent trading/raiding guild, The Council of Virtuous Parley (CVP). After being sold into slavery, Claude was faced a difficult and horrendous life and became practically emotionless by the time he was just seven, accepting what came to him as "punishment" for his past.
Three years later, the previous Guildmaster of the CVP found Claude and traded an incredible amount of platinum coins in order to purchase Claude from the slaveholders. Though the guild believed this choice would lead them down a dark path, Claude slowly and steadily became more stable. To this day, he is still unable to understand basic humane concepts like "mercy" and "guilt," but he claims his past has created an unrivaled strength within him, which allows him to keep a devious smile plastered to his face while sitting in the high seat of the guild hall.
After the death of the previous Guildmaster, Claude's apprenticeship under the figurehead of the guild was considered completed early, and he took the promotion to the position of Guildmaster. He had spent just 10 years in his apprenticeship, rather than the standard 15 for other Guildmasters' apprentices. He has spent five years as Guildmaster so far.

Personality: Punctual and a realist. Very willing to work and very sweet. Eager to take responsibility but also shy.
Skills: Mathematics, financing, budgeting, and negotiating
Gender: Female
Age: 27
Race: Caucasian
Eye Color: Forest Green
Hair: Straight, long, black hair.
Body Build: Petite, but tall.
Clothes: Normally wears a formal dress, nothing too flashy. Blue and black is her preference in colors.
Description: Lorelis is one of Claude's most trusted officers. Heading the Financial Division of the Council of Virtuous Parley, she also plays a crucial role in striking deals with competitors and keeping track of the treasury. Without her abilities contributing to the guild, it would be fundamentally flawed, essentially unable to hold itself together.
Under her extraordinary guidance, she struck a deal with a guild with a high standing in the Lelantos Empire, which led to a steady rise in guild income for the next three years. The extra funding was able to be funneled into renovating and expanding the guild's hall and, in turn, the guild's influence in the Yellowdale Kingdom.
Her relationship to Claude is on a professional level, and she works with him quite often as an adviser when he makes personal appearances to negotiate with higher ranking guilds and family members of royal decent. By the time Claude had been adopted into the guild by the former Guildmaster, she was already making preparations to become an upper-ranking officer. After taking on an apprenticeship under the previous officer of the financial sector of the guild, she spent seven years gaining experience in the field. At the end of her apprenticeship, she was promoted by the former Guildmaster and the former officer retired. So far, she has spent seven years in this position.

Personality: A soft, sincere, and brave soul, but feared when angered. His soldiers will always matter more to him than himself.
Skills: Combat with most weapons, born to lead an army
Gender: Male
Age: 35
Race: Black
Eye Color: Yellow
Hair: Short, spiked blonde hair.
Body Build: Incredibly large, both tall and muscular. Perks of being a first-class warrior. He has a large scar down his right arm.
Clothes: Normally clad in full-plate, steel armor. The most armor that he would leave behind would be his gauntlets and his helmet.
Description: Victor was appointed to the Council of Virtuous Parley's Defense Division at the age of 27 by the former Guildmaster. Clearly, the man had a gift. He was the only officer in the guild that did not take on an apprenticeship, which is a rare happening.
After faithfully serving the guild's Defense Division for 12 years, Victor found his chance to step up when the former Officer stepped down to retire. The former Guildmaster had held a championship with hundreds of competitors in order to find the strongest soldier from within the guild. In each round, the competitors would brawl with each other in a last-man-standing styled event. When Victor climbed the ranks and faced his final opponent, it took just three punches for him to claim his victory.
Victor was given formal training by the former Guildmaster and even dueled him, at one point. The duel resulted in Victor gaining a large scar down his right arm, one that he cherishes to this day, even though he had lost the battle. He has served as officer of the Defense Division for eight years, now, and has had 20 years of experience as a soldier.

Personality: Moody and hates to be interrupted, knowledgeable but sometimes quite arrogant.
Skills: Historian and Bookkeeper. One to go to if you have a question. Also handles guild membership and apprenticeships.
Gender: Male
Age: 32
Race: White
Eye Color: Blue
Hair: Short, black and curly.
Body Build: Tall and thin, to put it simply.
Clothes: A wardrobe comprised of robes and cloaks and cowls of silk. Normally, he wishes to bring out the best of the material by choosing vibrant colors, such as cerulean, forest green, or a soft crimson.
Description: Sylvestor was a student of the college at the capital of the Lelantos Empire for several years. Thanks to his parents' royal blood, he had the funds to pay for his tuition there, which was equated to more than the average worker would make in a minimum of a decade. He finished his schooling at the age of 22 and began to search for a career at the Emperor's side. However, the royal line turned his offer down, and referred him instead to the Empire's most prominent guild, The Seven Swords.
After working with The Seven Swords' Archiving Division for three years, he had concluded that their practices were too disorganized and disorderly. He felt displeased by their lack of professionalism and left to seek employment elsewhere. However, since he had suddenly left the most prominent guild in the Empire, none else would accept him, and the royalty of the Empire had already rejected him. Therefore, he had no choice but to leave the empire to search for further employment.
After two years of depending on funding from his family, his search for employment led him to Port Rap, where he came in contact with Lorelis, who immediately grew to appreciate his abilities and negotiated a deal with him. In exchange for his services in the Council of Virtuous Parley, he would be assured the highest ranking position available, which had been left opened ever since the former officer had been dismissed by the former Guildmaster for misusing and selling the guild's historic information. Currently, Sylvestor has worked as an the Archiving Officer for five years.

Personality: Deceivingly childish, despite also being incredibly wise.
Skills: Analytical, Strategic, and Wise.
Gender: Male
Age: 57
Race: Caucasian
Eye Color: Brown
Hair: Short, white and black-speckled hair. Slightly balding on the top.
Body Build: Short stature and slow moving. Normal old man.
Clothes: Most often found wearing robes or his pajamas.
Description: Henrik is the deceivingly childish officer in charge of the Council of Virtuous Parley's Intelligence Division, which handles the gathering, distribution, and handling of several types of information. Henrik heads, arguably, the most important Division in the guild, being the centrality of logistics and intelligence.
Henrik has worked under two Guildmasters, in the past. The former Guildmaster, and the Guildmaster before him. However, Henrik never wished to rise in power over the guild. He claimed that it was "too much responsibility," although, everyone knew that he really would have rather just been an adviser. Henrik was one of the former Guildmaster's best friends, having grown up together. When the former Guildmaster passed away, the entirety of the guild could see a light inside Henrik that had flickered out.
However, Henrik did not stop serving the guild. When Claude took his place on the High Seat, Henrik, as officer of the Intelligence Division, offered his guidance to the young, new Guildmaster. Claude, having witnessed Henrik's abilities first-hand years before while still an apprentice to the former Guildmaster, agreed whole-heartedly to this opportunity.

Personality: Humble, Sensitive, Forgiving, and Reserved
Skills: Persuasive, cunning, and extraordinary leadership ability.
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Race: Caucasian
Eye Color: Silver
Hair: Frizzy, ear-length, silver hair, with bangs that point downward.
Body Build: Average size, but also relatively muscular.
Clothes: Normally black and silver clothing. Resembles 18th century ball garbs.
Description: Lucien is Claude's older brother, and when Claude was sold into slavery, Lucien went off in search of him. Lucien claimed that he would save Claude by doing whatever it took, but as a child of just eight years old, his abilities were limited. After Lucien left home, he spent three years searching for Claude, and was eventually adopted into the royal family in the Lelantos Empire.
Using his newly-found royal influence, young Lucien, at just the age of 11, managed to pinpoint the location of Claude and the slaveholders that held him captive. After three years, he had finally pulled it off. However, despite his begging, the Lelantos family refused to go after the child, claiming that the emperor could only have one heir. Retrieving Claude would only be a waste of resources.
Instead, Lucien came up with a different plan, and ordered a messenger to be sent to the Yellowdale Kingdom. There, in the city of Port Rap, the messenger would find a guild known as the Council of Virtuous Parley. The messenger had orders to give Claude's location to the Guildmaster and leave him an offer. If the Guildmaster saved Claude, then the prince of the Lelantos Empire would use his influence to grant any wish that the guild aspired to reach one day.
Once Claude had been successfully added to the ranks of the Council of Virtuous Parley, Lucien felt guilty for not being able to give Claude a more prestigious position, so he joined a guild, The Seven Swords, and rose throughout the ranks, eventually claiming the spot of Guildmaster by using his royal influence throughout the years. As of now, he has served as Guildmaster for the last six years.

Personality: Intelligent, Quiet, Normally Reserved, but feisty when angered.
Skills: Offers sound counsel and intelligent responses. Good with money and documents.
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Race: Caucasian
Eye Color: Blue
Hair: Long, blonde hair, with a swirling and coiling ponytail.
Body Build: Slender and beautiful, but not very tall.
Clothes: Formal dresses of deep colors, such as deep reds or dark blues.
Description: Eliana Silvershade is the adviser of Lucien, and is also the general of the officers of the guild, The Seven Swords. Her role began not very long ago, just after Lucien took his place as Guildmaster of The Seven Swords. She cares very deeply for Lucien, due to the fact that he is of royal blood. Her servitude to the Lelantos Empire runs deep in her blood, and creates a fiery desire to protect the young man.
However, the same passion does not flow from her towards his brother, Claude. The two often fight with each other like siblings, despite the fact that Claude is clearly far more capable of causing harm. However, that does not go to say that Eliana is harmless. Despite her caring personality and her beautiful figure, she cannot contain her anger very well, which can cause violent or rude outbursts.
She attempts to keep that side of her hidden at all times, but she has trouble nonetheless. Lucien normally ignores that side of her because of her prowess as an adviser and general at such a young age of just 28.
Ty-Harukii · Wed Jun 21, 2017 @ 07:29am · 1 Comments |