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Lily, this is for you
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#1: This may or may not be filled with typos from top to bottom, so please, if you are a grammar Nazi or spelling bee kiddo, please ignore the following post*

#2: This may or may not be filled with cheesy information from top to bottom, so please, if you're lactose intolerant, please ignore the following post*

Dearest Lily,

So, listen, Lily. I'm gonna give you a good rant. It's going to be one that matches or, at the very least, resembles the one that you gave me. Now, I'm not gonna copy it word for word, but like... gonna follow the same points; I may leave out some of the more explicit points, since this is pretty... public. By the way, baby, I hate people. I hate humanity so god-damned much. I don't know if you knew that or not, but that's where I'm going to start. I hate humanity. But despite you being human, I love you more than anything on this earth. That includes all the other humans. Yeah, I love you. Even if you're a human. I love you, Lily. I dunno how many times I'm going to end up saying that in this entire spiel, but be prepared for it, because I'm sure that I've got another 2k "I love you"s left.

Lily, I also don't know how many times I'm gonna say this throughout my rant, but hey, you're perfect. As I continue to speak, I learn that I just don't know a whole lot about myself. I haven't planned any of this out. Not a wink of it. And as I'm confining myself to the standards of modern English, I just want to slip away into some other language. A language that will more adequately describe how I'm feeling. Let me tell you, Lily.. ever since Day One with you, I've only fallen more and more in love with you. I know everyone who happens to look at your profile is going to see all of this and be like, "Ew, this guy is so gay," or, "What a cheesy boyfriend." BUT. Gay is very legal in this country, so they can all suck it.

For some reason, it hasn't really seemed like I've even started ranting about you. I feel like I'm just spouting out random words that seem to flow together horribly. Like gasoline over water. Gasoline smells good, though. Like me. Like you. Whether or not gasoline smells good, or if water smells good, they still flow together, no? They may not mix, but they do flow. Gasoline on top, water on bottom. That's us. I'm not gonna say who's who, since that would be on the explicit material subject that I was covering earlier. //wink wink, nudge nudge~

Okay, so baby, I wanna apologize fist off. For the last week that you've been in school, I've been sleeping in really late and it's seemed like we haven't had all that much time because of it. Well, baby, I often find myself playing games, too. And I haven't made much time for you because of it. And then there's anime. Oh, sheesh. Anime. It's a time-consuming thing, I'll tell you that much. Well, baby, I have been neglecting you, it seems. And I wanna apologize for that. That's the whole point I've been trying to make. It may seem like I don't want to spend time with you or it may seem as if I have better things to do, but I swear to you right now that it's not that way. You're the love of my life. You're what matters most. Just because I find myself getting a little distracted doesn't mean anything. I've got a short attention span, okay. But you've got my attention always. So, let me make it up to you. You've caught my eye and you're all my eye's been on for the past 6 months or so. So, how about you act on that, okay?

I admire you, Lily. You're a role model to me. I feel like there's a lot that I can learn from you. In fact, I have learned a lot from you already. I love you, you know. But that's not something I had to learn. It's something that I already knew. What I have learned, every day, is affecting me constantly. Making me be more like you. I suppose I've learned it from you, but ever since I've met you, I've been so much more adamant in my values. Like you, I've become a lot more impassioned. That's something that I've always liked about you, even if it's gotten me into trouble time and time again. I've learned to watch what I say a bit more, you know. I may still suck at comforting, but I'm not always upsetting you with stupid, ignorant stuff like I used to. That's a plus.

So, baby, I love you. Let's go into the details, yeah? Let's see... You're perfect. Wow, that wasn't detailed at all. Let's try again. OKAY. So, you're literally the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I like looking at the website I made for you. I like to see your pictures just flow past, you know. You're so adorable. So cute. I can't-- MOVING ON. So, you're hilarious. I dunno if you've ever heard me laugh, but I blame you for it when I do. I also love how tolerant you are of me. Oh, god. How tolerant you are in general. I've always been a tolerant one, baby. You're a lot like me in that aspect, except that you won't always stand for it. Like... I dunno how you haven't broken up with me yet. I'm such a horrible boyfriend. I'd be an even worse girlfriend. BUT STILL. You're so tolerant of me. I've screwed up so many times, love. You just tell me it's okay and we move on, but after hurting you so much, it hurts me even more when I hurt you. I hope you know that I don't mean to, okay. I really don't. You're everything to me. Everything. I just want to make you smile. Smile. SMILE. Keep smiling always. Your smile is what keeps me going.

Ugh. You have no idea. I love you so much, Lily. More than I've ever loved anything. And I promise I'm not going anywhere. I'll keep that promise. No doubt about it. You're worth too much for me to risk losing. Come over, will you? Let me give you some cooties. And be happy about it. Gimme smiles while you're at it. I'll go to the store before you get here. Don't worry about that. I love you, Lily. I love you. More than I love Egoist. And that's like... my favorite band right now. So consider yourself beyond special. My perfect baby. I love you. I love you. I love you. I do.

I'm gonna stop ranting now, love. I've given you a whole... lot... to read... Oh, god, I went overboard. ANYWAY. I love you, Lily. Don't you dare ever doubt it. I love you, Lily.

Your Love~

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