Yep, I'm drawing the Hellion, from Judas Priest's Screaming For Vengeance, as I recently acquired a CD copy of the album.
I've got the initial drawing in ink done.
I want to shade it all in with pencil, but I'm afraid of ruining this wonderful drawing of mine.
I don't think I've ever been more proud of a drawing before in my life.
Behold! The Hellion!

I'm drawing it without the circle behind it.
And as of April 2nd, I've finished the drawing! blaugh
I decided not to shade it all in pencil. I just took a black sharpie to it and did kind of a positive/negative type approach with it. So, it's all in black and white.
And I am very proud of it. That is a first in a long time. I just have to scan it and upload it to DeviantArt now.
I suppose a link is in order: Behold!
And now the next order of business is to draw the Metallian. I'm never gonna be able to draw the Painkiller or the Redeemer of Souls. I already know that.
SamWeiki · Wed Apr 01, 2015 @ 01:53pm · 0 Comments |