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I have a big enough fan cult following to do this! Now! :3c ^__^ <3
Want to share this(story and my profile) on YouTube, Google+, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Xanga, and more? Here are some banners you can attach if you want to send, email, share, tag, advertise, print, call, tell, mention, display, clip, favorite, bookmark, signal boost, sign, spread, petition, mention, add to any pages even your signature here, cover, critique, review, process, scan, view, like, see, and post!
Getting businessy over some srs bsns. >:3

Love yall see yall later, minna-sans desu~! ^0^
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Mon Feb 16, 2015 @ 11:04pm · 0 Comments |