(Finally! After years in the making! A little bit more of an explanation for Raven's special ceremonial kimono beyond some forewards I did for the story in general. Enjoy! ^.^)
The Kimono Contest
It was another unpleasant day in Dullsville when I had gotten up and gotten ready for school. I was anxiously awaiting the weekend but it was tragically the Worst. Day. Ever. It was Monday! I woke up to the sound of my alarm beeping. I punched it with my super strength crushing it to dust. I sighed and put a pillow over my head moaning. I growled. My uncle Peterson called out to me "Wakey wakey and eggs and bakey!" in a sing song voice. I felt angst and eventually got up. My hair let down gliding on the floor as I went to the bathroom. I yawned and stretched. I looked in the mirror which made me look like a ginger version of that girl from The Ring. I laughed about it a little and began to do my hair and junk. I got out the usual serafuku. I slid it on. It was a dusty opaque midnight darkness and storm cloud black. The white collar was white as cloud fluff with black streaks on it as it formed a triangle. It was loose and baggy as to fit my large breasts. I put my skirt on my non-existant waist above my curvy bottom. Making sure to cover my matching black corset underwear. I put in a BUNCH of all shadow skull safety pin cross earrings. I tied up my majestic windswept mane into a messy bun like Amy Lee or the Asian people kind. I strapped a leather steel spike collar on my neck. It was pure leather and had longish spikes. I put on a bunch of random bracelets and long fingerless fishnet gloves. I put on shiny jet black combat boots and black torn fishnets. I did my make-up. My skin was already pale but I picked the whitest and iciest shade of foundation ever! I gave myself a dramatic wing eyeliner and brown and black and silver and gray eyeshadow. I put mascara on the long beauties that were my eyelashes and made them even beautier. I put on bright pin-up red lipstick and blended it with black to form a dead rose gradient on my big pouty plush lips. I puckered them and slid a lacy tulle tutu in my skirt. Dressed for success!
My uncle called again and then knocked on the door calling me again since I was probably late to school again but I didn't care. "Nani? What?!" I asked annoyed. "Princess, you'll be late to class again!" "No I won't!" I said back yelling at him. I smiled quickly my teeth were very clean and straight and white. Fangs spotless. I double check my make-up as he yells again. "Fine!!!" I yell at him and then headed downstairs. I gave him a glare. "Your bacon got cold!" He said sadly. "That's okay, Uncle Dracks. I couldn't give less of a s**t since I just want this Monday over with!" I tried not to snap and sound nicer because I know he tries. I rush out the door doing my best to quick travel and teleport.
Right outside the door I saw something...it was...a poster! It said "Kimono Contest at Local Country Fair". I raised an eyebrow at it. "What gives?" I asked. Still a little mad. Then I saw something in the corner of my eye as I swiftly turned my head I knew who it was. "Hahaha, loser! I bet you can't win the contest! I win every contest every year and I don't even change dresses!" She was speaking in a snooty voice trying to sound fancy and French. But really she sounded more like the movie Clueless. She had icy crummy white and blue Barbie eyeshadow on with a ton of black eyeliner and fake lashes with jewel glitter in them. She has pinkish purple lipstain and too much countering and bronzer fake tan. "I win ALL the contests in school AND OUR TOWN!" She added snippy. "That's because your dad is the god damn mayor." I said harshly head down glaring. "Well there's that and...people ALWAYS vote for me because I'm soooo totally like popular and stuff!" She replied giggling with an evil smile. Being bubbly expressing and feeling joy like the prep she was. (I HATE that crap because I'm goth) "They do that because they're afraid of you..." I said flatly and smart. "No they don't!" She shouted. I gave her a look smirking and had an eyebrow up. I wanted to see that pretty pink princess prove it. She looked around and quickly ran up to some kid. It was the 1 that picks his nose. Annette Jonesley grabs him. "See? He's not afraid!" not long before he fainted as though she was sucking out his soul. She dropped him and growled stomping her high heels. I smile a little cutely holding back a laugh through my perfectly white teeth.
SUDDENLY...the bell rang! "Ha! Loser! You'll be late now too!" She said. "Not likely." I reply cool and swift. I transport immediately into class. At most I was late by 1 second. Some minutes later Annette walks into Home Room. All the kids pointed and laughed at her and said "Oooooh~!" The teacher looked testy. "Miss Jonesley you're a disappointment sometimes." He said holding a book. She tripped over her stripper heels. "I'll see you after class." He said. She cried and we all laughed some more I mean aside from me I just smiled proudly with my legs crossed over them.
The day went relatively smooth from there. I was so glad for it to be over! As I left I could see Annette her angry eyes peeking at me from a window. Her glare was piercing. I was shocked and surprised. Then her BFFL Cameran showed up from behind her. ...and she writes the school gossip column.
I walked away trying not to care because I could not give a crap less about her and what her preppy jock football friends think of me. As I walked a little ways from the school my crush Kira ran up behind me. He grabbed my shoulder stopping me. I blushed like sugar cherries in a strawberry smoothie. There was a red hue on my natural flushed cheeks. "You need to enter the Kimono Contest." He said. "Nani? Whaaat?! Why?" I asked in surprise and annoyance. "As a Japanese girl you are sure to win!" Kira said with determination and he smiled. I went silent looking down again "..." "Oh? What? You think Annette's gonna win instead?" He asked. I didn't even need to say anything. "Gonna be honest here but that's horse s**t! The only one that deserves the title is YOU!" He continued. "But...what if I don't win?" I asked a little sad and nervous. I pouted and got suicidal and depressed again looking down. I kind of turn away. Everything felt black and white. "At least try...if you don't win I still think you're better than her." He said a little sad himself scratching his neck. "You're smarter..." He started but I gave him a look. "You're nicer..." Another look followed. "And you're more talented..." He added blushing and looking down. I got surprised and gasped blushing some more. The 1st few I got but... "And and you're prettier..." Kira Shinobi blurted out blushing like a chili pepper with sauce and stuttering and shaking. "You're...beautiful..." "You..really think so?" I ask almost smiling. I almost cried happy tears. It was the most romantic thing ever! But then he ran away.
I went home with a sigh. "Hey, kiddo! I hear your school is having a Kimono Contest at the fair!" My uncle said as I walked past him. I just went quiet. Even Kiku was louder than me that time and she is the mysterious one! I went upstairs to my room. I threw my bags and books down and just fell on my bed. I stared at the ceiling to think. I was thinking a lot. I thought about ruining her, I thought about how he called me pretty, I thought about how it wasn't a bad day at school to my surprise, how I could survive highschool and embarass myself, suicide, and depressing gothic poetry. It was just like a movie. I decided. I will participate. I had no choice! The whole class knew and they were ready to point and laugh. If not for me and my family and other Japanese people and the school but for Kira I refused to let him down. So it was on like Donkey Kong.
I ruffled through my deep endless closet like Draculaura from Monster High. I had so many kimonos! It was a matter of finding the right one. I almost cried a lot causing a flood and drowning me in tears.
Suddenly...Kiku showed up. "Oh what do I do Kiku?" I pleaded and whimpered to her. "You shine. You shine like diamond you are." She said like a coach giving pep talk. She had the dress on a hanger. I gasped. It was beautiful. Gorgeous. Glaring perfection. It was also really, really cute! It even matched my eyes! It was a perfect deep purple wa lolita kimono dress. The trim was a darker velvet magenta rosier purple with black lace on the sides. The main part of the kimono was an almost magical looking purple with pink star and butterfly details the sleeves were long and dramatic. The obi was corseted and had black frills too! The fold at the front was shaped like a W above the skirt with a wavy magenta streak with black tulle tutus layered underneath. I stood up dramatically squeezing my fists looking angry. I was determined and even more inspired. I was born to win! I was the director and this was my movie! "Where did this come from?" I asked. "It was passed down in The Atarashi Vampire Clan for ages." "How? And why now?" I asked in shock. "Your mother told me to save it for a rainy day." She said her smart, kind, generous smile flickering. It was sly and cute. I quickly gave her a hug. "But wait...what about you?" I asked worried I took her dress away. "No. This was specifically designed for YOU and your vampire mode rituals. Once it's yours it will come with your special abilities. Besides..." She rambled and then began. With a quick SWISH! There was an icy chill in the air. There was even a gust of wind! In circles lifted 2 black samurai swords with blue fire. That's when it hit me...those were Kiku's Special Yuki Katanas! The twin blades with the power of ice. It was like my black family katana but less vague. She twirled them like lightsabers and with the sound of shattering ice she got her own! She used her magic from her book of spells. Her wa lolita kimono powered with a snowstorm and came in winter colors and blues. It was actually almost prettier than mine. It was an ALL delicate minty puddle cloud snowy ice blue with black detail things all over it in shapes of petals and lace that went across her trim and sleeves which were longer and straighter than mine. The obi was a fabulous cobalt blue and made of silk with pointy black lace trims that were bigger than mine and was more traditional and flat than mine too. Her skirt was a little short but generally matched her get up with that same blue and that mint oversheen with little flower details on the tight miniskirt. It had some bits of white poof to it too. This made me in awe so I gasped again. "Sugoi Kiku-onii-chan..." "Like I said...for a rainy day." She smirked coyly. She snapped her fingers then it rained outside. She and I had a chuckle knowing that the rain melted Annette's "face" off getting fake tanner in her eyes. "Now what?" I asked. We looked at each other and screamed "MAKEOVER!"
We figured it only see fit to do Kiku's look first. She batted her thick natural eyelashes. They looked like angelic flappy cobwebs. She put on some thick black gyaru lashes with several layers of other false lashes and Manga falsies. For eyeshadow she did sweeps of darker cloudy rain blue with thin hints of mint but mostly a solid paint and stained glass blue. She had on black creamy eyeliner and white pencil on her waterline for a real living doll anime look. She even put on some lower lashes like Marina & The Diamonds. She put on the reddest rosiest red lipstick ever with lipgloss and even pink mixed in. She overdrawed her voluptuous loli lips with more gloss for extra shine. We used her burlesque blushes for a red contour with pink on the apples of her cheeks. We tied her hair up into a topknot messy cute bun that made her pale hair even paler. It almost looked white instead of blue especially on her wavy loose emo bangs! It was about as soft as a mountain of feathers and her bunny combined!
Now it was my turn. I started off with bits of my signature look. I gave myself some thick dead black gothic eyeliner like Avril Lavigne, some subtle grey black shadow mixed with matte black and browns for a smokey eye to blend, under line and shadow to look more emo and like death, 1 pair of simple dolly false eyelashes in the blackest shade they had, and dark black lipstick with an almost light gray gradient fading to gun metal. I scooped my bangs to the side and trimmed them a little and put them up in big Kasane Teto(Vocaloid) pigtails.
I looked like this:
or this 
To finish things off we gathered from our arsenal of accessories. Kiku tied a skinny ribbon in her hair, got matching black dangling jewel things(from bracelets to necklaces), decora hairclips, chopsticks in her hair, many pairs of metal earrings, lots of bracelets, and had dangling chandelier earrings on that were all black save for the subtle tiny little diamonds hanging from the strings. She had traditional Japanese sandles. I put on a dazzling sparkling pearl choker, purple string earrings with hearts dangling, fishnets, and tall purple gothic platforms. I puckered my lips. "Ready to go, Kiku?" "Hai. Daijobu. Yeah." She replied.
We headed to the place.The fair was PACKED! It was practically a zoo! Everyone was going to see me! That was my only worry. I could see fat tourists, families, and even kids from my class! "HELLO IOWAN LITTERBUGS PUT DOWN YOUR FRIED SNICKERS AND CRICKETS AND PETTING ZOO ANIMALS THE CULTURAL FAIR WILL NOW BEGIN!" A man standing on a haybale said. Everyone stopped and went back to what they were doing uninterested in what was going on on stage. Some kids tried to escape but then my crazy science teacher Mr. Morgan showed up. "HOLD ON, CLASS! You CANNOT get your extra credit if you don't see the show!" They sighed and stayed put. The festivities weren't beginning just yet which was good.
Until I saw...ANNETTE! "Oh god no..." I say double facepalming. "Here it comes..." Kiku says with a sweat drop. "I can't look..." I say covering my eyes ready to throw up. The Thing approaches. "WHAT ARE YOU LOSERS DOING YOURE RUINING EVERYTHING?" She yelled. "Nani?" Kiku squeaked. Annette just walked up to me. "well look what the cat dragged in." She said. "Well look what the aliens screwed in." I said. "Um, girls. The Halloween festival is over there!" She pointed. And what we saw was God awful. She had her sandy bleached locks were twisted into a gruesome large side bun. It looked like Princess Leia's hair was cut in half and made of spaghetti. Her make-up was crude at best she had on blue eyeshadow that was in big darker teal scale shaped sweeps with grey eyeliner and black eye pencil and shadow and white and silver underliner and shimmer with glitter and deep sea blue and black on the corners. Golden glitter was all around her. It was all heavy and metallic and had lighter colors under and in the very corner. She had blue mascara and the cheesiest falsies you could ever see. It look like she cried glue and wiped it off her cheeks. She contoured badly again in a bad brown bronzer and shady pink on her cheek Kim Kardashian style. She had on some pinkish orange nude lipstick with glittergloss. The worst was that dress if you can even call it that. It looked like a scrapped Barbie dress from the 80's. It looked like trash. Or a costume. She was practically naked as per usual. Hers was a pink model tube dress with somewhat of a fold on her chest that's all plain pink with random lavender and white barely covering her, the obi was pink but lighter with a mini tie and dark bottom, it was too tight and shiny, and the skirt was a white pencil skirt under a slit under the main skirt which has the same pink pattern but it also has random lavendar and white stars.Our jaws dropped. Our will to live was gone. She looked like and about as pink as Jem and The Holograms! "Are you 2 nerds jealous?" Annette said raising a crusty eyebrow. "Pfft. Ha! Jealous of you?" I thought out loud. "YES YOU! You're jealous of MY hot body. But you...you're fat and your boobs are so big and your butt is huge!" "Yeah Annette you wish you had these rather than those limp lil noodle boobs!" I said. Silencing her. It took her a minute. "I am NOT a jealous!" She shouted crossing her arms over her flat top. She stormed off. She ran whining to her daddy. "Daddy send them home! Make them go away! I don't want them to be here!" She sobbed crocodile tears. "It's a free country sweetheart. There's not much I can do!" He replied. "AGH!" Annette squeaked and gasped. She got served! Even her dad pwned her. She promptly stormed off yet again! For now the diva had left the building.
There was still some free time before the show so we walked around a bit. It looked more like a circus than anything. Kiku and I swim thru the crowd. Then out of the corner of my eye I see Kira just standing there! "Oh no..." I moaned. Kiku caught on, looked, and gasped. In my head I was thinking "No no oh Kami-sama no" I was worried what he'd think of me. Like what if he thought I looked stupid? We popped our heads around he practically kind of sort of saw us since he was just standing there. He got a peek and knew it was me but Kiku and I used our vampire senses with emotions and teleported away with super speed before he could see us. "Phew!" I said hiding behind a tent in the shadows.
The contest began with a little time before backstage. Annette was extremely demanding bullying the people there to get her sparkling water. She even made one lady cry! Needless to say I was nervous and uncomfortable doubled on top of realizing that it wasn't just a kimono contest...it was a beauty one! We had to walk down like a game show or a runway! "First off we have Kelly Simmons!" A man reading a slip on stage said. A click of light went on and she walked across the stage. "And number 2 is Holly Backem!" He yelled some more. I was shaking as numbers got called. Kiku held me together especially as I was grated by Annette's snobby behavior. I was mad at first but got sad and worried and nervous since this is what I worried about when Kira signed us up. "And here we have Annette Jonesley our winner of 10 times in a row!" He declared. Here came the beast trying to be beauty. She was trying to be saucy but was more like ketchup. She strutted in and did a model pose. People took a lot of pictures. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her dad stuffing the ballette box. "Next we have Kiku Atarashi!" I gulped. "And last but certainly not the least...it is Raven Atarashi!" I went stiff and couldn't move like a plank. Kiku gently pushed me. I pulled myself together and walked out. The audience gasped. I tried to hold back a wince as I blushed. I was worried at first but then the lights made me sparkle...everywhere! I looked down shining and moe. I was way too much of an edgy tomboy for this. I stood in the center in the spotlight I then walked over to the sections on stage with our numbers. We had lights above us and whoever won would get the spotlight and the prize itself!
"I can't watch..." I muttered especially as they all got a look at me. A lot of boys whistled. I heard Kira speak. "You can do it." He said. I clenched my hand. "Right!" I said with determination. I held back some tears. Even if I didn't win I still tried right? "And the winner is..." Everyone's heart beated all at once. The guy opened the envelope and said "Annette Jonesley" A lot uproar erupted. The audience and the people in it muttered. "We didn't vote for her..." "Waaaaaaaait!!!!" A voice called. "Huh?" We said. Kiku drew the curtain to reveal Annette's fat sweaty father stuffing the box. They were exposed. "NOOOO!" Annette protested as the roses weren't handed to her and the spotlight goes away. "The real winner is..." The tension and stakes were high again. I gulped and held in my breath as Kira and Youkai and my family crossed their fingers. "Raven Atarashi!" He yelled. We all cheered. "I won?" I asked as the light shone on me. "I won!" I got tears in my eyes and smiled happily. Kiku ran up and hugged me pressing our cheeks together. Everybody cheered for me. Confetti and streamers landed everywhere and I was crowned and got a bouquet of red roses. Youkai put down his popcorn to run on stage too as Kiku got her 2nd place medal on the side. Kira came and ran up to me and quickly kissed me on the cheek. We jumped for joy and my uncle took pictures crying like one of those moms at a Toddlers & Tiaras contest. "You big baby!" I sighed and laughed with sass. "No! Nooo! no! This can't be true...this can't be happening!" Annette shouted stomping her foot not long before the cops arrived. "What?! Why are you doing this to me?" Annette cried and tried fighting them off. "For years of fraud. You will never be allowed to enter the County Fair and its contests ever again!" He replied seriously cuffing her before cuffing her dad too. They were dragging her out while she calmed down a little more. She looked pathetically at her boyfriend Kevin. "You still voted for me though...right babe?" "To be honest I voted for that Raven girl" He said drinking a soda. "NOOOOO!" She said one last time after being banned from everything here forever and being thrown in the slammer! The only award she won was Biggest Douche in The Universe. "Here she is the prettiest girl in the universe~!" The guy in the suit sang to me as people threw flowers cheering me on and saying my name.
The whole world now knew my name and I got a good article in the school paper. Sometimes...I guess it's good to be queen.
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Sat Nov 22, 2014 @ 11:58pm · 1 Comments |