Sooooo .. blarhg.
I found my bellydance magazines a couple of days ago and it revived my interest in wanting to learn. @.@
=/ Of course there is my issue with hypoglycemia, so physical activity makes me keel over with exhaustion. I dunno if I should bother. Isis' studio is practically across the street, and I could take a class .. I mean it's not that expensive. ._.;; .. ^^;; I dunno. I'll think about it. I never feel like doing anything anymore so .. =/ maybe it would make me more motivated?
Playing Wild Divine too. &3 I've gotten further in it. I recently found the Sky Temple, and that was too cool. xD I've gotten better at the Heart Breath and I find it a little easier to take deep breaths when meditating now, instead of getting dizzy and sick. Yay.
When I went to the local Metaphysical shop I tried to find a Saraswati statue .. but all they had was Lakshmi. Arr. I'd really love a Saraswati statue .. I mean, she is the manifestation of intention, wisdom and motivation, after all. &3
I am drooling over Ro-chan's new doll. xD I'm so glad it made the trip safe and sound. &3 It is insanely adorable. xD!
Blarhg. I've felt so tired and drained lately. I feel really guilty because it makes my Ryuu unhappy. :[ My thoughts are so scattered, and I can't sleep much. I'll be dreadfully tired, go to sleep, and wake up a few hours later. I miss the times when I could sleep 14 hours straight through with no problem. @.@ I think there is really something wrong with me, as I feel sick 90 percent of the time, I'm exhausted even when I don't take my anxiety meds. I look terrible, like a walking zombie. And I don't even care anymore about trying to look okay. Mum wants to take me to the doctor to get blood work but I don't really want to wait in an office for twelve hours. Yes, twelve hours. That's how long I waited to get seen once at JPS. &_&;;;; Blarhg. Sorry to be a downer. sweatdrop
So I was looking at the Marketplace earlier and saw a pair of Nitemare Wings. I wanted to die when I saw how much they are worth now. I can't believe I gave them away like that. xD!! Neko, please wear them! I want them to go to some use!! &333
I shouldn't get bent out of shape over pixelated clothing though. surprised
Umichan posted in her journal, yay. ^^
>_< ;_; Panic attack. Every ten seconds. My head gets all jumbled up and I feel like I'm going crazy. I act like a PMS queen and I wish my mind would settle down. I hate being like this. ;_;
.. [ Look, I adopted a wolfie. xD!! How cute! xd heart ]

The Viscount · Thu May 04, 2006 @ 10:03pm · 0 Comments |