My favorite from his last photo shoot.
 Kevin and Randy having a bit of fun on stage.
 Yes, he has a really long nail on his hand. He used it while playing the guitar. It was also used in a fight with Kelly Garni. That did some serious damage.
 I love this photo of Quiet Riot. Drew's shirt says "drums". We know he's the drummer, at least!
 Gosh, look how skinny they all were.
 Here's my awful screenshot of Randy's cute little smile.
 "Goin' off the rails of a Crazy Train..."
 A cool collage I found.
 *sigh* Gosh, he's cute.
 I don't know what they're looking at, but I love the look on Randy's face. He's a bit skeptical of something.
 The greatest pairing of musicians ever. Ozzy's voice worked so well with Randy's guitar playing.
 The classical guitarist himself. I've heard that this photo was from the last time he would've picked up a guitar.
 I'm assuming it's a book he's holding. I can't really tell.
 Is he gorgeous or is he gorgeous? And you must pick one. wink
 Honored to have won Best New Talent.

 Randy will never die. He will live on in the hearts and minds of anyone who is a fan of his, and anyone in the future who will pick up a guitar upon hearing Randy's playing. He's an inspiration to all.
 Randy looks so small next to that guy. I love how the Snoopy on his shoulder is dressed like Randy is!
 The back cover of Quiet Riot II. Rudy is pictured, but he didn't play on the record.
 That is the coolest pumpkin carving I've ever seen. We are so doing that this Halloween!
 He looks scared. I think Delores (his mom) was in the room.
 He had such perfect hair. Jeez.
 Randy loved to collect toy trains. He'd get one wherever he went. I believe this here photo was taken at Disney.

 I like the feathered look.

 He's got a fire extinguisher and he knows how to use it!
 The guys in dresses. Funny videos of this are on Youtube.
 Great classic photo of Randy.

 Coffee break!

 The Diary of a Madman Tour group. Tommy, their keyboardist (Don Airy possibly), Ozzy, Randy, Rudy.
 A young Guitar Master.
 Contemplating something.
 This is so wonderful.
SamWeiki · Sat Mar 01, 2014 @ 06:21am · 0 Comments |