Family Shop Setout:
e-e this seems useful for later____________________
↬1) intro
↬2) announcements/events
↬3-9) introducing selfs ///
↬10)form fill out
↬12)links in/out
↬13)white/black list
↬{next page} 16) Open
{1} Intro
razz erson 1
&title here&

Welcome to the Family Freebie Art shop where a few of our little gaia family members;
Invaderruto, Yume Chibi Chan, Maia the Erroneous, PhantomhiveAngel, XxXHunXBunXxX and Roxas the Shadow Kitten came together and started out freebie shop.

our thread
✎Be nice to others
☕ When received an art, say
thank you✎Quote the person you want to draw for you (can quote more than one)
☕Fill out our form for requesting art
{2} person 2:announcements and events
{3 - 9}Intro selves: All of us one at a time:
↬OC/Avi Art/Fan Art?
↬Refuse to do:
User: Roxas Shadow KittenNickname: Roxas, Cheshire, CheshBio: Im 16, i'm from austrailia. I have brown hair and eyes and i act like a cat just from habit; my favourite food is fish/sushi /sweatdrops/. I love scarfs, and my sexual orientation(which gender i like) is unknown to me xD i dont have a clue if im gay, straight or bi. I love art done for me so feel free if you want too draw me o-o, i like random PM's and friends request (as long as you send me a message how you know me e-e)How Active: I'm usually on all day.
OC's/Avi Art/Fan art?: Yes, I do Avatars, OC's and Fan art.
Samples 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8Weakness: Hands, Feet, Eyes, Ears(Unless they are elf-like or animals), Glasses, Detail, Full body, couples
Strengths: Scarfs, Animals, NekosRefuse to do: Backgrounds
Extras I sometimes chip in with my sister's art shop since her art and mine are the same style /sweatdrops/ /she taught me how to draw/ xD }
{10}person 3: request form [[For Customers]]:
[quote=& Place username here &][/quote]
Picture reference:
{11}Person 4: Donations:
ᙢᗩᓮᗩ ♈ᖺᙓ ᕮᖇᖇᗢﬡᙓᗢUᔕ:
{12}person 5: links in/out
Lїик₴ Їп
Lїпк$ Оцт
{13}person 6: White/Black list
Ⓦⓗⓘⓣⓔ Ⓛⓘⓢⓣ
Ⓑⓛⓐⓒⓚ Ⓛⓘⓢⓣ
{14}person whoever: quiz
1. How much gold do you have right now?
2. How much gold would you like to have?
3. Do you think you'll finish this quiz?
4. What was the best thing you ever received in the daily chance?
5. Why are you doing this quiz?
6. Precious gems or precious metals?
7. Do you have a dream avi?
8. Should I add another part section quiz?
9. Are you questing for anything?
10. Do you like or love gaia?
11. Do you like thread layouts/ coding?
12. The highest bumps you ever done?
13. What's your favorite gaia game?
14. Do you go on forums much?
15. What's your favorite forum?
16. Have you donated anything before?
17. Have you owned/ own a charity before?
18. Have you done a giveaway before?
19. Are you a exchanger or a vendor?
20. Are you in a guild?
21. Do you own a guild?
22. Do you enjoy dressing up your avi?
23. Do you like the chance items?
24. Do you draw avi art?
25. Are you a graphic designer?
26. Favorite thing about Gaia?
27. Do you play ZomG?
28. Are you an alchemist?
29. What's your favorite gaia pet/ animal?
30. Do you like to bump?
31. How many subscribe threads are you in?
32. Do you vote &3 or &/3 ?
33. Did you vote mine.. if not can you &33?
34. How many gaia friends do you have?
35. Favorite emoticon?
36. Do you prefer the old gaia (2003) or the gaia now.?
37. How many items do you own?
38. Favorite event item?
39. What is your favorite monthly collectable?
40. Do you enjoy fixing up your profile?
41. Gaia used to have a lot more people on, what do you think happen?
42. Favorite game on gaia?
43. What should Gaia work on, to improve on?
44. Have you ever wanted to become an Admin here?
45. Would you be a Mod in threads?
46. How about mine..?
47. Do you hoard items?
48. In the marketplace, do you like the 2% or hate it?
49. Do you buy at the cashshop?
50. Do you still shop at the shops or at the marketplace?
51. How many threads you've created?
52. Do you miss the Share option in threads?
53. The most gold you ever had?
54. Favorite item?
55. How much gold do you have now?
56. Favourite pizza?
57. This part will be random questions, excited?
58. How has the week been so far?
59. What's your favorite anime?
60. Favorite video/ online game?
61. Ice cream or Cupcake?
62. Dog or Cats?
63. Favorite television show?
64. Martial art skills or super powers?
65. Mary poppins or Santa claus?
66. Are you friendly?
67. Favorite board game?
68. What's your favorite season?
69. Cold or Hot?
70. What is the thing that you would most like to change about you?
71. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
72. Were you happy when you woke up today?
73.What is your favorite wild animal?
74. Are you in a good mood?
75. Favorite number #?
76. Wordpad or Microsoft Word?
77. Paint.Net or Photoshop?
78. Photobucket or Tumbler?
79. What time did you get up today?
80. What is your favorite meal of the day?
81. Favorite food?
82. Favorite dessert?
83. How many friends do you have?
84. Chocolate or Vanilla?
85. When is your birthday?
86. What is your horoscope say toady?
87. Favorite videogame and anime character's?
88. Jackie Chan or Jet Li?
89. McDonald's or Burger King?
90. The longest you played online/ video game?
91. Favorite artist/ band?
92. What are your traits and talents?
93. X-Men or The Justice League?
94. From 1 -10, rate your maturity level?
95. Do you look forward for weekends?
96. What's the last song you sang?
97. Have you recently become a member of anything?
98. Donuts or Cookies?
99. Do you like doing quizzes?
100. Finished! How do you feel?________________________________________________