I am a pretty big nerd for astrology (I love the personality aspect because I am a psychology junkie and yes, I am rationally aware of the cognitive conflict by such an odd pairing but I love the two so despite the conflict! Perhaps because! I do love being difficult, after all. *SNRK*) and I am obnoxiously proud of being an Aries (which is just classic Aries! xD); I mention it often on here but as anyone who knows me in real life can contest I am very full of Aries pride and not afraid to mention it. I am just very proud of the things the sign stands for- independence, honesty, integrity, sincerity and a complete unwillingness to be tamed or told what one can or cannot do or have. As a proud (and vocal) contrarian I could not have been born under a better sign. I LIKE being the butthead in the room that speaks up when others are quiet; it's because I care that I don't give up or in. I b***h because I care. xD
Another thing I loves madly is a certain little cranky fuzzy-face that I bet a lot of you have seen lately everywhere on the interwebs. She's (because yes, the so-called Grumps is a girl) pretty much one of the most fantastical things on this planet and one spectacularly wonderful reason for it NOT to be blown up (for me to say this is a pretty big deal; I am just kittens and rainbow-colored Christmas tree lights away from being a super-villain).
I mean, who could NOT love a face like this?!

She is not amused by your ribbons!

This is pretty much the best visual ever to sum up my introvert urges.
So imagine my utter DELIGHT this morning when the Husband Unit links me to this...

Because yesterday was Tard's first birthday! She's a year old. And totally not impressed.
This kitty is my spirit animal.
Best early birthday pressie ever?
Best early birthday pressie ever.
Total. Aries. Squee. emotion_donotwant