Yesterday morning at around 10:30 I finished the first book. I put it on a thumb drive as well as the three main songs I wrote with it in mind and that quickly (and almost obsessively) became the songs I HAD to listen to in order to channel the emotions I was going for and a quick note for the Husband Unit to find on his keyboard before I went to bed, face-first with a huge, loopy grin on my face.
I woke with the crash; not because I was tired (though I was! But it was good tired.) but because I emotionally crashed after that chapter of the story was done. The book I finished is a prequel of sorts, though I am not going to say too much right now since my first beta reader may read this and get spoilered. cat_ninja Along the way I ended up getting majorly attached to some characters and I was totally and completely smitten with the story to the point where it was harder for me to end the book than it was to do anything else with it. There was the exhilarating flight of being in the grip of a wonderful story...and then came the inevitable crash when I closed the program and realized that, for now, it was done. I had to leave that world and those characters and the interplay I had fallen in love with. That's something I have a very hard thing doing. When I become attached to a character or a story it all but eats me alive. I. Must. Know. What. Happens. Next.
Now I am focusing on the second story; almost done but for the last few chapters, where things start to go really fast. The story I am wrapping up now is a bit of a challenge because it is lighter in tone than I normally do; at times it gets pretty dark but overall the tone and story is much lighter than my usual fare so I have struggled with it since I wanted it to sound authentic. I feel there are times when it is hard to convey the serious tone I want to convey with this one since overall it is a...happier story than I usually do. The first one ended up being so damn grim and 'real' and sharp to me that it further defines this second piece as a 'light' story.
That's not a bad thing. It's just a stretch for me. xD
I have a few more hours tonight and then the next two days to work on it. I have to go to bed super early tonight because I have a super early shift in the morning but then I get out early and will have the rest of tomorrow and all day Sunday to finish polishing the second story.
I hope this finds everyone doing well. ^.^ I miss you guys; I know I have not been active on here for nearly a month and I look forward to getting some RP posts done once I have finished the second story. I am all fired up with the creative fire right now and rather than dim my need to write this past month has actually reconfirmed my addiction. @.@
This past month has been really, really good for me. By narrowing my focus, not being a slave to the cell phone, giving myself time to completely introvert and allowing myself to fall into not one, but two good stories I have already seen huge amounts of returns in places I had not expected them: dealing with people at work has not been stressing me out nearly as much as before, I feel far more clear-minded than I have in a long time and I am just feeling overall much better. More at peace and definitely more centered.
I said I would go back to being more social in April because I don't want people to feel bad or ignored or however my being an introvert makes them feel but this past month has been such a weight off my shoulders I don't think I can just jump back into all that came before; if that makes me a bad person than I can just channel that evil into my bad characters. cat_twisted It's so boring being good all the time anyway! xD
Love and happy-thoughts to you all. I hope spring is treating you all nicely so far and a happy early April Fool's Day! heart
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Rick Grimes 2020. Because this isn't a democracy anymore.

Things don't get better because you want them to.

All things serve the Beam.
Destroy your reputation. Be notorious.
Always up for a Walking Dead RP. PM me for my plots or toss me yours; nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Buying art of my OC.

Things don't get better because you want them to.

All things serve the Beam.
Destroy your reputation. Be notorious.
Always up for a Walking Dead RP. PM me for my plots or toss me yours; nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Buying art of my OC.