Name: Angelique Hoffman Age: 21 Birthday: June 21, 1992 Appearance: Hair- Black, Goes to the middle of her back, curly. Eyes - Grey Outfit -
 Her top is simply a long sleeve (buttoned up to her elbows) brown shirt, dark green uniform skirt down to her knees, white stockings, and grey shoes.
Personality: Angelique isn't much of a talker. She never really interacted with others while in school. When she does talk, she acts smart. She can be very ditzy when it comes to 'adult' talk. When it comes to fighting, as long as she has her spirits, she goes all out fighting. History: Angelique was born in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania to Lisa and Tim Hoffman. She was born blind. At the age of six, she first went to school. Being the only one in her class who couldn't see she was picked on so her parents pulled her out and had her homeschooled. She didn't mind this. She preffered being on her own anyways. When she was eight, they moved out of Gettysburgh and out of Pennsylvania to a small town in Ohio. In her new house, she became aware something was odd. Searching around, she noticed something...odd. She could see! Not much, it was simply a few white blobs floating around. She followed one of them and spoke to it, discovering it was a spirit. She became friends with the ghost and it agreed to help be her 'eyes'. Slowly over the years she developed this ability to see spirits so she could try and see other things. It went from visions of people to touching people and being able to draw a picture of them in her head. Likes: - Music - The occult - books - learning - spirits
Dislikes: - Loud Noise - Small areas - Demons - Colors Flaws: - Even though spirits guide her around, it doesn't mean she will avoid every obstacle. This makes her kind of klutzy. - She will be wrong sometimes about what she sees a person looks like - She can see colors in her head but she avoids saying them as she needs to try and describe the color. - Shes blind
References: None yet ;;
Sheepy Mareep · Sat Mar 23, 2013 @ 02:55am · 0 Comments |