This is my first entry in 2013; I have been meaning to write something before now but as much of you know the part of my brain that senses and deals with time apparently never fully developed and so before I knew it we were already in March and I had not written anything in here in months!
This is not going to be a terribly long entry, more of a public announcement of a bet/project/goal of mine that officially starts today and ends the last day of this month. It is something I am very excited about and I wanted to post about in here since it is something I expect everyone to not only hold me accountable to BUT also because it may impact my time on here for the month (though I think it will actually impact it in a good way; we shall see as the month wears on).
My goal (and the dare/bet my husband has thrown the gauntlet down over) is for me to write two novels this month. Yes, you read that right- to either finish one or two I have been working on, start and finish two new ones or one of each. I decided, because I wanted to go both ways, to finish one story I have been working on now for about five years and to officially start a new one that has been bouncing about in my head, slowly gaining steam but that I have not been getting anything done with since I have no real idea why one pivotal character is going around doing what he is doing (though I now have a glimmer after today and I intend to get the rest of it out of him within ten more pages, whether he likes it or not); I felt like if I picked two I have substantial amounts done of I would be cheating so instead I opted for the best of both worlds: I would take something under fifty pages and finish it and start a fresh story and see where it goes.
This was totally his idea to start out with, something that shocked me to my core because of his insistence that I do it because he knows I need the writing time and, at the same time, it's a challenge he keeps saying he knows I cannot possibly make happen (I don't think he doesn't really believe in me, rather I think he is appealing to my Aries side that DOES NOT FRACKING LIKE BEING TOLD WHAT SHE CAN AND CANNOT DO; yeah, for those who ever wondered, I really dug Locke on Lost xD). I have been writing in fits and starts ever since we got married and moved into our first place together and he can always tell a difference between when I have been writing and when I haven't been. So can my friends. cat_sweatdrop I try my best to hide my stress on here as much as I can but in real life it is very easy to tell when I am done out.
I have a goal in mind of ten pages each day for each story- that is a total of twenty pages a day. That will get me two good sized books by the end of the month.
It will also give me a boost in my morale, which I desperately need.
As usual it is not the writing that is the trouble but the life I have currently, the demands and responsibilities that come with it. For March I am shrugging as much of it off my shoulders as possible and focusing my energy, time and intention on my writing. I still have to work and there are certain responsibilities I cannot shirk (no matter how much there are times I want and even need to) but the majority of myself will go to my writing this month and nothing else, and for damn sure nothing extraneous or unneeded. I am going as fully into introvert-mode as my current living situation can allow me: blocking numbers of people who have ignored my wishes to be given space (these are people I have wished to do this to for months but this has given me the perfect reason for doing so and no, it's not anyone who would be reading this), letting my friends know what I am up to so they don't feel there is anything wrong or I am angry by not hearing as much from me or getting together for anything, allowing myself the delicious luxury of spending more quality time with the page and screen instead of stressing over the apartment and all the other things that I have not gotten done or have time to do.
Things have simply escalated to the point where I can't do everything as well as I need to be doing it AND have the quality time and space that is required for me to get not only the peace of mind I so desperately require BUT the writing time that is part and parcel to said peace of mind. Writing gives me something I cannot put into words; it brings me joy, peace and serenity, allows me to clear my head and re-energize, among other things, and a good session makes me feel like I have found the oasis in the desert (I feel a few of my fellow writers out there will know exactly what I am talking about and I sincerely hope, for everyone of you, that you find and can enjoy your own personal oasis for as long as possible) and when there's no time to write...
Already- ALREADY- I feel much better about life, myself, and the future. This past week has been a nightmare because I felt smothered on so many levels; this is my first day off in six days and I wasn't sure until later yesterday I was even going to get it off. I love where I work but there was a perfect storm of circumstances that meant I had to pick up a lot of extra shifts and between work and dashing around trying to get the apartment as done as possible before today (I wanted to spring clean before March so I knew that Galactica had gotten as much TLC as possible before I backed away for the month) I just felt like a day off could not come fast enough. I also picked a poor time to ween myself off caffeine (once more- I know, I know! I just wish I knew how to quit the stuff! For good, I mean...I quit all the damn time. I just love that burst of energy and motivation; especially right before an early shift where I know I am going to be dealing with people all day...Caffeine is a wonder for introverts, that's all I am going to say.) so on top of everything else I was dragging about and feeling like I was going to die. Send your happy thoughts to the husband unit and not me, though- seriously, he really got the poor end of my crankies there for a few days. emotion_facepalm
That's all there is to it, basically. Thirty-one days to get two books done. It sounds wonderfully fun to me; my plan is to email him each Friday with what I have gotten done that week to prove he should never doubt or question my greatness show him the progress I have made and I will post a short entry in here as well each Friday just to keep myself accountable.
I am fully immersing myself in this and I think it will pay off in big ways, even on here since I use Gaia as another way to get my writing addiction fed, even if it is by proxy. I look forward to posting in here with how it is going and I look very forward to prancing about all April being especially Aries. emotion_awesome
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Rick Grimes 2020. Because this isn't a democracy anymore.

Things don't get better because you want them to.

All things serve the Beam.
Destroy your reputation. Be notorious.
Always up for a Walking Dead RP. PM me for my plots or toss me yours; nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Buying art of my OC.

Things don't get better because you want them to.

All things serve the Beam.
Destroy your reputation. Be notorious.
Always up for a Walking Dead RP. PM me for my plots or toss me yours; nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Buying art of my OC.