(This is the most important update to XxSuki no VampirexX yet! Stay tuned for more here on The Raven Channel! XD)
Chapter 4
Chp. 4 Faded Memories/Once Upon a December-Anastasia
"We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future." -George Bernard Shaw
It was December and we already had about 3 different blizzards. The snow was thick and heavy but soft like cakes or angel's wings or even angel food cake! It was beautiful and we were thankful to not be snowed in this Christmas. The minute it turned Christmas morning me and my soul sister shot out of bed and headed for the tree waiting patiently with smiles on our faces to give Uncle Peterson Dracu'ul his presents and receive ours along with having a nice tasty Christmas ham which was Kiku's favorite! He stumbled up and out of bed he went out wearing a huge puffy black bath robe and bunny slippers. We pointed at him and laughed. Then we went to open our gifts. We got a bunch of clothes in all our favorite colors, CDs and music, money, piercings, books, and last but not least....a kitten! We saw a box moving about like it was pulsing but not like the movie Pulse because mom said I can't see it. We opened it to see a night black kitten with large blue dazzling eyes. She was so small and stumbling over her feet! It was the most kawaii thing ever! It was like Nyanpire come to life! "Oh my gosh!" I said gasping putting my hands up on my face like the painting The Scream or that movie Home Alone. "Yes, Raven. Your parents and I got you the kitten you always wanted. This was also to help cope with the loss of Kiku's goldfish." He said expositionally. Kiku and I sadly but gratefully nodded. Our cat was a Christmas miracle. Since she was so black we named her Sable and we got her a spike collar to wear.
The next day we were experiencing an extreme "Holiday Hangover". We were fatigued and tired from all of the excitement. I got a call on my phone which made me jump worse than when I saw Paranormal Activity the first time. My kitten who was sleeping on my belly also jumped with her back up. She looked just like on those Halloween witch's cats! I picked up my cellphone not even caring to check who it was since it was about 6 o clock A.M. which is way too early to wake up at all moreso on the holidays too! I growled and grumbled because of my vampire genes I was still in no way accustomed to sleeping at night. "Ah...moshi moshi?" I say trying to hide my bubbling engulfing lava rage. "Raven." It said. "Nani?!" I responded all sassy. "It's your parents." They told me seriously. I jumped even higher. "Wha....what are you doing calling me?!" I said scared that we could be found out. (My family sent me to America so bandits and ninjas would not go after me and compromise my position as heir to the Vampire Clan throne.) "It's okay." My father Himura said flatly. "We are not using our home number and nor are we tapped." "Well then why are you calling?" I asked quite confused. "We wanted to stop by for Christmas. We haven't seen you since the shimmering summer we sent you away on." My mother Ariel said elegantly and smirking. I could tell she was doing this while twisting one of her many blood rose red curls on her long bony white finger. "Really? So suddenly?!" I asked gasping and sitting right up. "Yes. But don't worry...we have disguises." They replied then ominously hanging up. I started talking to myself pondering and wondering what this could be about. It was clearly important considering the pace and how the call went. It worried me. The chills of anxiety and near delirium I experience from this stabbing me like daggers of ice sinking into my cool vampire flesh. It was so cold like the skin of a Basilisk! It was like the snake thing in The Last Unicorn. My skin was so frosty that it burned like the flames of Hell. It actually burned and stung a lot!
I told Kiku and my uncle Peterson Dracu'ul. They got similar messages on their phones except Dracula was the only one who got a location which was the local museum. "Wait...is it even open this time of year?" Kiku asked like the genius she is. "It will be for royalty." Dracula said calmly for once then holding up a V.I.P. pass that was valid to pretty much all places in town! "How did you get that?" I asked scratching my round baby face and my chin like Sherlock Holmes. "A few heads had to roll." He said darkly making a scary vampire smirk of a grin. We laughed with him because we are sadists and got dressed. I put on black biker jewelry, silver inverted cross earrings, black messy eyeliner and thick eyeshadow, rosy wine red lipstain, a charcoal dark tanktop with a black shining corset cincher, long black fancy gloves, a studded belt, a studded collar, a layered plaid skirt with fluffy black tulle and lace things under it, my black peineta, my Day of The Dead skullclips with the dangling bows, bright red Hot Topic brand fishnet stockings, a large red Christmas bow on the back of my outfit, and lace up Doc Martens. My outfit was tight-fitting and made my bust even bustier and my curves curvier. I took a black lolita umbrella with me because it was raining cats and dogs that day. Kiku put on a white popstar tanktop, dorky hipster scene glasses(she's a gamer girl too), a spiked heart choker by Creepyyeha(If you don't know her Google her or gtfo), a big baggy baby blue hoodie, a blue plaid tutu with white poofy stuff underneath, long mod white 60's/70's stiletto boots, blue fishnet stockings, little black fingerless hand gloves like Madonna, gyaru anime eye make-up, and a backpack filled with books on the legends featured in the museum since she's smart and knew that place by heart. She got a ribbony white umbrella. We kind of matched but like opposites. Her clothes made her look even smaller and skinnier too. Our cool epic clothes really flattered us even more than a compliment from a celebrity!
We went there alone after Dracula got us in immediately as the guard saw the V.I.P. card he ran away in fear. Dracula waited in the car for some reason. We walked slowly towards the complex with our umbrellas masking us from the hardening rain. It was practically hailing and forming another storm but we knew we had to run into the building so we did even as the unforgiving wind bustled and flipped up our skirts as well as stung our wide eyes. We headed forward determinedly looking all serious even though the guard saw up our skirts and got a nosebleed. We didn't need to scold him then. We needed to find out what was up! Kiku and I had WAY bigger fish to fry! We got inside the History Museum and it was all dark inside. We could not see any lights in there. So Kiku made her eyes glow from her Vampire Mode. We used them as headlights since her eyes were the size of the Moon! Then we heard a noise and jumped and screamed loud! We stumbled through the dark towards the sound bravely and turned the light back on. There was a fricking huge door! The sign pointing to it said it was the "New Exhibit!" but nothing else was specified. It was boarded up but it piqued our interest and curiosity. We pried it open easily and crawled in through the crack. We entered and then we saw this huge dining hall. It looked like a palace! Me and Kiku were so like in awe. It was the most coolest replica of anything we had ever seen! It was basically a copy of a palace that people could explore through. It was dusty, cobwebby, and unfinished but we still explored around anyways. The dining hall made me raise an eyebrow. It felt so familiar. Kiku examined the place and dusted things off. She was like a little archaeologist! She zoomed in with her magnifying glass. "Hm..." She muttered thinking then quickly pulling out a book and shuffling through it. "It looks like this is castle of a royal family...or rather a carbon copy of it. It belonged to a very rich monarchy who supposedly never aged and liked to partake in sacrifices and blood..." She was saying while reading. Thinking out loud. "They were rumored to be of Asian descent as well as vampires. None of which has been conclusively proven...the "Vampire Clan" as some called it thrived until two of their princesses rebelled. They were all never heard from again." Kiku started to look up from the book. "Wow..." I replied. I was speechless otherwise. Then we walked to each other. We got into the center of the hall when all the lights flickered on. Some music came on. It was classical waltz music. It was twinkling. It sounded like falling crystals on a piano. It was giving me these images of people dancing around the hall and eating at this huge dinner party. My head started to hurt so I fell to my knees. My eyes rolled back as I got flashbacks. I felt possessed like in The Grudge! Kiku came down and put a hand on my shoulder. We heard another light loudly click on! It was by these stairs. They were golden and red. It was like The Red Carpet. It was far away so we could not see much more of it. So we headed over there. We walked up them and saw a large portrait of the royal family. There was the king, the queen, and many others. At the very bottom were two little girls. They looked like dolls with how they dressed and because of their eyes. Kiku and I were drawn to them and looked up closer. The stairs stop midway making a platform to look at the painting and each side has a smaller set of stairs heading towards unfinished rooms. We saw up close. These were the sisters. The princesses that rebelled we saw it in their dark red eyes. One of them had long wavy rouge hair and the other had straight sky blue hair. The sister with red hair was wearing a black lolita dress with magenta rose ribbons and accents. The dress had small semi-poofy sleeves and the top/bodice was a glistening black silk with pinkish lace pattern decoration. The top was corset-shaped and had a magenta ribbon. The waist had a magenta belt around it and a big bow in the the front. The skirt was just regular, long, and layered. The same pattern was at the bottom in a thick bacon strip sized stripe but it had 4 somewhat lighter rose bows on it. The girl's eyes were a dark crimson red and her hair was a bit brighter. Her eyebrows were thin but angry looking even when relaxed. Her smile and overall aura was a curious one. It was like she had a plan. She had a matching headband and collar. She also had short black gloves and large black hanging ribbon earrings that looked expensive. Her whole outfit did. The other sister had perfectly straight hair like it was forever untouched by any man's hands. She had on a large white bow tilted above her subtle side bangs. She also had a corset dress but it was fancier. It was all a gentle cloud blue with nearly invisible diamond print on part of the corset. She had a white belt with a white bow in the the front. Her skirt was the same story but a bit stiffer and flatter and it was winter colors not dark ones. She had on a blue lace Victorian collar with white trim. She had gorgeous adorable angel wing earrings. Her gloves were slightly wrinkled and snow white. Her face painted a picture of a whimsical angel who loved to smile and to dance.
It looked like this:

Doesn't this look just like me as a kid? 
We gasped as we stared longer and longer. Then we stopped clamming up. We spoke together or rather asked together "Is that me?" We shook our heads and tried to comfort ourselves as we felt a bit uncomfortable and nervous about all of this. I dusted off a mirror looking into it dramatically a flash and flicker or a flame of a memory appeared in it. It was a princess dancing with her Prince Charming. I blinked and shook my head only to see my face again. I wondered if my reflection showed who I am inside. "No...it's just a coincidence." Kiku said getting a headache too and clenching her hands. She shook her head and a single tear streamed down her delicate white cheek. I put a hand on her shoulder and added "Yes...this is a coincidence. Just a coincidence." I said doubting but seriously. I said it almost flat and unfeeling like a robot. I held her arms, we got our umbrellas, and went home. We vowed never to think or talk about this incident ever again. This was the one promise I made to her I failed to keep. We did not see the parents anyways.
Out of the blue I started having extreme flashbacks and nightmares. I remember being in a War of the Worlds type situation. There was a huge civil war between vampires and all other species. It was mostly the Vampires Vs. Werewolves war but a somewhat smaller battle was held. In the dreams I was always a princess but did not quite look like myself. I still had long red hair. I had semi-dreaded curled coiling red hair. They were love locks of passion and fire damaged by war but still gracefully and gorgeously flowing! It was not as long as what I remember though. My eyes were smaller and more red. They looked like dark rubies and reflected the flames surrounding the fight and the fire in my soul. My lips were not in black lipstick or their usual naturally puffy pink shape. They were thinner and lined with a dark red lipstick. It was practically the darkest red possible but you could still see the warm hue to it. I looked confidant, flaming, angry, and ruthless. Things that I do not normally associate myself with. This version of me the dream casted was like a spell or something! I looked like myself but my absolute opposite. A carefree unmodest badass who took no prisoners and probably rode a motorcycle at least once or twice. Her outfit was skimpy as Hell too! It was a red belly shirt corset with no bra under that revealed lots of curve. Her chest was covered but you could see all of the cleavage and her abs! She had a smallish black corset vest supporting under her boobs and covered her shoulders like wide strap tanktop. I had on a short black miniskirt with a red, gray, and black metal skirt that was armor and was like totally sticking out dangerously at the sides! It looked like a harlequin's collar(You know like jesters or like Harley Quin from Batman). She also had matching armor on the shoulders and a Dracula style vampire cape except torn by fire and war. She had on plain black fingerless gloves. Her wrists were drenched in gashes even more so than my own! She was cutting and slicing through many, many peoples and chopping them down like trees. It was like she was a lumberjack with an extreme bloodlust. This version of me held The HeartBreaker Blade! The dreams were continuations. It was somehow connected to something. I'd see more and more and more and more each time but it would always cut off. It was like God and some ghosts were trying to send me a message from the afterlife. All I know is that I would practically leap out of my black lace canopy bed with an intense sweat dribbling on my skin like that stupid drool monkey baby my neighbor had me watch over. (Seriously though I hate that ******** brat.) I would shoot up screaming and crying. It was not long before I noticed...my cousin doing the same! But I was too lost in myself to help save her. The sobbing was uncontrollable and the night was scarier than ever. A scary tree was by my window whipping in the wind looking like some claws and the lightning and thunder were flashing and louder than ever! I screamed like in a horror movie. I felt like I died. I went and got a butcher knife. The tears running like rivers and streams down my angel soft white complexion. They practically covered my whole face at that point I was so sad and scared. I started to cut my wrists. The blood ran heavily. It was a thick tomato soup of a near death experience. Then I went into the bathtub to wash away the evidence I took a steak and nearly rammed it into my heart when someone burst in! "NOOOOO! STOOOOPPPPP!!!" They demanded. Then I noticed it was...Uncle Peterson! I screamed at him and threw some soap at him. "Perverted baka!!! Didn't you know I'd be naked in here?" I asked yelling covering my gorgeous curvy hentai ecchi babe body. He covered his eyes instantly and awkwardly waddled towards the tub to talk to me. "I heard you were screaming and that's how I knew you'd try to commit suicide over the visions!" "What visions?" I asked curiously not as furious anymore but very confused. "I already said too much..." He said sadly trying to leave and tripped. "Visions?" Then I asked myself blushing looking down into the red pool. It was like that one lady Bloody Mary or whoever who bathed in the blood of virgins to stay young. Before I knew it the dumbo slipped on some soap and practically broke his back. He couldn't answer my question then.
I bandaged myself up, put on my silk black kimono robe, and put Tripp wrist warmers with spikes, crosses, and chains over the binds. Then I headed for the living room and Kiku with Peterson Dracu'ul. I sat on the couch. Kiku was cradling her face in her chalky hands. She was shaky like an imbalanced BJD(Google those they're really neat). She was sobbing. Her cries sounded like weeping angels. She grit her fangs barely holding herself together struggling to keep her sciencey glasses on. Her angel camisole nightgown slipping at the sleeve sadly. "Something is going on." I said madly and seriously. "Yes. But what?" Kiku asked briefly looking up into my angry shimmering passionate pink narrowed eyes. "The visions...they mean something..." I looked down clenching my fists strongly. A sweatdrop gliding down my cheek. "And I'm intending to find out." I sounded cool saying that. "I am too." She insisted back nodding. "Right!" We said together.
(Warning: Don't try this at home, kids. This is why drinking and smoking are a sin.) We tried to interrogate my uncle but it wasn't easy. Then I got the hint. We had to call my parents. But first it was New Years which was my boyfriend Kira's birthday! We all went over to him and his parent's house and had a party with lots and lots of candy and snacks. There was even a whole table for it! His parents went upstairs to leave us alone and watch a movie. "Cool! That means we can swear and watch Rated R movies!" I said cheering and chiming happily. "And have all the junk food we want!" Kiku added giggling because she's on a diet and going vegan which meant cheating a little bit. "YEAH!!! AND WE CAN TAKE OFF OUR PANTS!!!" Youkai shouted and then howled. "AWWWOOOOOO!!!" Kiku covered his mouth swift like. "Remember what I said before?" He nodded. "Yes. Do NOT take off your pants." She said scolding him like a mom or a teacher stereotype thingy. He whimpered in agreement. "Alright....let's ask Kira. He is the Birthday b***h after all!" The wolf suggested intelligently but also in a crude funny way. "Let's play Truth or Dare! ....and a drinking game and a smoking game!" Kira said making a weird smiling face. He looked hot but scary like Jeff The Killer. "Nuh uh! No way! Drinking is a sin if you're underage." I replied defying him. "My parents already said we could. Besides, it's just one night. What harm will it do?" He argued and I guess he had a point. "Okay, okay! But please please p-p-please promise me it will only be a little and things won't get crazy, alright?" I pleaded to him, batting my eyelashes, and making puppy dog eyes at him. "I can't say no to that face!" He said hugging me with one arm then kissing my forehead. "Besides what's the worst that could happen?" Youkai Kami Wolfheart asked shrugging and casual. "I mean...we might get bad breath and lose a few braincells at worst..." We all went to his kitchen getting the drinks. We got Mojito, Sake, Beer, and Strawberry Wine. We gathered small Dixie Cups to test taste the elixirs. Youkai got himself blunt cigs(?). The verdict was pretty much unanimous. No one like Mojito and only Youkai liked beer. We all thought the sake was okay and I, of course, adored the wine. It was in my favorite flavor and ultimate guilty pleasure: Ichigo. It was also scarlet like my hair and blood but not at all like Scarlet Johanson! That lady has problems. Youkai took a can and bottle of beer. "You guys are such lame wimps! I bet I can outdrink all your asses!" He said breaking it open very cocky and ready to party! "I'd rather be a wimp than puking all over like an idiot." I said folding my arms cross all annoyed and closing one eye. "Yeah." Kira agreed. "Let's just all drink at our own pace. Not all of us are drug-trained like Dooby-Doo over there." He added pointing to his best friend. We all laughed like the freaks we are. I got a wine glass and filled it with strawberry wine sipping on it gently. Kiku put lemonade in some sake and sipped it slower. Youkai chugged a bunch of drinks of all kinds and smoked a lot of weed and crack and drugs too. He also got a meth. Kira drank and occasionally smoked since he knows his limits. Youkai got a HUGE cigar and he puffed a column of smoke. "Alright. Let's do this!" He said like an action star! Kira started. "Youkai, truth or dare?" Youkai smirked a lot already supper drunk and high as lightning! "Dare me, sucker!" "I dare you to go into Wolf Mode and poop in the yard!" "Whaaaat?! That's easy!" He said quickly transforming and doing just that. None of us watched because well it was obvious he would do ANYTHING at that point. This is why drugs are from the devil. He came back looking weirdly satisfied. "Done." "Omfg. That's the shittiest prank ever!" Kira said laughing hard and sake almost shot out his nose. Kiku burst into tears loudly laughing. Her system was so sensitive she was already drunk from just two sips! She slapped her knee and literally ROFLed. "I think you've had enough." Kira and I said then pouring her drink away. "Okay, Kiku...truth...or dare...." Youkai said slurring. "Truth." She said gaining back some slight consciousness. "Have you ever seen a weiner?" "Yeah I changed a baby's diaper once...so obviously yeah." She said tilting a little then fainting on the couch. I rushed over to her knowing she is anemic and anorexic but thankfully she was just napping and not hurt. Youkai put a blanket on her. "Awww." Kira and I gushed over the cute moment. Then Youkai ran outside to puke and ruined it. He was puking for like...ever. Kira and I were left alone. "Okay, Raven. Truth or dare?" Kira asked simply after laughing at the mess Youkai probably made. I nervously started to drink too much wine and even a little sake. "Um...DARE!" I shouted. "I dare you to dress up like a maid!" He made an evil laugh. "But I bet you don't even have a dress for that one so by defau-" "Here's one~" He said pulling out a cafe meido fuku. It looked like a sweet lolita French maid style gown. It was opaque black as the main shade and it had a white frilly apron and headdress. It had big red ribbon bows and dashed red seams. It had a somewhat corsety top. It was like the dress was designed for me! It also came with tiny white laced gloves with black bowties and a red gem on each. It came with sheer black stockings and onyx heels. "Where did you even get that?! YOU PULLED THAT DRESS OUT OF YOUR a**!!!" I snapped. I blushed angrily and put it on in the bathroom. I came out blushing even more. I looked really really moe and batted my long dark doll lashes. They looked longer than falsies naturally. My big glistening purple eyes almost sparkling with a tear of defeat and embarassment as well as glowy pink hue. My blush covered me like I took a cherry pie to the face! My shiny pink puffy lips pouting more than they naturally do. My long rose Rapunzel length hair was let down draping to the floor like a cape or tapestry. My eyebrows which normally look tsundere and angry lowered and submissive more like a meganekko and like Kiku except more chibi and cuter! I wore the whole freaking thing and it showed quite a bit of my cherub virgin snow form. It really showed off my curves like my big boobs and butt. It also showed my tiny waist exaggerating it more with that corset! I looked like Jessica Rabbit as a maid anime girl. My exposed blushing skin was rose diamonds. My porcelain angel dove full moon powder white skin was spotless aside from the natural glow and glitter. I never blushed so much in my whole life! I knew I looked really good and that everyone was staring at me and some even woke up to it and that made it worse. I squeaked almost immediately as I walked out and he saw me. Everything about me was sparkling. Everyone couldn't look away. I was the sexiest thing they've ever seen! Everyone gasped. "AWWW! You're sooooo kawaii, Raven!" Kira complimented me laughing. He wasn't drunk but you could tell he was a little. I growled and just drank some more to get over the embarassment as Kira stared in awe at my kawaii perfection. He almost kissed me and held me as he blushed himself burnt. Then I was so so so drunk that I blacked out!
The next day.... "Kira, what happened?" I asked him who was by my bed when I woke up. "You got so drunk that your Vampire Mode was triggered. The alcohol amplified your powers and you kicked everyone's a** to Tuesday morning!" He replied with an answer. "It was like the alcohol made that part of you stronger and oddly graceful." It was like when that girl got drunk in Kage Tora. She was so drunk that she became a good fighter. The powers I had never had any control over while sober were honed well drunk. I awoken like The Pheonix in X-Men and shooted out wings of fire everywhere and was a master at kendo/swordplay. I made an explosion of sacred ash and my spirit familiar the leather black wolf and my swords materialized. The black family katana and the Heartbreaker Blade! They looked and acted like keyblades and I went out on a rampage in a magical purple butterfly with magenta and black lacy gothic long draping elegant pretty kimono like the 1 I won all those contests with and with eyes fearsome red like Inu-Yasha. In the twinkling skies I casted spells and left a trail of blood knocking down any in my pathways and stuff. Even Midnight was in amazement in my power. We formed auras and shot fireballs and made magic attacks and I sliced all with my blade of glory!
I showed my true powers and my mostly untapped inner goddess. Sadly that would probably never ever happen again unless I were queen but it was also good that it didn't at the same time because I have the best morals. I would rather be an angry bipolar, suicidal, pyromaniac, schizophrenic, and depressed person than one who didn't follow her own codes and The Bible. I am too good to succumb to the temptations of Satan. I sat up getting a headache. We all had hangovers. Youkai had it the worst. He could not stop vomiting from his shenanigans and Kiku just sleeped all day. I walked Kira out of the house before he left. We almost kissed but if we did we probably would have puked. It made me wonder to myself what it all meant.
The day after that I got a call from my parents and Kiku's. This time they told us to meet at the library. Kiku and I were still feeling crappy from our poor choices so we just wore hoodies and Vans sneakers in our usual colors. We sat and waited for like 15 minutes. I nearly snapped. "What if they don't show up like the last time?!" I asked out loud. The library lady shooshed me so I flipped her off when she wasn't looking. "Raven they have to...I can feel it in my bones." She brought up a good point so I held my tongue. Not long after our parents walked in. They were wearing casual clothes in their favorite colors and baseball caps to hide their special eyes. We all sat at a Round Table together(like I even need to explain that one). I whispered to them "What gives? Why all the visions? All these nightmares?" "It all started long ago. Many thousands of years and centuries ago The Darkness Vampire Clan's Queen Almathea was with child. They knew it would be a girl but they also knew this girl would be heir to the throne. What they didn't know was she would give birth to twins. One was Princess Ember Anastasia and the other was Princess Helena Moonlight. The Darkness sisters were the most beautiful in all the land. Though they were opposites and competitive they truly loved each other and were connected deep into the soul. They both became 16 and as they aged they rebelled more and more. Helena went into dancing and prostitution. Anastasia dabbled in piracy, manipulation, and drinking. They seemed to be growing corrupt. Then each found a lover. The first was Helena. She was dancing in a tavern harem when she met Artemis Howler Wolfheart. He was the prince of werewolves and unsatisfied with his life so he became a thief and practiced magic though he was not competent at either. It was love at first sight. Anastasia on the other hand had fallen for Alistar a human guard that belonged to The Royal Family and was dating another human known as Angela Flora. She was a healer. Anastasia seduced him away from her and Flora vowed revenge since. The couples brought much backlash since they were of different species. War was declared on humans and vampires. Everyone was fighting until the planet became destroyed. Then God spoke to Princess Anastasia. He told her if she sacrificed her life and her heart Earth would return. She was granted The HeartBreaker Blade and slit her throat. All the lives that were lost in the kingdoms never returned but the world was restored to what it once was. The clans stayed under wraps and quiet and underground to avoid this from happening that is...until the princesses were resurrected." My father Himura explained in a pained and harsh tone. "They were reincarnated and the pattern prove to repeat itself." Kikyo added looking down angrily and dramatically. "And there's no denying it." Ariel Darkness said. "We can see it in your eyes...you're them. The coincidences line up far too much for it to be denied." "So what do we do to stop this?" Kiku asked about to cry. "There's no stopping it. It has already begun." December said like Snape would teaching at Hogwarts.
To be continued...?
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Sun Feb 10, 2013 @ 08:16pm · 2 Comments |