Name: Sali (Lisa)
Age: 15 but acts 10

Note: She has c-cup breasts
Height: 5'2
Weight: 120 ibs
Personality: Because her mind is warped, Sali acts like a 10 (well, more like 5) year old. She is very giggly and enjoys having fun. If you make her mad, she might mope around (which is rare that anyone makes her mad enough to act like that). She is also very naive and would believe anything you told her.
History: Sali grew up in a nice home with her twin sister Lisa, her mother Cairine, and her aunt Harlequinn. Growing up she was treated well and was very attached to her sister. Nothing major happened to her until she was 10. On her and her sisters 10th birthday, he aunt told Lisa to go outside and play while she talked to Sali. She leaned down and told Sali to go push her sister in the pool and that it would be funny. Sali, being a naive child, agreed to this and ran out. She told Lisa to follow her over to the pool and stand at the edge and look in. Lisa agreed, thinking maybe there was a bug and Sali was scared of something. Right then Lisa pushed Sali into the water. Falling down, Lisa smacked her head off the side of the pool and couldn't move, causing her to drown. Realizing what she did, Sali screamed and ran inside, telling her aunt what happened. Her aunt simply smirked, picked up the phone, and called the police. The police, believing she did it on purpose, arrested her and sent her to the asylum. Sali lived there for 5 years. Her mind had snapped and she believed she was still 10 and her sister was still alive.
One day, a detective stopped by and claimed she was her mother. The nurses believed her and permitted her to see her. The detective begged the nurses to finally let her out and that she was fine. The nurses agreed and told the doctor who told the higher ups. They let the girl go.
When Sali confronted the detective by saying 'your not my mommy...' The detective simply said 'I know. I was sent here to come get you by her. Come on, kid. Your going home. Back to Silent Hill.'
- Pink
- Nice people
- Dolls
- Her sister
- Needles
- Water (like ponds, pools, etc)