Vampires Vs. Werewolves Part 3 |
(The final part before their wedding! Who else is excited?)

Kiku finally got the build up and the courage to confess to Youkai. They were the happiest most cutest couple ever! But first I must tell you how it happened! Youkai and Kiku much like me and Kira for the longest time had some seriously serious extreme tension. There was controversy about their relationship too but even moreso with them because at least a human can become a vampire and aid the gap in the law but lycans cannot! In fact, Werewolves and Vampires have never ever mated or gotten wed before since the war between the species centuries ago. Even though there was a treaty like the Indians did with the Pilgrims between species they are supposed to ignore one another and never interact! Werewolves fear Vampire and Vampires fear Werewolves. They are some of the only species that can kill one another and there is the history factor too! Vampire Lycan hybrids have never been born and never should because of the law and bad blood between them but like Kira and I they rightfully thought it was bullshit! Love conquers all and should never be ripped apart especially by something that happened totally like forever ago! Kiku however being the innocent and honest girl she is she called her parents beforehand! "Mom, dad...I have an announcement to make!" Kiku chimed cheerfully her voice going high with happiness. In the heat of the moment and the pounding of her loving heart in her chest she forgot the law and began to tell them. "What is it, Kiku? We already know you made the honor roll, dear! You always do!" Kiku's mother responded calmly and proudly in her usual serene and mature tone. "Well, I...uh..." Kiku stuttered and tinted her bony white clawed fingers. Her natural red apple blush beginning to look like fresh lava on a Hawaiian village. She struggled to keep her cellphone on her shoulder pressed to her ear. Luckily she wasn't wearing earrings that day! "Did you win the science fair again?" Her father December questioned in his normally cold, icy, and fitting tone. "No, no, no! It's not for school! It's not about grades this time!" Kiku Butterfly Atarashi exclaimed almost giggling while she was jittering. She never raises her voice and she almost always talks about school since she spends most of her time and life studying. She was the daughter of The Duchess and The High judge/duke of the Atarashi clan so she was raised to be academically focused and whatever so she could go to Harvard and join the family business not only as a duchess but as the newest top ranking judge. She was sheltered and had lots of pressure because of it. "Well....I found the boy of my dreams! I really think he's the one!" She cradled the phone in her hands by her face jumping cutely heart soaring at the mere thought of Youkai holding her hand swooning dreamily and sparkling. "What's his name?" asked her father. "Youkai Kami Wolfheart! He's a goth like Raven and her boyfriend and-" She rambled but got cut off by her mother harshly. "That sounds like.....A WEREWOLF NAME!" Kikyo shouted. "Yes. Why?" "We ARE Vampire Royalty! We are of the Atarashi clan and most importantly VAMPIRES AND WEREWOLVES DON'T MIX!" She exploded with rage scaring Kiku. "Please, mama! Give him a chance! He treats me like an equal...he...he treats me right! I can't live without him!" Kiku protested and cried. Her thick emo black eyeliner poured down on her face with the limpid tears of an extreme heartbreaking and betraying ache in her soul. "That's right!" December added swiftly. "Werewolves are evil and just no good!" "But-" "No buts and that's final." Kikyo said violently hanging up. "Oh no..." Kiku said sinking until she was sitting down on the floor on her tiny little skinny knees. I walked in on her and asked what was up. "Kiku...sissy what's wrong?" "Onii-chan....they....they don't approve. They won't let me see him ever again!" She said sadder than ever before in her whole entire life then collapsing on me hugging and crying. "Well ******** that." I said rebelliously. "Raven-" "I have a doomed love too. At least that's what they told me but I said ******** you and that it's bullshit. Your soulmate only comes up once in your entire life! It doesn't matter what the rules are! LOVE IS LOVE! Now go get 'em!" I gave her a speach like a famous football coach. The pep talk helped because she agreed. She nodded seriously. "Right."
The next day it was Tuesday and we were at school. Everything was pretty much normal except the heavy stress we were all feeling. "Are you ready to tell him yet?" Kira asked leaning nonchalantly against some lockers folding his arms. "I think so...but I don't know if it's right from what my parents said. I know I should follow my heart but I have always followed the rules. I never really broke any until now!" Kiku brought up smartly and cautiously. "But remember what we said, Kiku. We defied the odds. You can too." I said to her to reassure her. "Yeah besides he's my best friend and only someone as wonderful and gifted as you should belong to him, alright?" Kira said like a concerned older brother patting her shoulder. "Here he comes!" I said and ran away with my man as he approached her. "Hey, Kiku. What's up?" He said scratching his shaggy black emo hair. "Not much just the biggest thing to happen to me ever..." "And what would that be?" "Ah...um...me...and you..." Kiku said looking down through her big round emo glasses blushing a fiery red of passion. Youkai holds her claw hand in his. "I've been waiting for you my whole life. I'm glad we could finally be..." They looked into each others eyes about to cry. Their eyes all shiny and juicy with the tears. SUDDENLY....we heard an announcement! It said "We have a new student from Germany! He has Japanese origins and may struggle with English but please welcome him like you would your own! Pizza nuggets are for lunch. That is all." We didn't care at first though. What the hell are Pizza nuggets anyways??!!
Next period happened and during lunch Youkai had a surprise for Kiku.... She walked outside and saw him on a bench strumming a black guitar. He face downcast with hair over his eyes. He looked really cool. He was singing Wake me up Before December Ends by Green Day. Tears ran down her face with pride and blushed. The music made them love eachother even more!!!
Then it was passing time Kiku and I were talking near her locker then we parted ways in the hallways to head to class. Kiku walked clutching her books to her chest tightly like a baby and looking down as always she bumped into someone really tall on accident....it was....................THE NEW EXCHANGE STUDENT!!! "Oops. Gomen." Kiku said looking up at him smiling trying to be nice. "Hallo. My name is Van Ravenclaw! At your service!" He said bowing like a gentleman handing her a single lavendar rose while going down on his knee like he was proposing. Kiku got weirded out but she saw it as politeness and tried to do the same back. Though she was started she was flattered and blushed lots like a bloody cherry pie exploding in a volcano. She bowed to him awkwardly taking a rose and dooing a cursty and said "What brings you here, Van???!" She paused a sec and quickly asked. "I was assigned to this location..." He responded blunter than an unsharpened spear but calculating in a way. "Yeah that's kind of what being an exchange student is..." Kiku replied shiftily and nervous like looking around cracking a smile. "More like an assassin and a potential husband!" He practically shooted enough to get the place to explode! He said it flamboyantly with a smirk. Kiku got a good look at him he was freakishly tall like a giant and had medium length long-ish pure jet black raven dark hair going on his neck flowing and graceful yet coarse with a purple/blue shine thing. He had a very small thin goatee thingy on his chin. His hair was windswept like a model's against a fan. The locks hung sharp and looked like crow feathers but dreamy and smooth like chocolate almost curly and wavy. He had these serious dark purple violet eyes which were hypnotizing amethyst crystal mirrors and was wearing a medeival looking outfit(like a formail suit but more casual too?). He really did look like an assassin since he was dressed to kill! He was wearing a black gray vest over a brownish black button up shirt with the collar unbottoned showing off his muscle a little bit. He had a sucker in his mouse like Sanji in the One Piece censored dub!!! He had a devilish smirk of a grin that was almost irresistable and lit up the room like a headlight with his shiny teeth. His skin was peach but extremely white and pale. Almost gray in certain dim lighting but not too much so. He was very very very attractive. A pretty boy. A handsome bishi type. He looked like a prince from a shoujo manga and like he should have a rose in his teeth.(A.k.a. a bishi). His eyes glistened and were like Tamaki Suoh's from Ouran Highschool Host Club. Or even Kyoya if not like the guys you see in Fruitsbasket. His name was like Van Helsing's and he was an assassian(OBVIOUSLY) like in Assassin's Creed! It was also like Harry Potter in a way.....(Also my boyfriend confirmed he looked like young Ezio from Assassin's Creed which I like cuz he's hot) Kiku blushed quickly like the shy lamb of a meganekko when she wasnt a flat kuudere she was and just figured it was a language barrier since that's basic logic and crap. "Okay see you later, Van!" She sprinted to her next class galloping kind of tippy toed since she's so cute. So the lamb fell in love with the lion. "This is going to be easier than one could ever have imagined. I will marry young duchess Kiku, assassinate little wolf, become rich, and be duke in no times! Excellent! I shall be closer to starting my legacy and ruling the world! I am playing more than one card side! Those pathetic Atarashis will not see it coming! Muwahahaha!" He said sounding like Dracula in the Van Helsing movie. He made the most obvious villainous laughter ever it was almost like a parody. Kira overheard and he like gasped and stuff all worried! He said "Wow" like usual but he covered his mouth so the murderer wouldn't hear!!!! Ravenclaw sensed him and nearly shooted him a glare which scarred him off like. He groweled with fangs.
The next day Kiku came to school her thoughts were on Youkai and their relationship and how she would keep it a secret. She thinked a whole lot about it and it was anxious and confusing. Love is too be shared in the world and not hidden in teh dark forever be! "Kiku, Kiku! Listen!" Kira said running over to her as fast as humanly possible(which is weak compared to Vampires and Werewolves. Just sayin'!). "Nani? Kira what is it?" She asked all surprised as he rushed towards her out of breath panting like a puppy on a summer's day in Texas. Or like Youkai when he tries too hard to show off in Gym Class! (AN: Puppies really need water after all.) "Be careful about that Van guy! He's dangerous!" He heeded and warned her. Who knew an emo kid could be a harbinger? "I thought you said I pick my own destiny?" Kiku Atarashi defied him like the president of the debate team she was or like a sassy lawyer career girl but I forget the name of that show. "What?" Him asked her. "You said I can defy the odds and since I have so far with love I will defy as many as I can with this newfound confidence of mine!" She was loud for once. "No offense but you sound like you're kinda into him." Kira said angrily and madly hinting. He lowered his brows concerned for her health and stuff. And about his best friend Youkai's fraglie lil emo boy heart..... "NO! NO, I SO FREAKING DON'T!" She yelled and stormed off slamming her locker with her Vampire Strength and it broke the door dented in it and landed on Kira's head making him pass out.
Kiku left the school since the day was over. "Hmph. Who does he think he is? Saying I can make my own choices then saying I can't!" She was blinded by her rage and all the other emotions she was feeling. "I make my own choices that means I'm asking Youkai out and we're going to the movies and that's final!" She said shouting alone and stomping a foot. Van came up behind her. "What is wrong, little one? You have fire in your soul like yak in a duel!" He talked to her foreignly. He seemed like an alien from a whole other planet but not in a threatening way it was fascinating like her French Class. A different world. A different Dimension like Katy Perry's song ET(kind of). "Like it's any of your business, Van. Besides, you wouldn't be interested in what I have to say you're so handsome and already have a fanclub started by Cameran freakin' Sloane one of THE most popular girls in school since she's Annette's right hand girl and only friggin' rights our School Paper's Gossip Column........" As she says this fangirls swoon in the distance. Cameran glared at her almost whimpering doing a puppy dog face and crying all at once. Annette is glaring too cause she's into him too but Kiku still continued trying to ignore their asses. "...and I don't know if you'd get it." She looked down and away sadly rubbing one of her arms defeated and guilty about to cry looking away. He puts a hand on her shoulder. "I don't know if I understand unless you're telling me." He got down on one knee to look into her eyes and listen to her. He looked like he was proposing to her again just like in a romance movie! He also looked like Sebastian from Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji with Ciel taking care of him. She looked in his hazy cloudy yet distinct eyeballs and gasped knowingly with a spark. "You're a vampire too?" "Yes that is why I know I can at least understand enough." He smiled at her nicely. They looked into each other's eyes for a really really really long time. They started to blush. So the lion fell in love with the lamb. She told him her problem in a moment of weakness. Her knees were shaking and she was so flustered she almost fainted. "Maybe we can discuss the rest over dinner?" He asked her out. "No. That wouldn't be fair to Youkai." She said looking away and frowning a lot stepping away from him and he stood up. "Would this change your mind?" He said getting out a pocketwatch and waving it in front of her hypnotizing her with black magic and his special evil occultic Vampire Powers. To solidifize the spell he ran a hand thru her hair and kissed her wine red lips. She was now his doll and his puppet to play with but there was more to it than that......

The whole week they went out and Kiku couldn't talk about anything but Van Ravenclaw! He took her to a fancy restaurant, he bought her chocolates flowers and bears, he got her jewelry, picked her clothes, kissed her, played violin and guitar for her, serenaded her, brushed her hair, took her to movies, and took all her free time up so her grades almost slipped down to A- and Bs!!! The more he did for her the stronger the spell made especially with his Magical Devil Violin. She even started dressing like a whore prostitiute with more make-up that was thick like if she went in out of control in her Vampire Mode accept as bad as mine or something!!!!! We all got annoyed and confronted her on it. "Van is trying to marry you, kill Youkai, and get your family's fortune and rule the planet! He's bad news!" I said loudly and proudly and mad relaying Kira's previous message. I was one of the prophets and couriers this time though. "I'm sorry. You said I had a destiny. This is mine." The victim of trickery insisted she seemed like a zombie. Youkai walked in when she said that hurt from being lead on and basically dumped without a word for some stranger he had bags under his eyes so he couldn't sleep. He had a bunch of cuts all the way up his muscular arms and his hair wasn't combed. He didn't shower in a while and his outfits were only crappy gym clothes. He felt like he had nothing to live for and it really really showed. It truly did.
Youkai climbed to the top of the school to jump off and committ suicide Van standing behind him coaxing him like the devil would with a Satanic look on his face. He gruesomely twisted his lips containing his laughter and sadism. Youkai Kami Wolfheart got on the edge mumbling and gulping ready to jump off like a diving board except straight into Hell! "STOP!" A voice in the distance shouted. It was me running in with Kiku's parents. "Fools! Sad wolf is too hypnotized to listen! Nothing can break him out of it even if he was no longer under the spell he would want it! And now to sweeten this moment of delicious blood." He took the sucker out of his mouth. It was a bloody eyeball on a stick! (Ewww! I can't believe I wrote that screwed up crap!) Kiku got summoned in she looked up at Youkai who was about to jump. "Do something!" Kira said screaming freaking out and pulling his blue hair. We all got into Vampire Mode as Youkai falls off. Van teleports to us charging knocking us all down just before Youkai nearly hit the ground! It was too late...all hope was lost.........nope! Kiku snapped out of it and caught him just in time. Youkai snapped out of it and they both kissed and hugged like in Twilight. Kiku's foot popped up like the movie The Princess Diaries talked about! Van tries to sneak off but Kiku zooms over to him "As for you, VAN! If that is your real name! You don't mess with anyone's heart or destiny without getting consequences!" Basically telling him consequences will never be the same. I added all clever and sassy with my hands on my hips "Yeah! You interfered with the natural order what heck did you think was gonna happen?!" "That does make loads of sense. It was nice though while it has lasted." Van said shrugging and looking down guiltily and forlorn into Kiku's eyes. We looked at him all confused. "It may not have been real for you but it was for me. I must say I didn't think I have had it in me. I wouldn't have taken it this far and personally if I didn't start to feel things for Kiku. It was going to be a cut and done thing but...this too far." "Wow. Do you really mean that?" Kiku asked flattered and gasping and incredibly utterly surprised! "I do-" He started but his magic pocketwatch fell out of his pocket and shattered on the roof. He fell over and started to die Kiku held him in her arms as he faded away into dust smiling at her. She cried a little because a part of her still loved him but he unfortunately had his soul entwined to the watch by selling his soul. "He sold his soul. He made the contract." I said smartly and gasping myself. "What do you mean?" Kiku question tilting her head innocently like the cute little loli girl she is. "There are only a few kinds of Vampire Contracts that can be made The Blood Contract(a human sells their soul to you and you get their body and blood and they become a vampire), The Hell Contract(making yourself a demon you may or may not get possessed if you're an Atarashi you're more likely to handle the demon powers better), and The Soul Contract(you sell your soul to Satan and have it put in a weapon or object of your choice and it makes you all powerful until the object is broken)." I said expositionally. "So his soul was in that charm? No wonder why he's so powerful and still kind of has that power..." Kiku said still tearing up sobbing putting her head down and hanging it all emo with the dusty ashes in her hands. They looked kind of like phoenix ashes or regular old grill ashes. All ashes look the same really.
Then we all went home and talked about it. We put his remains and his clock thingy into an urn to be placed in a cemetary to respect him because even though he was definitely evil he had no choice. But the discussion of him was forgotten mostly in the heat of the couple drama! "Kiku, we will never allow you to marry this mongrel but we will never take it this far again." Kikyo said addressing the error but standing by her views. In person Kikyo looks like a grown up version of Kiku but her hair a little darker and curled and wavy and let down. She wears formal librarian clothes for casual things and usually wears long flowing blue gowns that look like water or an ice queen. Her eyelashes are longer and she doesn't always wear glasses. She wears lighter make-up than Kiku. She is much more outspoken too. December looks like Davey Havok combined with Marilyn Manson wearing judge and other formal attire. He has silver hair and is a vampire too. His hair looks like Legolas's from Lord of The Rings except white like diamonds and not like an old lady grandma's okay! December nodded lots and lots with super agreement he said "We don't forbid you from seeing him but you may not taint our clan with this mutt's filth. You can be his friend and nothing more!" He was snippy and icy and mean like Don Frollo from The Hunchback of Notre Dame who was also a judge! He demanded to her all strict and stuff. "Fair enough. We're too young to marry anyways and like you said species shouldn't cross." Kiku said smartly. Her parents left satisfied not knowing the cheeky little monkey had her fingers crossed! They were already planning their happily ever after.
The end?
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Wed Dec 12, 2012 @ 04:43am · 1 Comments |