(This one's a little bit long but it's very cool just trust me! There's only one part left and it's gonna be a lot shorter! I only did this cuz we needed to show more of the other characters and cool stuff like that! ENJOY! ^__^)

The Duke Saga Chapter 3
Suki no Vampire: The Duke Saga
Chp. 3 Mission Impossible/Where's my Wonderland? by Blood on The Dancefloor
It was mid day in London and I was running out of time! I already failed our First Class mission twice and almost caused a security issue! But I had to make up for it! I had to be perfect! I had to be beyond perfect! No speck of evidence should be left behind. I had to go all out. I had to kick some a**. This made me more determined and on my tip toes than ever. I had the edge.
This time I was dressed in a Spanish courtesan dress. It was a warm red, shining black, and gold-trimmed borderline saloon girl dress. The skirt of the dress was in 3 sections two long ones hanging above my ankles and a third shorter one in the middle to show off my black fishnet stockings and valentine red with white lace edge garter. The dress had loose drapy shoulders that showed mine off though the sleeves were poofy and fit for a fiesta. The bodice was a very tight corset which my Jessica Rabbit waistline even more ridiculously small. It even made my large breasts even larger and showed quite a bit of my glossy white angel skin. The corset was shiny and black. The sheen of it looked like a dark grey. There was silver trim at the stomach and waist in this stripe stacking pattern and red lace and trim at the bust of it. It looked like a dangerous drop dead gorgeous black widow. I wore long gloves that went just above the elbows. It was in black, of course. I had sharp black high heels with thin black cross ribbons. They looked like semi-layered Xs. I had my Skullhead hairclips with red bows and black trim on along with a white and gray sugar skull hair pin holding my long hair nice and high to keep it from trailing on the ground and getting caught on things. The sugar skull clip was on a fake red carnation. It had the look of velvet but was actually silk! I had my little black peineta crown by the clip as a subtle sign that was I was the princess ninja so the person I was to meet up with would know it's me. I had on a mask to hide my identity though. It was clear black lace with a magenta rose decoration in the corner. I wore a black collar with studs on it(I modified a formal black collar my own way). I had on black lipstick on. I was dressed for success to say the least!
I walked into the hotel we were to meet at. I sat at the bar on a high stool that was hard to get on because I am short like a loli even if I'm taller than Kiku. No one talked to me so things were going really smoothly and meeting up with my contact went even smoother he got the note and said to me "Even if you took a while, your work was quality and worth the wait." "A...arigato..." I said blushing a deep peach pink embarassed at how a higher-up gave me such a huge compliment. It was like how you'd imagine getting a highfive from Jesus.
Things went really awesome until...a gun went off! Someone shot a pistol so everyone but me ducked because I am pretty fearless. I got a glimpse of the assailant and saw that he shot down the contact.
The killer ran away but I shouted and zoomed after him saying "YOU b*****d!" I got angry and super quick and then got engaged into Vampire Mode! My eyes glowed a violent shade of red. My fangs showed but the guy was too busy running to notice.
Suddenly I was in a completely different place! I was floating in a black abyss but it was really my own mind! I saw my vampire mode self. "Raven, this is an important mission. Therefore I am bestowing upon you The HeartBreaker Blade. Many eons ago when I was about your age I found love. It was forbidden especially back then since he was human and I was a pure bred vampire. We both died in a war trying to be together. The world got destroyed. The only way to bring the planet back was to sacrifice myself and therefore my love. I saved the world but at a price...my heart." "Wow...that's terrible no wonder why you're...so..." "No time to talk. This blade was given for the sacrifice. Use it now to strike down that monster!" She yelled seriously and angrily but with good intentions this time!
I went back into running after the bad guy dragging my sword and bringing up sparks. I growled as I flew after him after he climbed up onto a building. I chopped him up. Then I got this weird tingling feeling. Someone saw us! I looked down at the ground. It was The Duke! He was smirking at me laughing in his Southern French/British accent. He did a slow clap. "Vampire, eh? Challenge accepted, mon petit chere." He walked away but I ran home. I didn't tell my uncle anything more aside from how the mission went. He was really proud of me but in the back of my mind I wasn't. My enemy saw me. This would likely bite me later.
Many years later...present time
I just had a bath so I put on my pajamas for the night to relax in. It was a baggy grunge red plaid button-up shirt with a baggy opaque black V neck top underneathe. I wore matching pants and had no socks on. I am not telling you about my underwear though, pervert! I knew you were thinking it!
The house was seemingly empty. I figured it was just my uncle Peterson seizing the oppurtunity to use our restroom. I went into the living room and sat on our black couch reading my latest volume of Shonen Jump! I noticed there was a mug on the table filled with hot cocoa and a strawberry marshmallow. I helped myself to it but quickly felt drowsy. "Wow...the sugar in this tea must be stro-" Then I passed out.
I wake up slowly opening my eyes to a gray abyss. I was scared so I hopped up. It looked like it was my bed in a way so I thought my uncle carried me here because I fell asleep. Then I looked around. It was suspicious and off. Then someone turned the lights on. It was...THE DUKE! He was smirking at me with his weird gap gazing me up and down with his creepy brown eyes. "Bonjour, pigeon." He said walking in close. "Wait...it's been thousands of years! How can you still-" He covered my mouth with his white-gloved hand. "Now, now. That's no way to treat someone that brought you into his home and dressed you." I smacked his hand down from my face screaming "DRESSED ME?! YOU SICK FREAK! I'M STILL A KID!" "I should be saying that. Here you are in my bed in skimpy attire while being many thousands of years older than me, Cougar. Grrr~" He said smirking more and winking and growling like a nasty tiger. "Ugh..." I grumbled. "Can you at least tell me what your motives are? I barely saw you like twice in my life how do you still care?!" "I could say the same to you, dear." He said holding my round Casper white face making my pouty baby pink lips even bigger. "I guess you can say I held a grudge. You're the only person who refused me yet you were the prettiest I came across. I told you I'd get revenge so here I am doing just that." "What're you gonna do to me?" I said tearing up with anger. "Marry you, make you mine, and do whatever else I feel like." I looked at him with anger and some fear. He looked 50 now but even then that makes no sense. His shaggy brown hair was slicked black into spikes and it had gray streaks and a widow's peak. His cheeks were hollow and he was really pale. I figured it was aging. I looked down at my dress. It was an Elvira dress. I groaned and went in to slap him again. He caught me with a strange level of agility. "Temper, temper." He said. He had some training. He was waiting for me. I was his prisoner.....for now anyways.
He mostly treated me well in a weird way I guess. He fed me and clothed me even if I did not neccessarily like it I was still alive. His mansion was warm too. I still never failed to be angry and would still resist every kiss of his. One day he approached me all smug at the dinner table. "What?" I said harsh but not furious anymore. "Well, we've come so far this past week or so. I think we should take it a step up so you really can't say no!" I growled and gritted my my razor sharp fangs. "Marriage...and sexy time!" "NOOOO!" I shouted in protest. "Too late. I already made a deal with your parents over the phone. You are very valuable to them, pet. Exactly why they won't strike me. At least you'll be able to see mommy and daddy after you marry me and I become king of your species even if it won't be much! MUWAHAHAHAHA!" He did an evil laugh that sounded really psychopathic and crazy. Apparently he hypnotized my parents with magic and paid them off for me like I was a prize! I prayed for them to return anyways.
I cried myself to sleep. I woke up in a wedding gown. I sat up right and looked in the mirror. I had a crown of white roses and other snow white colored flowers. It had green ribbon stems. They were freshly picked from a well-kept garden. I had a white pillbox veil hat on my head that covered my fluffy rose bangs a little. My hair was mostly let down and spiral curled at the ends but the was a tiny braid in the back. It was a very medeival hairstyle. It made my hair look a tad brighter and more of a magenta rose shade than anything. My dress had a subtle V neck, draped, and hung itself like Egyptian Cotton. Up close there was a flower and star pattern with many sparkles on it. My hands were in little white gloves with frill trim and bows on it. Like this:

I sighed sadly and depressedly. I noticed my bouquet was on the table. It was white roses mostly but with little blue daisy accents and long stems of leaves. I sighed again. It was like Lana Del Ray's rose halo but made of misery. I was a caged bird and nothing more. Property.
I went into the mansion's chaple and saw my cousin Kiku, Youkai, Kira, my parents, and my uncle there. They were hanging their heads all sad and my groom wasn't there yet. "Mommy, please! Do I really have to marry this bad man?" I say hugging her and crying into the chest on slinky purple velvet dress. I asked her and pleaded as I did. She pet my hair. "Shh, baby. It'll all be over soon. Just follow our lead." I nodded trying to trust her. We all hugged. "K...kira..." I said approaching him since he was the saddest. "Hey, Raven. It's okay...we'll figure something out, right?" He said scratching his awesome blue emo hair and adjusting his gray pirate skull and cross bones loose sweater tee looking down at his extra tight blue rocker jeans. He had black lip piercings and eyeliner. I hugged his neck and cried some more "What if he separates us? You're my guardian angel!" I said more sincerely than ever in my entire young life! "Hey, hey...it's okay. We'll just wait and see." He said to comfort me not entirely sure what would happen and fighting back his many many tears. "Okay..." I wiped my tears away and took a very very very deep breath. I kissed everyone's cheeks and gave Kira Shinobi extra kisses just in case and for luck so he could have them to remember me by. I looked back at everyone. I looked into all of their eyes with heavy pain and regret. They were all dressed so nicely as they usually were. My mom even wore a Grecian drape dress with shoal strands wrapped around the arms as sleeves. It was dark grape purple. She wore a lot of purple and gold Egyptian elegant jewelry like bangles and a necklace. It was her signature kind of look. She was always dressed for success. One of the things I would never forget about her and everyone else. I looked forward and sighed as I waited for my death day. What a nice day for a white wedding. What a nice day to start again.
Then the wedding started. My dad Himura Atarashi locked arms with me. He looked very serious and stiff as usual but even more so now. He looked a lot like a famous samurai. Harsh but refined as ever! Though he had dark black Wolverine style hair and a suit that looks like something he borrowed from Uncle Dracula except more corporal to suit him and stuff. "Dad, are you sure this is okay?" I asked looking at him with my big sad emo bright pink purple eyes. "Hush. Your father would never do things like this without a plan. There's always a plan." He told me enigmatically. I nodded trying my best to believe him as he whispered to me like a spy.
I was at the altar now. "Do you Sir Duke take Lady Princess Raven Mary Atarashi Darkness to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "I sure as Hell do, sir!" He said proudly and quickly with no hesitation whatsoever. "And you Lady Raven Mary do you take Sir Duke as your husband?" "I...I...I..." I stuttered. I didn't know what to do! MY LIFE WAS OVER...BUT THEN! 'WE OBJECT!" Everyone said all at once which distracted The Duke my dad teleported behind him and put him in a ninja style or wrestling headlock! "As if, I'd let a human pig like you anywhere near my daughter!" He said choking him with his muscular arm. "NOW RAVEN! RUN! WE'LL FIGURE OUT THE REST!" I ran over to my friends and Kira crying. Kiku told us what to do. "Me and Youkai will stay by door in case he gets past your parents to fight you and Kira run away together!" "But I-" I started. "JUST GO!" Kiku said loudly for once in her life.

I was shocked but I ran away with Kira anyways! We held hands I used my vampire super speed to run us super far away and into the courtyard we stopped there to rest panting. He's only human after all and I went through a lot of emotional torture and stress and depression and so did he. It weighed us down like the heaviest anchors of guilt ever. Anchors that could take down The Black Pearl even! Kiku was in Vampire Mode her claws were long and sharp sharper than the pointiest katanas. She was in a lolita gown with some red bows and lace trim but had some layering of Guro lolita bandages that looked like mummy wraps. She had matching shoes and stockings with some cyan hints and edges. She summoned her magic kimono over it like a Magical Girl. Youkai was completely covered in a mysterious Grim Reaper style cowl before turned into a black wolf with glowing red eyes. My parents had a good hold on him until...he bit my father's arm with his fangs and ran into the middle of the place super quickly! It was like The Flash except pure evil! Our enemy clearly had super powers now making him a SUPER VILLAIN! "It can't be...." Ariel Darkness Atarashi said gasping heavily, her deep large purple eyes went from their usual calm and motherly appearance to a look of terror. "That's right!" The Duke said proudly as ever. Then they all attacked him at once. He fended them off for a while and dodged a few times but was clearly no match for the COMBO ATTACK OF FRIENDSHIP! "Any last words?" Youkai growled about to bite his face off without any regrets. Him wanted to drink hims blood. His Wolf Mode was getting out of control since I'm his best friend and he was more motivated by the anger which increased his natural evil bloodlust. Kiku grabbed him by the spike collar and restrained him strongly like The Dog Whisperer Caesar if he were on steroids! "No!" "She's right." Ariel said as they all looked in lots and lots of shock. She closed her eyes revealing some dark purple butterfly eyeshadow. Her arms folded nonchalantly but strong. She was very serious. Himura agreed. "We're not murderers unless we have to be. It's our Japanese Vampire Royalty Code of Honor." They all let him go. "Right." Kiku agreed and smartly added "No one deserves a horrible torturous death...not even the scum of the Earth!" She was the clear-headed genius of the group obviously. "Thank you...thank y'all so much for sparing me. You don't know how happy this makes me!" He hammed it up a lot. "You're welcome. Just never ever hurt her again okay?" Kiku said with a sweat drop on her head kind of sad looking and serious. She pouted her cute dark rosy red plump lips. "I make no promises. Yoink!" He said teleporting into the courtyard and grabbing me. What a sneak!
It was the FINAL STRAW! The Final Countdown! My parents looked me in the eyes and said "NOW!" Vampire Mode coincidentally engaged but what they were trying to trigger was my demon form! The transformation was like in Sailor Moon or Final Fantasy X-2. It was magical girl anime style transformation for sure! I had red and black gradient demon wings that looked like a dragon's. I had tiny black kawaii succubus horns and a black flower string headband. I was wearing a flowing torn red and black gradient dress. My fangs got even longer and sharper! My hair went down and looked like the fires of Hell!

Then Ariel entered hers. She got a black gray horn witch hat with dark raven gothic black veil strands on each one. She got a long black evening gown with no straps and many shoals in layers and black ribbons surrounding it and her arms. She got a black choker with gray and some lace and a dangly black chain as a charm. She had big fluffy black angel wings. She was at almost full power without even being in Vampire Mode considering what a master she was!

We were engulfed with forcefields of black and purple sparkling energy. It was our combined compatible auras as mother and daughter. "Wait! Hold on!" Kira said running over to the battle wanting to help and be my hero. Himura stopped him. "We have to leave this one up to the girls this time." He corrected my boyfriend strongly and seriously as he restrained him by extending his caped arm in front of his chest. "But aren't you a demon too?" Kira questioned overwhelmed and confused on the battlefield once more. "Yes, but this is their fight. Not only was this incident an attack on our family and child but it was also an attack against women everywhere." The Duke got scared and tried to fly away and escape fastly but Ariel grabbed his shoulder easily and devilishly smirked. She made a vampire face like in Van Helsing to freak him out and it did. "You may be a vampire but it's clear you're no natural one. That means you may not even have your immortality." She calmly tilted her head as he gulped at her in fear. She let him go and he let out a sigh of relief. We both stood by each other and did a black ball of pure darkness energy. It had purple from Ariel and pitch black from me. It blew him up.
"There. That does it." Ariel said dusting her hands confidently. "Are you sure?" I said after all the trauma I was unsure of everything breathing heavy and dazed and confused from it all. "Yes. The only thing that could keep that pest alive is hatred!" My mom joked and we all laughed and went to our homes. Kira walked me to the door sweetly and romantically. "You know that dress looks really good on you." He said sincerely looking into my eyes. He was shy and embarassed and still thrown back by that drama back there! "Arigato." I said looking down cutely blushing a dark burning red. Smoke almost came out my ears from that! "It's a shame you wore it under these circumstances instead of others..." He said blushing as much as me too looking away, scratching his head, and kicking his shoe as he hinted at us having a future. I giggled cutely and girlishly. "Night, Kira." "Night, Princess." He smiled. We all slept well that night....for now. But I couldn't help but feel the rope that I was in for.
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Wed Sep 19, 2012 @ 11:56pm · 1 Comments |