Here is a chart for reference ^

Regular Vampires/Vampires: Have black or red hair, pale shiny skin, and fangs. They have faded red, pink, or purple eyes. They become bright red with transformation and rage. Sometimes the hair turns black depending on rage, caste, and energy level. Ages stunted at sixteen until marriage then they are an adult and permanently stop aging.
Albino Vampires: Have light blue hair, pale yellow peach skin with no shine, and almost no eyebrows. They always have red eyes and bad vision. They age quicky 3-6 monthes is a year. They stop aging at 30. Marriage isn't a requirement because they're not "pure" or good for breeding. They often times have longer nails for some reason. They can grow ridiculously long lengths if not kempt and they are retractable. Their eyes are much more sensitive to the sun. They have to wear sunglasses all day or they will be permanently blinded.
Dhampir(Human vampire): A human bitten by a vampire turned vampire. Human most of the time. Pale with bitemarks. Sometimes glowing red eyes and fangs. Looks more human with some vampire features. More in control of their transformation technically even if it's hard to figure out how. Depending how strong the transformation they could easily be considered a Regular Vampire in technicality. Dhampirs are also the children of a human and a vampire or a dhampir and a vampire. Hybrids are VERY rare and have not existed until very recently.
Serum/Artificial Vampires: They are a bit like Dhampirs except their powers are a little stronger. They're humans who drink from The Fountain of Youth mixed with magic herbs. Depending on the person the body rejects the potion making the person sick or more emotional or even age weirdly on and off. They are in Vampire Mode almost all the time. They have fangs, hollow cheeks, and dark red eyes rather than lighter ones. (Can also get into a water supply and make more zombie like creatures)

Regular Werewolves: Often times look very human aside from fluffy ears and a tail that can be hidden away. They come in the color of the hair and the hair color is the fur color when they transform. They are not immortal but still live WAAAAY longer than humans. They can live for hundreds of thousands of years. They have a pup phase, a teenage phase, and an adult phase but they only come when it suits the maturity level of the wolf. They can transform into the wolves like in folklore or Twilight and they can become lycanthropes. The moon only effects werewolves in their teen phase because of hormones.
Serum/Artificial Wolves: Any species that takes the werewolf potion. It usually just gives the person ears and a tail that are either their hair color or fitting their personality. If you a Regular Vampire, you can have your bloodlust triggered and go on a rampage. There's a still a chance with all other species but it's unlikely since they have more control over their powers.
Hybrids: Hybrids are blends of vampires with any given species. Usually this mix is done in werewolf/vampire and human/vampire relationships.They tend to be like dhampirs and take double the power since they take traits of both species. It can come in even or unbalanced mixes because that's how genes work and stuff. They tend to be in their modes all the time without even noticing especially as a child. This also applies to demons.
RavenDarknessAtarashi · Sat Jun 30, 2012 @ 12:11am · 1 Comments |