N a m e || Lightingstorm A g e || 17 moons G e n d e r || She cat R a n k || Deputy C l a n || Shadowclan A p p e a r a n c e || A light brown she-cat with purple blue eyes K i t s || None M a t e || Looking.... B i o & P e r s o n a l i t y || Lightingstorm got her name from the horrible storm where lighting was flashing every few seconds when she was born. Her mother unlike alot of Shadowclan cats was very sweet and when Lightingstorm was born her mother had asked the leader to name her kit Lightingkit, Lightingstorm when she was a warrior, because she will be as strong and swift as the lighting had been. Lightingstorm grew up to be a very caring cat and had wonderful parents. But one day she figured out that the cat who she thought was her father was not at all and her real father had been from Thunderclan. Lightingstorm was not angry or mad at her mother. She just was glad to know everything was straightened out. But when her mother told the clan one of the cruel warriors attacked Lightingstorms mother for betraying her clan and they killed her. Lightingstorm was furious and she has a bitter hatred for her clan. She plans on becoming leader and exiling the at who killed her mother then daring anyone to do that again and they would die.

G a i a n a m e || XxC0RRUPTIONxX N a m e || Stormfeather A g e || 15 moons G e n d e r || She cat R a n k || Warrior C l a n || Thunderclan A p p e a r a n c e || A light gray -she cat with fluffy fur and light grass green eyes K i t s || Mabye... M a t e || Looking.... Personality||Stormfeather is a very sweet cat but she is also very energetic and is usually racing around camp helping everybody. She is never cruel or mean to any of the other cats and she has no one that she hates. Her father always used to call her a bouncing little furball and so did a lot of other cats. To some she seems like a pushover when they havent met her but she really is one stubborn cat.
B i o || Stormfeather was the first of any of her siblings to be born on a stormy newleaf night. Her father right when he saw her said they should name her Stormkit because of her light gray fur and that she was the first born on the stormy night. Her other siblings sadly had been dead when they were born except one other kit. Stormfeather's parents had been heartbroken by this but they treated Stormfeather and her sibling very portectively since they were their only kits. Stormfeather had a very fun kithood and her parents have always cared for her. Her secret dream is to become deputy so her parents will be proud of her and not just pride on her for being on of their only two kits that didn't die.

N a m e || Rushpaw A g e || 11 moons G e n d e r || Tom R a n k || Apprentice C l a n || Riverclan A p p e a r a n c e || A long lean tom cat with brown fur and amber green eyes K i t s || None M a t e || Looking.... P e r s o n a l i t y || A stubborn cat who never takes no for an answer and always tries his hardest at everything. He might seem rude to some, but he actually is not at all. He helps everyone out but he is not a pushover at all! B i o || Rushpaw was the first born out of three kits. His mother, the sweetest cat in the world got deathly sick and almost died. But with the help of the medicine cat she slowly became stronger but she still sometimes stumbles and she has never had her full strength again. Rushpaw's father blamed him and his siblings for their mother's sickliness. Rushpaw has no idea why his father would think that. The medicine cat had told him later that she had contracted green cough but his father wouldn't budge from his thoughts. Rushpaw strives to be a good apprentice, wishes to be a great warrior, and someday mabye even be Rushstar!
XxC0RRUPTIONxX · Fri Jun 15, 2012 @ 10:04pm · 0 Comments |